
The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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Electric vehicles provide great convenience for travel, although the sales of electric vehicles are relatively high, but electric vehicle brands are also very involuted, often engaged in price wars, resulting in the price of electric vehicles continues to decline. But in recent times, the number of people buying second-hand electric vehicles has increased significantly compared to buying new ones, why is that? Insiders share 3 reasons.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

Electric vehicle price war, the price of new electric vehicles continues to decline

Entering 2024, the electric vehicle sales market is still fiercely competitive, not only are prices falling in online stores, but also price wars between physical stores are often starting to engage in price wars, and brands are trying to attract customers by all means.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

For example, some time ago, Yadea and Emma launched a 199 yuan replacement battery, the purpose of which is to attract more users, increase the exposure of their electric vehicles, and increase the number of electric vehicle sales.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

Due to the continuous price war between electric vehicle brands, the price of electric vehicles is very transparent, and electric vehicles are almost unprofitable.

Why are more people willing to buy used electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

According to common sense, the price reduction of electric vehicles is good news for the majority of car owners, which can reduce the cost of buying a car, but now the number of users who buy electric vehicles is decreasing, and more people are willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles, why is this? There are three main reasons.

The management is becoming more and more strict, and electric vehicles are often seized

The management of electric vehicles is becoming more and more strict, not only in first-tier cities, but also in rural areas.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

Often there are car owners because of modification, assembly and other reasons, electric vehicles are seized by the traffic police, in the case of strict management, the user's willingness to buy electric vehicles declined, if the purchase of new electric vehicles is seized, then it is a big loss.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

Car owners who need to use electric vehicles would rather buy a second-hand electric vehicle, even if they are accidentally seized, they will not feel sorry.

Used electric vehicles are also enough to get around

For the vast majority of car owners, the use of electric vehicles is just a daily commute, either to buy groceries on the street, or to pick up and drop off children to and from school, and will not use electric vehicles as the main means of transportation, so even if you buy a second-hand electric car, it is enough to use it, and there is no need to buy a brand new electric car.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

Used electric cars are cheap

In addition, there is a very key factor, that is, when buying second-hand electric vehicles, the price is very cheap, and some second-hand cars that look good are only 20%~30% of the price of new electric vehicles.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

If the owner has an old electric car, he only needs to subsidize another three or five hundred yuan, and he can buy a second-hand electric car in very new condition, and in the current economic downturn, buying a second-hand electric car is not a good choice.

When buying a second-hand electric vehicle, you should pay attention to these three points

Although second-hand electric vehicles are very good and more cost-effective, users should still pay attention to the following 3 points when buying hand electric vehicles, so that the purchased vehicles will be safer when used.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons

Check the quality of the battery: First of all, you need to focus on the battery quality of the second-hand electric vehicle, if the range is not enough, you can trade in the old battery, which can completely improve the range of travel.

Test motor power: In addition, it is also necessary to remind you to try whether the power of the electric vehicle motor is enough, many second-hand electric vehicles due to long-term use, resulting in motor demagnetization, such second-hand electric vehicles should not be purchased as much as possible.

Check the performance of the brakes: high-quality braking performance is the guarantee of the safety of electric vehicles, so when buying a second-hand electric vehicle, you must carefully check and test the brake performance, if not, you can repair or replace the brakes.

The price of electric vehicles has fallen, why are more people willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles? There are three main reasons


Although the price of new electric vehicles is declining, the price is getting lower and lower, but more people are willing to buy second-hand electric vehicles, this is because the management is becoming more and more strict, new electric vehicles may be seized at any time, and second-hand electric vehicles are also enough for daily use, and the price of key second-hand cars is cheaper, so that buying second-hand electric vehicles is more cost-effective.

So, do you think it's better to buy a new EV or a used EV? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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