
Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

author:Genki lamb ho

In the long history of the Qing Dynasty, there was such a figure who could have become the emperor, but twice voluntarily gave up the throne. He was Nurhachi's second son, Daishan. Dai Shan not only fought bravely on the battlefield, but also won praise from later generations for his humility and political wisdom. However, what considerations are hidden behind Daishan's abdication of the throne? Is it a lack of personal ambition, or is it for the sake of the big picture? And after giving up the throne, what is special about the title of Prince Li obtained by Dai Shan? This title, known as the "Iron Hat King", where is the "iron"? And what impact does it have on future generations?

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

Dai Shan, born in 1583, was the second son of Nurhachi, the founding monarch of the Later Jin Dynasty, and his mother was Menggu Gege. As Nurhachi's second son, Daishan received rigorous military training and political education from an early age, laying the foundation for becoming an outstanding general and politician in the future.

Dai Shan's family background is quite prominent. His father, Nurhachi, was the leader of the Jianzhou Jurchens who later established the Later Jin regime, laying the foundation for the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. Daishan's mother, Menggu Gege, is one of Nurhachi's wives and has a high status in the family. Such a family background provides a good growth environment and development opportunities for Daishan.

In terms of military talent, Dai Shan excelled. He inherited his father's prowess and began to march with the army from a young age. In the Battle of Salhu in 1619, Daishan led an army and engaged in a fierce confrontation with the Ming army. In this battle, Dai Shan showed extraordinary military talent and command art, successfully repelled the attack of the Ming army, and won an important victory for the Later Jin.

This battle not only consolidated the rule of the Later Jin, but also allowed Daishan's military talents to be fully displayed. His bravery and wisdom won him the admiration of his father, Nurhachi, and also established his prestige in the army. In recognition of Daishan's exploits, Nurhachi specially awarded him the title of "Guying Baturu", which means "warrior like steel". This title is the only one in the entire history of the Qing Dynasty, which shows Dai Shan's outstanding military performance.

In addition to the Battle of Salhu, Daishan also participated in many campaigns against the Ming Dynasty. In these battles, he repeatedly performed military exploits, showing not only his personal bravery, but also his outstanding military command skills. He was adept at using the mobility of cavalry, often attacking the enemy by surprise and catching the opponent by surprise. These achievements not only strengthened the military strength of the Later Jin, but also laid the foundation for the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in the future.

In terms of political talent, Dai Shan also excelled. He is able to accurately grasp the political situation and make the right decisions at critical moments. For example, in the battle for succession after Nurhachi's death, Daizenmoto had a good chance of inheriting the throne, but he chose to support Huang Taiji. This decision not only avoided divisions within the Later Jin, but also created the conditions for the establishment of the later Qing Dynasty.

Daishan had a very close relationship with his father, Nurhachi. Nurhachi has repeatedly expressed his respect for Dai Shan, and even made him his heir at one time. However, due to some complicated court events, Daishan eventually lost his status as heir. Despite this, Dai Shan did not resent his father because of this, but worked harder to serve Hou Jin, and this loyalty and generosity won Nurhachi's appreciation.

In Nurhachi's later years, Daishan became his right-hand man. He not only assisted his father in military and political affairs, but also played an important role in foreign wars. Before Nurhachi died, he also specially instructed other descendants to unite around Daishan, which shows Nurhachi's trust and importance to Daishan.

Overall, Dai Shan's life is full of legends. He was not only a brave general, but also a wise politician. His military prowess made an important contribution to the growth of the Later Jin, while his political wisdom played a key role in the establishment and stability of the Qing Dynasty. Dai Shan's life not only reflects his personal talent and charm, but also reflects the changes and historical process of that era.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

As the second son of Nurhachi, Dai Shan had the opportunity to ascend the throne twice during the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, but he chose to give up on his own initiative. These two decisions to abdicate the throne not only reflected the political wisdom of Dai Shan, but also had a profound impact on the historical course of the Qing Dynasty.

The first abdication of the throne took place in 1626, after Nurhachi's death. According to Manchurian tradition, Dai Shan, as the second son, was the most qualified candidate to inherit the throne. At that time, among the eight major Baylors of the Later Jin, Dai Shan, Huang Taiji and Mang Gurtai were the most powerful. Among them, Daishan is not only older, but also has many children, many of whom have reached adulthood and have their own power. On the surface, Dai Shan's succession seems to be a natural choice.

However, Dai Shan unexpectedly chose to support Huang Taiji's succession. At the crucial election meeting, Dai Shan took the lead in expressing his support for Huang Taiji, a move that had a significant impact on the rest of Baylor. Dai Shan's decision not only reflects his political foresight, but also shows his consideration of the overall situation.

The reasons why Dai Shan supported Huang Taiji may be as follows: First, Huang Taiji has excelled in both military and political aspects, and has the ability to lead Houjin to continue to grow and develop. Second, Daishan may have recognized that if he succeeded to the throne, he could provoke the discontent of the other Baylors, leading to internal divisions. Finally, Dai Shan may also have considered his own age and thought that the young Huang Taiji was more suitable for long-term rule.

This decision of Dai Shan laid the foundation for the stability and development of Houjin. Under the rule of Huang Taiji, the Later Jin changed the name of the country to Qing and began to expand into the Central Plains. Dai Shan continued to play an important role in this process and made great contributions to the establishment of the Qing Dynasty.

The second abdication of the throne occurred in 1643, after the sudden death of Huang Taiji. At that time, Huang Taiji's eldest son, Fulin (later Emperor Shunzhi), was only 6 years old, which was not enough to govern himself. In this case, Daizen once again became a strong contender for the throne.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

However, Daishan once again chose to give up. He supported the young Fulin as emperor and elected Dorgon as regent. Behind this decision, Dai Shan's political wisdom and consideration of the overall situation are once again reflected.

First of all, supporting Fu Lin's succession can ensure that the throne will be passed on in the Huang Taiji lineage and avoid causing disputes within the royal family. Second, the selection of Dorgon as regent would ensure that the young emperor would have a capable leader at the helm while he was growing up. Finally, this decision also reflects Daishan's respect for the Manchurian tradition, that is, respect for the last wishes of the late emperor.

This decision of Dai Shan once again stabilized the political situation of the Qing Dynasty. Under the regency of Dolgon, the Qing Dynasty quickly completed the great cause of taking over the Central Plains. Although Dolgon's desire to take power was too great, Daishan's decision bought valuable time for the unification and stability of the Qing Dynasty.

Dai Shan's act of abdicating the throne twice demonstrated his outstanding political wisdom and foresight. His ability to make decisions that are conducive to the stability and development of the country at critical moments is invaluable. At the same time, these two decisions also reflect Dai Shan's personal character. He was able to restrain his personal ambitions and focus on the big picture, a character that was very rare in the political environment of the time.

Dai Shan's decision not only affected the political situation at the time, but also had a profound impact on the long-term development of the Qing Dynasty. His support provided an important basis of legitimacy for the reigns of Emperor Taiji and Emperor Shunzhi, helping to reduce internal disputes and concentrate efforts on external expansion. At the same time, Dai Shan's actions also established a political tradition of focusing on the overall situation for the Qing Dynasty, which played an important role in later rule.

In general, Dai Shan's decision to abdicate the throne twice not only reflected his personal political wisdom and noble character, but also made a significant contribution to the establishment and development of the Qing Dynasty. The impact of these decisions continued into the late Qing Dynasty and became an important turning point in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

After Dai Shan renounced the throne twice, he received a unique and important title - Prince Li. This title is not only an affirmation of Dai Shan's personal merits, but also a special case in the Qing Dynasty title system, reflecting the special preferential treatment of Dai Shan and his descendants by the Qing Dynasty rulers.

The title system of the Qing Dynasty was a complex and sophisticated system, which was not only a symbol of imperial glory, but also an important tool for maintaining the order of the system. In this system, the title of prince is the highest title after the emperor. However, even among the princes, the title of Prince Li is particularly special.

First of all, we need to understand the basic framework of the Qing dynasty's title system. The titles of the Qing Dynasty can be roughly divided into two categories: clan titles and meritorious titles. The clan titles include five ranks: prince, county king, beyler, beizi and duke, while the meritorious title has five ranks: duke, marquis, earl, son and male. In this system, the title of prince is the highest rank of clan titles and is usually awarded only to the emperor's son or brother.

However, the peculiarity of the title of Prince Li is first reflected in the object of its award. Although Daishan is the son of Nurhachi, after Huang Taiji ascended the throne, his identity has changed from the prince to the emperor's uncle. As a rule, he should have received a lower knighthood. However, Huang Taiji made an exception to grant him the title of prince and named him "Prince Li", which was extremely rare at the time.

What is even more special is that the title of Prince Li was given the privilege of "hereditary succession". "Hereditary succession" was the highest treatment in the Qing Dynasty title system, which meant that the title could be hereditary forever and would not be demoted or revoked due to the fault of the heir. In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there were only a handful of titles that could receive this kind of treatment, and the title of Prince Li was one of them.

The importance of this privilege can be seen in a specific case. During the Yongzheng period, Prince Li Yunxiang was questioned for participating in the "Nine Sons Seizing the Inheritance" against Emperor Yongzheng. According to the convention, Yunxiang should be stripped of his title, and his descendants will also lose the right to inherit. However, due to the "hereditary replacement" privilege of Prince Li's title, Emperor Yongzheng only imprisoned Yunxiang in the end, but did not cancel his title. The title was eventually passed to Yunxiang's grandson, Yunxi, demonstrating the powerful protective role of "hereditary succession".

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

The peculiarity of the title of Prince Li is also reflected in its treatment. As the "Iron Hat King", Prince Li enjoys many unique privileges. For example, Prince Li was able to have his own palace in Kyoshi, which was a great honor at the time. At the same time, Prince Li also enjoys special sacrificial rights and can participate in important national sacrificial activities, which is not only an honor, but also a manifestation of political influence.

In terms of economy, Prince Li also enjoyed generous treatment. Not only can they get a fixed amount of money, but they can also have a large number of fiefs and estates. These economic privileges guaranteed the affluence of the Prince Lai family, allowing them to maintain a lifestyle commensurate with their status.

In addition, the title of Prince Li also has important political significance. As the "Iron Hat King", Prince Li had a fairly high status in the imperial court. They can participate in the discussion of national affairs and play a role in important political decisions. This political influence made Prince Li an important player in the Qing Dynasty's political scene.

It is worth noting that the particularity of the title of Prince Li is not only reflected in its own treatment, but also in its influence on the political structure of the Qing Dynasty. By awarding such a special title as Dai Shan, the Qing rulers were actually establishing a balancing mechanism that both honored Dai Shan's merits and ensured the stability of imperial power. This approach not only appeased the important ministers, but also did not threaten the imperial power, which was a clever political strategy.

In general, the peculiarity of the title of Prince Li reflects the political wisdom of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty. It is not only an affirmation of Dai Shan's personal merits, but also an important part of the political system of the Qing Dynasty. Through this special title, the Qing Dynasty established a unique balance of power mechanism that laid the foundation for its long rule.

As the second son of Nurhachi, Dai Shan played a pivotal role in the founding of the Qing Dynasty. His contributions were not only reflected in military and political aspects, but also involved in many fields such as diplomacy and culture, laying a solid foundation for the establishment and consolidation of the Qing Dynasty.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

In military affairs, Dai Shan showed outstanding talent. As early as the post-Jin period, Daishan participated in many important military operations. The Battle of Salhu in 1619 was a pivotal battle in the rise of the Later Jin, and Daishan excelled in this battle. He led his troops to defeat the elite troops of the Ming Dynasty and won an important victory for the Later Jin. This victory not only dealt a blow to the military strength of the Ming Dynasty, but also greatly increased the influence of the Later Jin in the northeast region.

In addition to the Battle of Sarhu, Daishan also participated in many wars of conquest against the Mongol tribes. In these battles, Dai Shan showed superb tactical literacy and command ability. He was adept at taking advantage of the mobility of cavalry, carrying out rapid assaults and encirclements in the vast steppes, and repeatedly achieved decisive victories. These victories not only expanded the territory of the Later Jin, but also laid the foundation for the future unification of Mongolia by the Qing Dynasty.

On the political front, the contribution of Dai Shan should not be overlooked. His decision to abdicate the throne twice not only demonstrated his personal political wisdom, but also made a significant contribution to the political stability of the Qing Dynasty. Especially after the sudden death of Huang Taiji in 1643, Dai Shan supported the young Fu Lin's decision to succeed to the throne and elect Dolgon as regent, which avoided possible political turmoil and bought precious time for the Qing Dynasty to take over the Central Plains.

In the early days of the Qing Dynasty, Dai Shan also actively participated in state affairs. As Secretary of State, he was involved in the formulation and implementation of a number of important policies. For example, in the process of improving the Eight Banners system, Dai Shan put forward many constructive suggestions. He advocated the absorption of Han Chinese and Mongols in the Eight Banners, a suggestion that was later adopted, greatly enhancing the strength and cohesion of the Eight Banners.

In terms of diplomacy, Dai Shan also played an important role. He participated in many diplomatic negotiations with the Korean and Mongolian ministries, and won a favorable diplomatic position for the Qing Dynasty. Especially in relations with North Korea, Dai Sun has shown great diplomatic skills. He not only demonstrated the military strength of the Qing Dynasty, but also won the friendly attitude of Korea by courteously treating Korean envoys. This balanced diplomacy laid the foundation for the Qing dynasty to later establish suzerain-vassal relations with Korea.

In terms of culture, Dai Shan has also made important contributions. As a Manchu aristocrat, Dai Shan was well aware of the importance of culture in the rule of the state. He supported the development and promotion of the Manchu language, but also attached great importance to the study of Han culture. With his support, the early Qing Dynasty carried out a large-scale translation of classics, translating many ancient Chinese classics into Manchu. This not only improved the cultural literacy of the Manchu aristocracy, but also laid the foundation for the later cultural policies of the Qing Dynasty.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

Dai Shan also actively promoted the integration of Manchu and Han cultures. He supported the Manchu aristocracy in learning the Chinese language and culture, while also encouraging Han officials to learn the Manchu language. This policy of cultural integration laid a solid cultural foundation for the later rule of the Qing Dynasty.

In terms of economy, Dai Shan has also made achievements. Recognizing the importance of the economy to the country's development, he actively supported the development of agriculture and handicrafts. At his suggestion, the Qing Dynasty implemented a series of policies to encourage agricultural production, such as tax reductions and incentives for the reclamation of wasteland. These policies effectively promoted economic recovery and development, and provided the economic foundation for the Qing Dynasty's rule.

Daishan also played an important role in the establishment of the judicial system. He participated in the formulation of a series of laws in the early Qing Dynasty, such as the compilation of the Great Qing Statutes. These laws inherited the essence of traditional Chinese law and incorporated the customary law of the Manchus, laying the foundation for the judicial system of the Qing Dynasty.

In general, Dai Shan's contribution to the founding of the Qing Dynasty was all-round. From military conquest to political stability, from diplomatic negotiations to cultural integration, from economic development to legal construction, Daishan has made important contributions. His wisdom and talent not only helped the Qing Dynasty survive the difficult period in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also laid the foundation for the long-term peace and stability of the Qing Dynasty. Dai Shan's contributions made him an indispensable and important figure in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and his influence continued into the late Qing Dynasty.

As the founder of the Qing Dynasty, Dai Shan's lifetime achievements and influence have left a deep imprint in the long river of history. His historical evaluation was not only reflected in the political arena of the time, but also widely discussed and recognized in the history books and folklore of later generations.

During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, Dai Shan's status and contribution were highly affirmed. During the reign of Huang Taiji, he repeatedly commended Dai Shan's exploits and praised him for his "loyalty, bravery, and outstanding meritorious service". This evaluation is not only a personal compliment to Dai Shan, but also an official recognition of his role in the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. Successive emperors of the Qing Dynasty maintained a high level of respect for Dai Shan, as evidenced by their continued preferential treatment of the title of Prince Li.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

In the official history books of the Qing Dynasty, the image of Dai Shan was portrayed as a model of loyalty, bravery, and wisdom. The Qing Shilu records Dai Shan's exploits many times, with special emphasis on his military talent and political foresight. For example, in the account of the Battle of Sarhu, the history books describe in detail how Dai Shan commanded the troops and defeated the Ming army, praising him for "strategizing and winning a decisive victory". These records not only reflect Dai Shan's actual contributions, but also reflect the high opinion of the Qing rulers for him.

The deeds of Dai Shan's two abdications have been repeatedly mentioned in the history books of the Qing Dynasty and are regarded as a model of loyalty and patriotism. This act is interpreted as Dai Shan's deep understanding of righteousness and ability to think about the overall situation of the country. In the "Qing Historical Manuscript", the compiler emphasized this point in particular, describing Dai Shan as a model of "knowing how to advance and retreat, and understanding the righteousness". This evaluation not only reflected the values of the Qing rulers, but also had a profound impact on later generations.

In the folk, the image of Dai Shan is more colorful. Many legends and stories have been circulated, creating an image of Dai Shan who is both wise and humane. For example, there is a well-known story about how Daishan skillfully resolved a dispute that could have led to internal division. It is said that at that time, there were contradictions within the Eight Banners, and fierce disputes arose between several important generals. Dai Shan did not intervene directly, but skillfully arranged a hunting event. In the process of hunting, he let these generals face danger together, cooperate with each other, and finally not only successfully hunt the beast, but also dissolve the estrangement between them. Although it is difficult to verify the authenticity of this story, it vividly reflects the praise of the people for the wisdom and leadership of Dai Shan.

Dai Shan's influence was not limited to the Qing Dynasty, and his status and role in later historical studies have also received extensive attention and discussion. Modern historians often regard Dai Shan as one of the key figures when studying the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. They believed that Dai Shan's political wisdom and military prowess had made an indispensable contribution to the rise of the Qing dynasty. In particular, his decision to abdicate twice is regarded as an important turning point in the political direction of the Qing Dynasty.

Some scholars have also paid special attention to Daishan's contribution to cultural integration. They point out that Daishan's policy of supporting Manchu-Han cultural exchanges laid the foundation for later cultural policies in the Qing Dynasty. This cultural integration not only promoted the development of Manchu culture, but also provided cultural support for the long-term rule of the Qing Dynasty.

In the study of military history, Dai Shan's strategic thinking and tactical application have also become important research topics. Scholars have analyzed Dai Shan's command art in important battles such as the Battle of Sarhu, and believe that he was good at taking advantage of the terrain and climate, and creatively used cavalry tactics, which provided valuable cases for later military theory research.

Why was Daishan able to give up the throne? Where is the iron hat title he got after giving up the throne?

The influence of Dai Shan was also reflected in the political system of the Qing Dynasty. The establishment and continuation of the title of Prince Li became a special case in the Qing Dynasty's title system, reflecting the Qing rulers' policy of praising and encompassing meritorious heroes. This institutional design had a profound impact on the political stability of the Qing Dynasty, and also provided important research materials for later generations to study the political system of the Qing Dynasty.

In the field of literature and art, the image of Dai Shan has also been depicted and shaped many times. Many historical novels and dramas feature Dai Shan as the protagonist or important character, showing his role in the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. Although these works are exaggerated in artistic creation, they also reflect the people's perception and evaluation of Dai Shan to a certain extent.

In general, Daishan's evaluation in history is multifaceted. He was both a brilliant military strategist and statesman, as well as a visionary cultural syncretist. His contributions and influence were not only reflected in the critical period of the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, but also continued to future generations through institutional and cultural influences. The historical image of Daishan is not only praised by official history books, but also rich depictions of folklore, which together constitute a complex and plump image of historical figures.


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