
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.

author:That Man in Oman
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.
The top ten taboos for sleeping, I benefited a lot after reading it.

Dream language of the Tang Dynasty: Li Xiaobai and the ten taboos of sleeping

In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, not only culture and art reached their peak, but even people's daily living habits were full of wisdom and exquisiteness. In this prosperous era, there is a young man named Li Xiaobai, who is smart and studious, and is full of curiosity about every detail of life.

Li Xiaobai has a habit, that is, he especially likes to study the way of health preservation. He believes that life can only be enjoyed better if it is physically and mentally healthy. One day, he happened to hear the old people talking about the "ten taboos of sleeping", and felt that it made sense, so he decided to study it deeply.

Li Xiaobai first found the elders in the village and asked them about the specific content of the "Ten Taboos for Sleeping". The elder told him that although these 10 taboos are simple, if they can be strictly followed, they will benefit a lot. So, the elder began to tell in detail.

"The first taboo is to sleep on a full stomach." The elder said slowly, "After a person is full, the qi and blood will concentrate in the stomach, and falling asleep at this time will not only affect digestion, but also may lead to insomnia and dreams. After hearing this, Li Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully.

"The second taboo is to avoid overthinking before bed." The elder continued, "If you have a lot of thoughts before going to bed, it is easy to cause restlessness and difficulty in sleeping. Even when you fall asleep, you are prone to nightmares. After hearing this, Li Xiaobai deeply felt that he usually had this habit and decided to correct it in the future.

"The third taboo is to avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed." The elder continued, "Alcohol can disrupt sex and disturb sleep. In the long run, it is extremely detrimental to the body. Li Xiaobai remembered that he had fallen asleep after drinking several times, and he always had a headache the next day, so he silently wrote down this taboo.

"The fourth taboo is to avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime." The elder added, "After strenuous exercise, people are prone to excitement and rapid heartbeat, so how can they sleep peacefully? Li Xiaobai recalled that when he was young, he often played before going to bed, which made it difficult to sleep at night, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

"The fifth taboo is to avoid excessive use of the brain before going to bed." The elder said earnestly, "Although reading and writing are good, they should also be done in moderation. If you use your brain excessively before going to bed, it can easily lead to nervous tension and affect the quality of sleep. Li Xiaobai secretly decided in his heart that he should take a timely rest in his future studies to avoid excessive fatigue.

"The sixth taboo is to sleep with your head covered." The elder continued, "Sleeping with your head covered can easily lead to poor breathing and affect your health. Li Xiaobai remembered that he was afraid of the cold in winter when he was a child, and he often slept with his head covered, and he was afraid for a while.

"The seventh taboo is to avoid mood swings before bedtime." "If you are too excited or depressed before going to bed, it will affect the quality of your sleep. Li Xiaobai couldn't help but feel emotionally moved when he thought that he had been sleepless all night because of some things.

"The eighth taboo is to drink tea before going to bed." The elder continued, "Although tea can refresh the mind, drinking tea before bed can easily lead to insomnia. Li Xiaobai remembered that he had tossed and turned several times because of drinking tea at night, and he smiled bitterly in his heart.

"The ninth taboo is to avoid a noisy sleeping environment." The elder added, "A noisy environment can disturb people's minds and affect the quality of sleep. Li Xiaobai remembered that he used to live near the market, and he was often woken up by various sounds at night, and he felt helpless.

"The last taboo is to avoid improper sleeping positions." The elder concluded, "Improper sleeping posture not only affects the quality of sleep, but may also cause damage to the body. Li Xiaobai remembered that he had cervical spine pain caused by improper sleeping position, and felt a burst of regret in his heart.

After listening to the elderly's story, Li Xiaobai felt that he had not paid enough attention to sleep before. He decided to strictly abide by the "Ten Taboos of Sleeping" from now on, so that he could have a healthy body and a beautiful dream.

As a result, Li Xiaobai began to adjust his living habits. He no longer fell asleep immediately after a full meal, but went to bed after a short rest; He no longer overthinks or drinks before bed, but chooses to listen to some soft music to relax; Instead of exercising vigorously or overusing his brain before bedtime, he chooses to take a walk or read a book to relax himself; Instead of sleeping with his head covered or mood swings, he strives to maintain a calm state of mind; Instead of drinking tea before bed or living in a noisy environment, he opted for quiet accommodation and a comfortable bed; He also no longer slept in an improper position, but learned the correct sleeping position.

After a period of adjustment, Li Xiaobai found that his sleep quality had improved significantly. He fell asleep quickly every night and slept until dawn; His mental state has also improved, and his work efficiency has improved a lot. He felt the benefits of following the "10 taboos of sleeping" and was proud to have such a healthy lifestyle.

The story spread throughout the village, and people followed Li Xiaobai's example and began to pay attention to their sleep health. They found that by following the "Ten Taboos of Sleeping", they could have a good dream and a healthy body. And this story has also become a good story during the Tang Dynasty and has been passed down to this day.

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