
In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: I didn't see that I was busy, Comrade Peng Dehuai, as an outstanding leader of the great people's army and an outstanding military strategist, his simple style and law-abiding spirit are admirable. At the critical moment of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Peng Dehuai traveled thousands of miles to the front line to inspect the troops, but was reprimanded by a soldier, what is going on? The warrior dared to yell at Peng Dehuai, how could Peng Dehuai be so angry?

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

In 1953, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea entered its final stage, and both sides were preparing for a final armistice. On the second day after the armistice agreement was signed, Peng Dehuai came to inspect the position of the 46th Army of the Volunteer Army with infinite concern for the soldiers.

Early in the morning, Peng Dehuai walked up the hillside alone, only to see the soldiers on the hillside sweating to fill in the trenches. According to the armistice, both sides must complete this task within a time limit, otherwise it will be considered a breach of the agreement. Seeing everyone's hard work, Peng Dehuai felt pity, he wanted to come forward and talk to everyone cordially, so that everyone could rest for a while.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

"Hello comrades!" Peng Dehuai shouted to the soldiers. Strangely, only a few people looked back at him, and most of them were indifferent, which made Peng Dehuai a little annoyed. Peng Dehuai raised his voice and shouted again: "Hello comrades!" The warriors looked him up and down disapplauded, but no one answered.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

Peng Dehuai was furious, and he shouted to a soldier: "Call your squad leader out for me!" I saw a soldier come out of the tunnel and shout impatiently, "What's the matter? Don't you see I'm busy!"

The fact that a squad leader dared to contradict the commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army in such a way is not throwing military discipline out of the clouds. Peng Dehuai jumped like thunder, glared at everyone fiercely, turned his head and walked towards the military headquarters.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

Soon, Huang Yongsheng and others arrived when they heard the news, and Peng Dehuai immediately reprimanded: "How are your "Military Regulations" implemented?" It turned out that according to military regulations, the soldiers should greet and respond to the chief, and the soldiers of that group did not know anything and turned a blind eye to Peng Dehuai, which was indeed an unforgivable crime.

Later, it was found out that the reason was that Peng Dehuai was only wearing an ordinary military uniform, and the soldiers did not know much about his appearance, so they mistook him for an ordinary worker. When the soldiers learned that the "black old man" was Peng Dehuai, they all cried bitterly, and they all blamed themselves for a long time.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

In fact, for Peng Dehuai, this is just a trivial matter, but it reflects the great importance he attaches to revolutionary discipline. As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules, and the observance of discipline by military personnel has a bearing on the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the whole army. You must know that in the arduous years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it was precisely because of the iron law of the Red Army that the troops could not be ruptured and marched forward bravely. Even in peacetime, military discipline is still an important embodiment of the professional ethics of military personnel.

Obviously, the squad leader's behavior undoubtedly violated military discipline, so he was criticized by Peng Dehuai. As for Peng Dehuai's serious style, we can also see this. As a generation of famous generals, he took the lead and was strict with himself, never posing music, not paying attention to food and clothing, and even wearing shoes with bare toes in winter. Once, when he inspected Dalian, the local leaders prepared more than 20 dishes for reception, and Peng Dehuai was furious when he saw this: "We are not emperors and generals, if you let me eat these things, are we worthy of the people?" Even old comrades-in-arms like Huang Yongsheng were blamed for dressing stylishly. It can be seen that Peng Dehuai hates extravagance and waste, and always maintains a simple style.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

In the old society, warlords were the norm to fight and extravagance, while revolutionary soldiers were "willing to sacrifice and dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky." It is precisely this arduous and simple revolutionary tradition that has created generations of heroic generals represented by Peng Dehuai. They set an example, were strict with themselves, and influenced and educated officers and men with practical actions, thus creating a serious military atmosphere. The so-called "Your Excellency the General can accommodate himself, and the civil and military heroes compete for glory".

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

In general, this seemingly ordinary incident reflects Comrade Peng Dehuai's great importance to military discipline and military regulations, as well as his consistent simple style. As a generation of famous generals, Peng Dehuai took the lead and tempered a people's army that obeyed the command and was strictly disciplined. Although his approach was severe, he had a lofty goal, that is, to ensure that revolutionary soldiers would always maintain their revolutionary nature, never forget their original aspirations, and never keep their mission firmly in mind.

In 1953, Peng Dehuai looked for the first squad leader of the 46th Army, why did the other party roar angrily: Didn't you see that I was busy?

The revolutionary years forged a generation of Peng Dehuai and others, and in them, we not only saw the heroic and tenacious revolutionary character, but also saw the absolute loyalty to the party and the people. Throughout Peng Dehuai's life, the simplicity, the perseverance, and the pure heart for the people shone brightly, just like a bright light in the army during the war years. His spirit and style will forever be engraved in the long history of the people's army and become a glorious example for future generations to learn from and emulate. #头条首发大赛#