
The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

author:A cultural feast

Recently, there have been a lot of jokes in India. In just three days, the roofs of three airports where Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally cut the ribbon have collapsed one after another.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

At the beginning of June, the scene was quite ironic. First, in the space of a weekend, the roofs of three airports in different locations collapsed as promised. Not only were the three airports cut the ribbon by Prime Minister Modi himself, but they were also designed and built claiming to use state-of-the-art technology and materials.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

The roof of Airport 1 suddenly collapsed on a sunny afternoon, fortunately there were no casualties, but it was undoubtedly a huge blow to the airport that had just been put into use. The following day and three, similar events occurred at two other airports, making the series of events even more bizarre and incredible.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

While the airport incident was still being discussed, something even more shocking happened in Bihar. Four of the state's newly built bridges suddenly collapsed during a thunderstorm and plunged directly into the river below. It is understood that these bridges are key bridges connecting important transportation routes, and their design and construction claim to use new technologies for flood and earthquake resistance.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

Next, Pragatimedan's newly built tunnel was quickly submerged in a sudden flood due to the poor design of the drainage system. The tunnel was originally built to improve local traffic flow and connect important industrial areas, but it turned out to be useless.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

In Mumbai, cracks were found in the newly built cross-harbour highway shortly after it opened. The highway, which was supposed to improve regional traffic efficiency, now looks more like a dangerous section of road that has not been rigorously tested. The situation in Ayodhya is also not encouraging.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

The new railway station here has a large area of wall falling off due to the use of inferior building materials. Platforms that are supposed to provide a comfortable waiting environment for passengers can now pose a threat to people's safety at any time. There were also serious problems with the renovation of the Rama temple.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

And the most incredible thing is that the new rapid train system in Kanchenjunga has actually collided with a freight train and a fast train under the newly launched anti-collision system. This system, which was supposed to be a major step forward in railway safety in India, was only to be exposed to serious shortcomings in practice.

The roof of 3 airports in India collapsed in 3 days! Indians jokingly call it Modi's Industry 3.0 hat-trick

These successive infrastructure failures not only pose a serious threat to India's public safety, but also deal a huge blow to the country's infrastructure reputation. Every accident has a direct impact on the lives of thousands of people, and it is undoubtedly a disappointment for ordinary people who are looking forward to improving their quality of life through these programs.

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