
The sheep baby strayed into the rich merchant's manor, and the old cow gnawed on the expensive peony, the old way: eat well

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a strange thing in this water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that in the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a sheep herding baby named Ergou, who is smart and lively, although the family is so poor that it jingles, but every day in the green mountains and green waters, the small days are also very moist. One day, when the second dog was herding sheep, he accidentally broke into a splendid manor. The owner of this manor, is a rich man called Qian Dafu, although this person is so stingy, but he likes to pretend to be a cultural person, his garden is full of some expensive flowers and plants, the most valuable, but also the peonies moved from Luoyang. I heard that when the peony blooms, the garden is full of spring, and butterflies and bees rush to collect honey.

Ergou, this kid, has never seen this battle, as soon as he entered the manor, his eyes were straight. He was amazed as he looked around. Suddenly, he saw an old cow gnawing on the most precious peony. Ergou thought to himself, this time the old cow will cause a big disaster, if you let Qian Dafu know, the skin of the old cow will have to be picked. The second dog was about to step forward to stop it, but he saw that the old cow was gnawing fragrantly, as if the peony was better than the grass. Ergou pondered in his heart, and said in his heart: "This old cow can't be a good man, right?" He didn't dare to act rashly, so he watched quietly.

At this moment, Qian Dafu returned. When he saw the old cow gnawing on the peony, he was so angry that he yelled: "Where did the bison come from, dare to destroy my baby!" As he spoke, he called for someone to come and catch the cow. When Ergou saw it, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master, don't worry, this old cow may have something unspeakable." When Qian Dafu heard this, he frowned, looked at Ergou suspiciously, and asked, "You sheep herder, what do you have to say?" Ergou took a deep breath, stabilized his nerves, and said, "Master, this old cow is not an ordinary animal, it gnaws peonies, maybe this peony has a demonic spirit." When Qian Dafu heard this, he became interested and asked, "Oh? How do you know? The second dog told him how he broke into the manor by mistake and how he saw the old cow gnawing peonies. After Qian Dafu heard this, he pondered for a while and said, "Okay, I'll believe you once." If you can prove that this peony has a demonic spirit, I will spare this old cow. When Ergou heard this, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly said, "Master, I have a way." With that, he ran to the side, took out a piece of rune paper from his bosom, chanted words in his mouth, and then pasted the rune paper on the peony. I saw that the rune paper suddenly emitted a puff of green smoke, and then the peony let out a terrible scream, turned into a puff of green smoke, and disappeared without a trace. Qian Dafu was dumbfounded, and hurriedly asked, "This... What's going on? Ergou smiled slightly and said, "Master, this peony was originally a demon flower, and it used witchcraft to deceive your eyes, making you think that it was a valuable peony." "Oh, that's a real annoyance, that thing has been sneaking up your essence and making you uncomfortable. Okay now, I'll use Maoshan's charm to let Ya whole away, and you can sleep well in the future. When Qian Dafu heard this, he immediately understood, and hurriedly bowed to Ergou to thank him, and thought of rewarding him with some gold and silver treasures. Ergou waved his hand and said, "Master, we are just ordinary people, what's the use of asking for gold and silver treasures?" If you can treat that old cow well, although it eats your peony, it is also to save your life. When Qian Dafu heard this, his heart was warm, and he quickly nodded in agreement. Since then, he no longer dares to underestimate this sheep herding baby and two dogs, and regards him as a guest of honor at home. Because of the life-saving grace of the second dog, the old cow has become the patron saint of the manor, guarding the land and the safety of the people day and night.

The sheep baby strayed into the rich merchant's manor, and the old cow gnawed on the expensive peony, the old way: eat well

Qian Dafu pondered in his heart, these two dogs must not be ordinary people, maybe the little Taoist priest in the Taoist temple came down the mountain to practice. So, he often chatted with Ergou, wanting to learn some Maoshan techniques from him. Ergou didn't hide it, and often told Qian Dafu about the fur of Maoshan Technique, and taught him a few simple ways to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits. Although Qian Dafu only learned a little, he also felt that he had benefited a lot, and the manor was never haunted again, and the business became more and more prosperous.

After a while, one day, an old man came to the manor. The old Taoist had white hair and beard, was wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk, and at first glance he was a master of Taoism. When Qian Dafu saw it, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, thinking that this old man must have come to the manor to do things, so he respectfully invited the old man into the house. Lao Dao entered the manor, looked around, and then nodded and said, "The feng shui here is good, but it seems to be a bit evil." When Qian Dafu heard this, he hurriedly asked the old man how to resolve it. Lao Dao smiled slightly and said, "That evil spirit comes from the peony that was gnawed by the old cow." When Qian Dafu heard this, he was shocked, and hurriedly called Ergou over. As soon as the two dogs saw the old way, they knew that they were fellow believers, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute. Lao Dao was also stunned when he saw Ergou, and then smiled: "It turned out to be a little friend of Maoshan, and I am fortunate to have it." Ergou smiled modestly and said, "The Taoist has won the award, I am a sheep herding baby, and I know a little bit about fur." Lao Dao waved his hand and said, "Little friend doesn't need to be modest, I have already heard of your ability." I came today for the sake of that peony. When Ergou heard this, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked Lao Dao how to resolve the evil spirit of the peony. Lao Dao pondered for a while and said, "That peony was originally a demon flower, which used witchcraft to confuse the owner of the manor and suck his essence. Now it has been removed, but the evil spirit is still there. To completely dissolve it, you have to use a magic circle. When Qian Dafu heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, how is the magic circle arranged?" Lao Dao smiled slightly and said, "This magic circle has to use seventy-seven forty-nine spells, and it has to be arranged with something special." "Oh, this thing is really not covered, these treasures are rare treasures, it is even more difficult to get them together!" When Qian Dafu heard this, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and hurriedly said: "Dao Chief, you can relax, as long as you can name these treasures, I will smash the pot and sell iron, and I have to find them." Lao Dao smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you the names of these treasures." The old Taoist told the story and listed a long list of treasures, such as thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and 10,000-year-old turtle shells, which are dazzling to listen to.

When Qian Dafu heard this, although he was a little drumming in his heart, he gritted his teeth and decided to let go of these treasures when he thought that he could completely dispel the evil spirit in the manor. So, Qian Dafu sent people around, ran around, and with a lot of effort, finally found all those treasures one by one. When Lao Dao saw it, he was also surprised, and said: "Master Qian, you are really a blessed person, these treasures have been found by you." ”

The sheep baby strayed into the rich merchant's manor, and the old cow gnawed on the expensive peony, the old way: eat well

Then, Lao Dao began to get busy, he held the dust whisk in his hand, chanted words in his mouth, and pasted charms around the manor. Then he put those special treasures in the center of the circle. I saw that these treasures were shining brightly under the effect of the magic circle, and the entire manor was surrounded by a mysterious aura. After three days and three nights of tossing, the circle was finally arranged. Lao Dao stood in the center of the circle, took a deep breath, and then slammed the dust and shouted: "Get up!" The light in the circle instantly erupted, forming a huge pillar of light that soared into the sky. The pillar of light lasted for a while, then slowly dissipated. Lao Dao put away the dust, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he turned to Qian Dafu and said, "Master Qian, the magic circle has been arranged, and the evil spirit of the manor has been completely dispelled. From now on, the manor will be able to return to its former tranquility. ”

When Qian Dafu heard this, he was so excited that his tears were about to fall, and he hurriedly thanked Lao Dao. Lao Dao waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, if you want to thank this little friend of Maoshan." If he hadn't discovered the demon flower in time and asked me to set up the magic circle, the evil spirit of this manor wouldn't know when it would have been to make trouble. When Qian Dafu heard this, he hurriedly thanked Ergou. Ergou smiled slightly and said, "Master, you are too polite, I just did what I should do." ”

Since then, nothing strange has happened in the manor, and Qian Dafu's business has grown bigger and bigger, and he has become the richest man in the area. And Ergou also became famous because of this incident and became a hero in people's mouths. After listening to the old words, Qian Dafu's face showed a trace of emotion. He looked at Ergou, his eyes full of gratitude and respect. This sheep herding baby and two dogs, although from a poor background, has extraordinary insight and courage, which makes Qian Dafu look at this seemingly ordinary teenager with admiration. Ergou smiled slightly and waved his hand, as if all this was what he was supposed to do. He turned to Lao Dao and said, "Dao Chief, since the magic circle has been arranged and the evil qi of the manor has been dispelled, can I go?" Lao Dao nodded and said approvingly: "Xiaoyou retired after success, not greedy for fame, what a real hero." "Gee, that's not easy. You see, our second dog brother, although he is very curious about the mysterious and mysterious things in Maoshan, but he has a heavier burden in his heart, and the old mother at home has to take care of it, so he can't be sloppy. However, he also wrote down the old words in his heart, thinking that if he had the opportunity one day, he would definitely go to Maoshan to study hard. Lao Dao listened and nodded, indicating that he understood. Then he turned to Qian Dafu and said, "Master Qian, the magic circle has been completed, and I should also go." If you need anything in the future, you will send someone to Maoshan to find me. Qian Dafu was in a hurry, and hurriedly stepped forward to keep Lao Dao, but Lao Dao had already made up his mind and had to go. Qian Dafu knew that this old man was not an ordinary person, so he couldn't force it, so he had to send the old man out in person.

The sheep baby strayed into the rich merchant's manor, and the old cow gnawed on the expensive peony, the old way: eat well

When he arrived at the gate of the manor, Qian Dafu gave a big gift to Lao Dao and said gratefully: "Dao Chief, this time I really thank you, otherwise my manor would never have peace." If there is any need in the future, I will do my best. Lao Dao smiled slightly and replied: "Master Qian, you are too polite." We cultivators are supposed to help the world. Now that the circle has been completed and the manor has returned to calm, I have completed my mission. If there is a fate in the future, let's meet again. After saying that, Lao Dao turned around and left. Qian Dafu looked at the back of the old man, and his heart was full of respect and gratitude.

Qian Dafu turned his head to Ergou and said, "Ergou, this time it's really thanks to you." If you hadn't discovered that demon flower in time and invited this master, my manor would have been doomed a long time ago. Ergou waved his hand and said, "Master, you are serious." I do what I should do. Besides, if there is no help from the Dao Leader this time, I will be helpless. Qian Dafu nodded and said, "You're right, this Taoist is really a master among the masters." If there is a chance in the future, we must repay him well. After speaking, Qian Dafu pulled the second dog into the manor. He knew in his heart that after this incident, Ergou's status in his heart was different. is no longer an ordinary sheep herding baby, but a hero with great wisdom and courage.

Since then, Qian Dafu has paid more attention to Ergou, not only letting him be in charge of the security of the manor, but also often asking him some questions about Maoshan technique. Ergou also did his best to help Qian Dafu manage the manor in an orderly manner, and nothing strange ever happened. Qian Dafu's business grew bigger and bigger, and he became the richest man in the local area. He knew that all this was inseparable from Ergou's help, so he was more respectful and grateful to Ergou.

The sheep baby strayed into the rich merchant's manor, and the old cow gnawed on the expensive peony, the old way: eat well

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. With the help of Qian Dafu, Ergou not only learned a lot of knowledge about Maoshan techniques, but also slowly became a real Maoshan Taoist. This buddy, what a chivalrous and righteous master, wandering around, where there is trouble, there is him, helping people to the end. Qian Dafu, the old brother, is not idle, he always sends people to Maoshan to run, just to find that master, want to listen to his high opinion again, and get some advice.

Coincidentally, the kid Ergou once met Lao Dao in Maoshan again, and the two of them hit it off at first sight, and they chatted so happily. Lao Dao was full of praise for Ergou, saying that he had potential and talent, and encouraged him to continue to practice Maoshan Technique, saying that he would definitely be able to become a great weapon in the future. When Ergou heard this, he felt beautiful in his heart, and immediately decided to listen to the old way and continue his studies.

Bidding farewell to the old way, Ergou returned to the manor, called Qian Dafu, and told him about 1510. When Qian Dafu heard this, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, patted his chest and said that he would give it his full support, and Ergou's cultivation path began. He practiced hard day and night, and he had a thorough understanding of the doorway of Maoshan Technique.

The sheep baby strayed into the rich merchant's manor, and the old cow gnawed on the expensive peony, the old way: eat well

After a few years, Ergou Kung Fu arrived at home, and he mastered the essence of Maoshan Technique, and became a veritable Maoshan Taoist. Since then, Ergou has been a Taoist priest in the rivers and lakes, chivalrous and righteous, eliminating violence and peace, and his reputation has become a legend.

Qian Dafu, with such a right-hand man as Ergou, the business is getting bigger and bigger, and he has become the richest man in the local area and a philanthropist. The friendship between the two is called an iron, and it is a good story.