
Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work
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Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

In the Chinese entertainment industry, a special marriage has attracted widespread attention. Pu Fang, the daughter of well-known actor Pu Cunxin, actually married an ordinary rural young man Han Jinkai.

However, what is even more surprising is that Pu Cunxin not only did not ask for a bride price, but generously gave 500,000 yuan as a dowry. The unconventional move sparked a buzz on social media, with speculation rife surrounding the successful artist's decision to be so generous. What is the story behind this huge dowry? Let's uncover this family secret full of love and wisdom together.

Pu Fang grew up in an artistic family, his father Pu Cunxin is a well-known actor, and his mother Wanping is an excellent song and dance troupe actor. However, this high-profile family environment did not make Pu Fang well-behaved and sensible, but instead stimulated her rebellious nature.

The conflict between Pu Fang and his parents deepened day by day. In order to guide their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pu Cunxin encouraged her to learn piano, hoping to cultivate her interest in art.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

At first, Pu Fang showed a strong interest and practiced seriously every day after school. But the good times didn't last long, and she soon lost her enthusiasm for the piano.

As he grew older, Pu Fang became obsessed with romance novels and idol dramas, and even peeked at novels in class. Her academic performance has plummeted, much to the worrisome of Pu Cunxin's concern.

They tried various methods, but with little success. In the end, they made a difficult decision: to send Pu Fang to study abroad, hoping that the strict learning environment would change her.

However, Pu Fang did not change immediately after leaving the country. During an ice skating event organized by her school, she almost got into an accident by taking a risk of skiing despite the rules.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

This event became a turning point. Pu Cunxin took tough measures and froze his daughter's living expenses, which made Pu Fang begin to reflect on his actions.

After a difficult adjustment period, Pu Fang gradually adapted to life abroad, and his learning attitude has also improved significantly. When returning to China for a winter vacation, Pu Fang met his true love - Han Jinkai at the ski resort in Heilongjiang.

Han Jinkai is an excellent ski instructor, born in the countryside and a simple person. It was he who became Pufang's ski instructor. The two met because of their common interests and soon developed a deep relationship.

This relationship made Pu Fang gradually mature, and she began to think seriously about her future.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

This encounter not only brought Pu Fang a sincere love, but also allowed her to find the direction of her life. She began to work hard to learn skiing skills and regain her zest for life.

Pu Cunxin's changes have made Pu Cunxin and his wife feel gratified, and they have seen their daughter gradually grow into an adult who understands responsibility and love.

Han Jinkai was born in an ordinary rural family, and his family was not wealthy. However, with his own hard work and love for skiing, he became an excellent ski instructor.

When he met Pu Fang at the ski resort in Heilongjiang, a spark of love burst out between the two. However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing and they faced many challenges.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Pu Fang never revealed his family background to Han Jinkai. When Han Jinkai invited Pu Fang home to meet her parents, she was full of apprehension. Despite the simplicity of the Han family's living conditions, Pu Fang was deeply touched by their enthusiasm and sincerity.

This experience made her more convinced of her choice, and it also made her realize that sincere feelings are far more important than material conditions.

When it was Han Jinkai's turn to visit Pu Fang's family, he was surprised to find that Pu Fang's father was actually the famous actor Pu Cunxin. Faced with such a disparity in family background, Han Jinkai felt pressured.

But he did not back down, but plucked up the courage to promise Pu Cunxin that he would achieve remarkable achievements in his career within three years.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

In order to fulfill his promise, Han Jinkai resolutely decided to go to the United States to pursue his career dream, while Pu Fang chose to return to China for development. This is how the two began a long long-distance relationship.

During this time, they encouraged each other and grew together. Han Jinkai studied hard and constantly improved himself in a foreign country, and Pu Fang also worked hard to improve and prove his ability.

Three years have passed, and Han Jinkai has returned as promised and successfully secured a director position in a large company. He proved his ability and determination with practical actions, which not only impressed Pu Cunxin, but also strengthened Pu Fang's determination to spend his life with him.

The love story of this young couple shows the power of genuine feelings to cross class divides. Although they come from very different family backgrounds and face many challenges, they interpret the true meaning of love with practical actions.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Pu Cunxin was initially skeptical about the relationship, but he was gradually impressed by Han Jinkai's sincerity and hard work. He saw his daughter's growth in this relationship, and also appreciated Han Jinkai's efforts for love.

In the end, Pu Cunxin wholeheartedly supported this marriage.

On the eve of the wedding, Pu Cunxin made a surprising decision: not only did he not charge any bride price, but also gave the couple a dowry of 500,000 yuan. This move not only reflects Pu Cunxin's open-mindedness and generosity, but also shows his support and blessing for this cross-class love.

The story of Han Jinkai and Pu Fang teaches us that sincere feelings can cross any obstacle. Their love story not only touched the people around them, but also brought hope and courage to many couples facing similar difficulties.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

As the wedding date of Pu Fang and Han Jinkai approached, Pu Cunxin's heart was full of complex emotions. As a seasoned actor and father, he is both happy that his daughter has found true love, but also worried about the challenges that this cross-class marriage may face.

After careful consideration, Pu Cunxin made a surprising decision.

On the eve of the wedding, Pu Cunxin called the prospective newlyweds to his side and solemnly handed them a bank card containing 500,000 yuan in cash. He explained that the money is to help them cope with the difficulties they may encounter in the future, hoping to reduce their financial pressure and allow them to focus on managing their relationship.

This move not only reflects Pu Cunxin's generosity, but also shows his support for his daughter's marriage and his trust in his son-in-law.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

However, life after marriage is not all smooth sailing. Pu Fang and Han Jinkai faced various challenges: Pu Fang was not used to living with his in-laws and was unwilling to take on household chores; Han Jinkai neglected his family because of his busy work.

Whenever a contradiction arises, Pu Cunxin can always intervene in time and use his wisdom to resolve the crisis.

In the face of her daughter's willfulness, Pu Cunxin did not blindly protect her. He pointed out Pu Fang's problems in all seriousness and taught her to learn to take on her responsibilities as a wife and mother.

He told Pu Fang that a mature woman must not only achieve something in her career, but also know how to run a family. Pu Fang was deeply touched by these words and began to reflect on his actions.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

At the same time, Pu Cunxin did not ignore Han Jinkai's problem. He used his own experience to warn his son-in-law to learn to balance work and family. He suggested that Han Jinkai should also find time to spend with his wife and participate in family life in addition to his busy schedule.

These suggestions made Han Jinkai realize his shortcomings and began to work hard to change.

When Pu Fang had the idea of quitting due to high work pressure, Pu Cunxin did not directly dissuade her, but encouraged her to return to the workplace and find her self-worth. He believes that only Pu Fang, who pursues something in his career, can truly find balance and happiness in life.

Pu Cunxin's mediation not only helped the young couple get through the difficulties, but also gradually taught them how to manage their marriage. His act of wisdom shows the foresight of a father: not only to provide material support, but also to pay more attention to spiritual guidance.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Through this series of crisis resolutions, Pu Cunxin not only maintained her daughter's marriage, but also helped the young couple grow into more mature partners who know how to cherish each other.

His actions illustrate what true fatherly love is: not to spoil it, but to give the right guidance at the right time.

After marriage, Pu Fang underwent an amazing transformation. The girl who was once rebellious and willful and addicted to romance novels has now grown into a wife who knows how to be considerate of others and has the courage to take responsibility.

This change not only surprised the people around him, but also gave Pu Fang himself a new understanding of life.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Under Pu Cunxin's careful guidance, Pu Fang began to learn to take care of housework. At first, she was impatient with these trifles, but gradually, she found herself able to get satisfaction from them.

She began to try to live in harmony with her in-laws, learn to empathize, and understand the hard work of her husband. These changes not only made the family atmosphere more warm, but also made Pu Fang feel the responsibility and value of being a mature woman.

At the same time, Pu Fang did not give up his career pursuit. She returned to the workforce and showed impressive ability at work. Gradually, she found a balance between work and family, not only excelling at the company, but also taking care of her family back home.

This balance made her feel more fulfilled and confident than ever before.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Pu Fang's change is the most gratifying to Han Jinkai. He saw that his wife was no longer the eldest lady who could only be willful and coquettish, but had become a professional woman and a virtuous wife who could take charge of herself.

This transformation has made their relationship deeper and their family life more harmonious.

Pu Cunxin is also proud of her daughter's growth. He saw Pu Fang transform from a girl who could only read romance novels to a mature woman who could balance career and family.

This change made him feel very relieved and convinced that he had made the right decision.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Pu Fang's metamorphosis proves that everyone has the possibility of growth. As long as there is correct guidance and our own efforts, we can achieve a qualitative leap. Her story is not only a model of personal growth, but also an example for many young people, showing the importance of understanding and growing together in married life.

Today, Pu Cunxin's family life presents a harmonious and happy scene. Although he is still making achievements in his acting career, he spends more time helping his daughter and son-in-law take care of their children.

Whenever he sees Pu Fang and Han Jinkai working together, their careers developing steadily, and their husbands and wives living in harmony, Pu Cunxin's heart is full of satisfaction and satisfaction.

Han Jinkai has deep respect and gratitude for his father-in-law, Pu Cunxin. He deeply realized that it was precisely because of Pu Cunxin's broad-mindedness and wise guidance that he and Pu Fang were able to maintain the harmony and stability of their marriage, make continuous progress in their careers, and have a happy family life.

Pu Cunxin: My daughter married a country boy, and she also paid 500,000 yuan as a dowry, and finally realized her hard work

Pu Cunxin is not only a successful actor, but also a wise life mentor.

Pu Cunxin's story shows us that the power of family is infinite. Only by operating with love, patience and wisdom can the family become a warm harbor for every member.

Whether it is facing a once rebellious daughter or a son-in-law from different backgrounds, Pu Cunxin has resolved many difficulties with his tolerance and wisdom and created a happy family.

The story of this family teaches us that true family harmony does not lie in class alignment, but in mutual understanding, tolerance and support. Pu Cunxin used his actions to prove that as long as there is love in his heart, any family can overcome difficulties and find their own way to happiness.

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