
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes

author:That Man in Oman
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes
Hotel front desk: I have been in the industry for 8 years, and I have seen countless green hats with my own eyes

The red dust edge under the green hat of the Tang Dynasty

In that prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, there was a young man named Li Xiaobai, who stepped into the hotel front desk industry at a young age. At that time, the hotel was not as high-end and luxurious as it is in modern times, but it was still a place where businessmen and scholars gathered. With his intelligence and diligence, Li Xiaobai quickly made a name for himself in this industry.

Eight years have passed in a flash, and Li Xiaobai has grown from a young teenager to a leader at the front desk of the hotel. He has met all kinds of people, heard countless stories, and witnessed the joys and sorrows hidden behind the prosperity.

Among them, what impressed him the most was the so-called "green hat" incidents. In the Tang Dynasty, although there was no clear word for "green hat", people had a sensitive and subtle understanding of the affairs of men and women. Li Xiaobai has seen too many disputes and tragedies caused by emotional entanglements.

Once, a wealthy merchant came to the hotel with his wife. The wealthy merchant looked personable and imposing, while his wife was beautiful and gentle. However, soon after moving in, Li Xiaobai found the clue. The wealthy merchant often went out late at night, while his wife often wept alone.

One night, after the wealthy businessman went out again, Li Xiaobai saw that his wife's room was brightly lit. Out of curiosity, he crept close to the window and eavesdropped. I heard the lady cry in a low voice: "Why is he so ruthless? I paid so much for him, but he betrayed me......" Li Xiaobai was shocked, could this be the legendary "green hat" incident?

Just as he was hesitating whether to intervene, a handsome and dashing man suddenly appeared at the door of Madame's room. The two of them hugged each other and cried, as if they had endless love words. Li Xiaobai sighed in his heart: Love in this world is really complicated and difficult to solve!

However, what he didn't expect was that the incident didn't end there. The next day, the rich merchant returned, and he discovered the abnormality of his wife. After some questioning and arguing, the wealthy merchant left the hotel in anger. And the lady fell into deep self-reproach and pain.

Li Xiaobai watched this scene happen, and his heart was mixed. He realized that these "cuckold" incidents are not only as simple as personal emotional entanglements, but also involve the complexity of human nature and social ethics.

In the following days, Li Xiaobai encountered many similar incidents. There are those who frame others because of jealousy, there are those who betray love because of greed, and there are those who sacrifice family affection because of power struggles...... These incidents made Li Xiaobai deeply distressed.

However, surrounded by these negative energies, Li Xiaobai did not sink. He firmly believes that human nature is inherently good, but he is only influenced by some external factors and lost his way. He decided to change the spread of these negative energies in his own way.

So, Li Xiaobai began to promote positive energy in the hotel. He used his own personal experience and what he saw and heard to tell people that emotions need sincerity and loyalty, interpersonal relationships need respect and trust, and society needs justice and kindness...... His words were earnest and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and soon resonated widely in the hotel.

At the same time, Li Xiaobai also actively helps those who are caught in emotional entanglements. He used his wisdom and experience to resolve conflicts, mediate disputes, and bring happiness and peace back to many people. His acts of kindness have also earned him respect and gratitude.

As time passed, Li Xiaobai's influence in the hotel became more and more significant. He not only became a leader in the front desk of the hotel, but also a highly respected and admired figure. His story also spread throughout the Tang Dynasty and became a legendary existence.

In this story, we see Li Xiaobai's arduous journey from a young boy to a leader at the front desk of the hotel; also saw his calmness and rationality in the face of the "cuckold" incident; I also saw his courage and wisdom to change the spread of negative energy and spread positive energy in his own way.

This story tells us that in the journey of life, we will inevitably encounter various challenges and difficulties. However, as long as we maintain a kind and righteous heart, have the courage to face problems, and actively seek solutions, we will be able to overcome difficulties and welcome a better future. At the same time, we should also learn to respect others, care for others, help others, and let positive energy continue to be transmitted and carried forward in our lives.

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