
Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Lin Qingxia stood on the balcony of a luxury hotel, staring at the twinkling stars in the night sky. She whispered, "I've lived enough, this life!" Who would have thought that just half a year ago, she was still the radiant goddess of the screen, and now she has become the wife of Li Yuan, a wealthy businessman.

The beginning of this marriage originated from a party held by Shi Nansheng, the wife of the famous director Tsui Hark. At that time, Shi Nansheng introduced the wealthy businessman Li Yuan to Lin Qingxia.

Although Lin Qingxia is the goddess in everyone's hearts, Xing Li Yuan's wealth did not impress her when they first met. However, the mature entrepreneur finally won her favor with his unique personality charm and understanding of Lin's inner world.

Their lightning marriage was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the entertainment industry. Fans are in disbelief, the media is scrambling to report it, and all kinds of speculation are disturbing.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Some people marveled at Lin Qingxia's courage, while others questioned the motives of this marriage.

In the face of this sudden turning point in her life, Lin Qingxia's heart was unusually calm. She knew that this was just another unexpected episode in her life's journey. Years of ups and downs have taught her to face life's challenges with a more open-minded mindset.

Standing at another crossroads in her life, Lin Qingxia looks back at the past and the future. She knows that no matter how life changes, the most important thing is to stay true and be your truest self.

This seemingly hasty marriage may be an attempt for her to find inner peace.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Brigitte Lin's acting career began with an unexpected street encounter. Originally with the dream of becoming a flight attendant or teacher, she was stopped by a self-proclaimed talent scout on an ordinary day.

"I am very optimistic about you, beautiful lady!" This sentence completely changed the trajectory of Lin Qingxia's life.

At first, Lin Qingxia was full of doubts about this sudden compliment, and even suspected that it might be a hoax. However, when she returned home and found that the scout was still waiting, she couldn't help but feel confused and shocked.

This sincerity touched Lin Qingxia, and she decided to try her acting career and open a new door for her future.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Brigitte Lin's first experience on screen was not all smooth sailing. In her first movie "Outside the Window", although the young Lin Qingxia has outstanding appearance, her acting skills are still jerky.

The director has considered changing her role many times, which is undoubtedly a severe test for the fledgling Lin Qingxia.

At this critical moment, actor Qin Han stepped forward and became Lin Qingxia's guardian. With Qin Han's help and encouragement, Lin Qingxia gradually adapted to the camera and showed amazing talent.

Her beauty and talent began to shine on the screen, and she soon stood out in the entertainment industry.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

With the passage of time, Lin Qingxia has not only become more and more sophisticated in her acting skills, but also has shown her talent in many aspects. She loved painting and writing, and even earned a doctorate, becoming a veritable talent.

This intellectual beauty complements her screen image and leaves a deep impression on her audience.

Lin's success is not accidental. She has put in unimaginable efforts to keep learning and improving herself. In every role, she puts her heart and soul into it; Every time she challenged, she forged ahead.

It is this dedication and love for art that has shaped Lin Qingxia's unique screen charm.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

From the young girl who was discovered on the street to the much-anticipated goddess of the film industry, Lin Qingxia's acting career is full of drama. Her success is not only a triumph of beauty, but also a testimony of talent and perseverance.

Lin Qingxia used her own experience to prove that as long as you have dreams and have the courage to try, ordinary life can also bloom with extraordinary brilliance.

Lin Qingxia's love life is like a movie with ups and downs, the most striking of which is the love triangle between her and Qin Han and Qin Xianglin. This emotional entanglement has not only become the focus of the entertainment industry, but also the most complex and profound lesson in Lin Qingxia's life.

The relationship with Qin Han began with the filming of the movie "Outside the Window". At that time, Qin Han was already a married man, but he was still deeply attracted to the young and beautiful Lin Qingxia. Although she knows that this relationship is full of taboos, Lin Qingxia still can't resist the charm of mature men.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Qin Han confessed to his wife: "I have fallen deeply in love with a beautiful schoolgirl, and I can't suppress the impulse in my heart.

The relationship lasted for 24 years, and it was full of sweetness and bitterness. Lin Qingxia has experienced a transformation from an ignorant girl to a mature woman in this relationship.

However, as time passes, the trivialities and contradictions in life are gradually exposed, becoming an insurmountable gap between the two.

Just when Lin Qingxia's relationship with Qin Han was at a bottleneck, Qin Xianglin broke into her life. Qin Xianglin launched a passionate and persistent pursuit of Lin Qingxia, and even went to the United States to find her traces.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

At first, Lin Qingxia was bored with Qin Xianglin's entanglement, but as time passed, she was gradually moved by his sincerity.

When Qin Xianglin proposed to Lin Qingxia, he said: "We are just making a marriage contract, not an informal marriage. If you change your mind one day in the future, you don't need to be bothered, because it will be that I will not be able to satisfy you.

This thoughtfulness and respect deeply touched Lin Qingxia.

In this love triangle, Lin Qingxia experienced emotional torment and growth. She learned to look into her heart and understand that love is not only passion, but also needs to be understood and tolerated.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

She began to think about what was really right for her feelings.

In the end, Lin Qingxia chose to end her relationship with Qin Han, and did not go to the end with Qin Xianglin. This experience made her understand that true happiness requires the joint efforts of two people, not wishful thinking.

This complex emotional experience has had a profound impact on Lin Qingxia's life. It allows her to understand herself better and also makes her more rational and mature in the face of feelings.

As she later said, "After all, there is no escape from the people you should meet, and there is no way to avoid the calamity you should experience." The encounter between people is by no means accidental, it is all predestined.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Lin Qingxia, who came out of the whirlpool of this relationship, is no longer the girl who is easily confused by sweet words, but a mature woman who knows how to cherish sincere feelings and can maintain independence.

This experience has become one of the most valuable treasures in her life.

Lin Qingxia's flash marriage with wealthy businessman Li Yuan opened a new chapter in her life. This marriage breaks the norm and presents a unique mode of getting along. They chose to live separately, and this husband and wife relationship with a strong sense of boundary is difficult to understand to outsiders, and even caused a lot of speculation and questioning.

However, it is this non-traditional way of marriage that allows Lin Qingxia to find her own happiness. She and Xing Li Yuan have two lovely daughters, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying a rare quiet time.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

This lifestyle allows her to juggle family responsibilities and personal space to maintain herself in her marriage.

Regarding various rumors from the outside world, such as illegitimate children, divorce and property division, Lin Qingxia has always maintained an indifferent attitude. She knows that true happiness does not lie in the judgment of the outside world, but in the satisfaction of the heart.

As she puts it, "Everything doesn't matter, a lot of things never happen." This attitude of not being surprised by changes shows her insight and wisdom into life.

Lin Qingxia's married life has broken many people's inherent perception of "happy marriage". She proves that happiness is not a static pattern, but a personalized choice that varies from person to person.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Although the way she and Xing Li Yuan get along with each other does not conform to traditional concepts, they give each other full respect and freedom.

This marriage gave Lin Qingxia inner peace and satisfaction. She no longer needs to play the role of the perfect goddess in public, but can be her true self.

She can focus on her hobbies while enjoying the warmth of family life.

Brigitte Lin's married life teaches us that true happiness comes from being faithful to oneself and understanding one's partner. She used her own way to interpret what mature love is and what is a marriage that respects each other.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

In this "life", she found her own way to happiness.

After marriage, Lin Qingxia did not settle for the status quo, but started a colorful journey of self-exploration. She is no longer just a goddess on the screen, but an ordinary person who is constantly learning and growing.

This transformation has given her life a new glow.

Late-night writing became an integral part of Lin's life. When inspiration springs up, she doesn't hesitate to call a friend to share her feelings.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

This love for creation has enriched her inner world.

In addition to writing, Lin Qingxia also runs a column in Southern Weekly to share her life insights with readers. Her words are no longer limited to screen scripts, but go deep into life and touch the soul.

Art has become another way for Lin Qingxia to explore herself. She humbly sought the famous painter Li Zhiqing to teach her painting skills, and poured her inner emotions into the canvas through the brush.

At the same time, she also studied Peking Opera and practiced calligraphy, finding a new self in traditional culture.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

This kind of multi-faceted trial and learning makes Lin Qingxia seem to return to her vibrant youth. She is no longer the Lin Qingxia who is defined as the "goddess of the film industry", but an ordinary person who is constantly exploring and growing.

In this process, Lin Qingxia gradually found her own value in life. She understands that true success lies not in external praise, but in inner fulfillment and contentment.

Every day of study and creation, she feels the meaning and value of life.

Lin Qingxia's colorful life tells us that age is not a limit, and identity is not a constraint. As long as you stay curious and enthusiastic about learning, life will always be full of possibilities.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

She uses her actions to interpret what it means to truly "live enough" - not to stagnate, but to constantly break through herself and pursue a broader stage of life.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Lin Qingxia gradually formed her own unique philosophy of life. She has learned to cherish those who truly love her, and the importance of letting go of the past and living in the present.

In this complicated world, Lin Qingxia has always maintained her inner peace. She knows that no matter how the external environment changes, the most important thing is to stay true and be the most authentic version of herself.

Lin Qingxia's experience tells us that life is like a play, but you don't have to play it deliberately. She used "I've lived enough, this life!" To express an attitude towards life, it is both helpless and open-minded.

Lin Qingxia: I've lived enough, this ridiculous life!

Behind this sentence is her deep understanding of life and her calm acceptance of herself.

In Lin Qingxia's view, true wisdom does not lie in the pursuit of perfection, but in accepting the imperfections of life and finding one's own happiness in it. This may be her most sincere confession to this "life".

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