
Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

author:House cube

Following the Lishui plot, the Guicheng Shiken plot has also been postponed!

A few days ago, Leju editors learned that the southern plot of Guicheng Shiken Iron and Steel Market, which was originally scheduled to be auctioned online on July 3, will be postponed for one month to August 5. The original starting price of the land was 167762 million yuan, which is equivalent to the starting floor price of 11,723 yuan/㎡.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

The last time Shiken Village sold land was in June last year, for the north side of Shiken Iron and Steel Market (Poly Langyue Project) won by Poly, and the transaction floor price was 12,480 yuan/㎡.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

Aerial photograph of the history of the plot

The parcel is located between the Yayi and Qicha plates

From the perspective of location, the south side of Shiken Iron and Steel Market is located on the south side of Poly Langyue, on the east side of Taifeng Qianxi Bay, adjacent to Chancheng Qicha Area and Yayi Plate.

In addition, the area is planned to have Shimen Yihai School, the first "Shimen Department" public school in Guicheng, which is located in the north of the land transferred.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

Schematic diagram of the location of the plot

According to the transfer documents, the total area of the plot is 47,701.47 square meters, and the land use is urban residential land compatible with retail and commercial land, catering land, hotel land, and commercial and financial land, with a plot ratio of no more than 3, a building density of no more than 25%, and a building height limit of 130 meters.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

According to the requirements, the entire project must be completed within 1 year, and completed within 4 years, with a total investment of not less than 572,417,640 yuan.

The requirements for the construction of this parcel are relatively conventional, including:

(1) Set up supporting community housing, including but not limited to community home-based elderly care service facilities and community cultural activity rooms, and the construction area shall not be less than 1% of the total residential building area;

(2) The bidder shall build a miniature fire station in the plot, with a construction area of ≥ 30 square meters, and the construction area shall not be included in the floor area ratio

(3) The bidder shall construct a guide road on the south side of the plot free of charge, with a width of about 30 meters, and connect it with Guilan Road on the east side and the existing road on the west side;

(4) The bidder shall construct an open park green space free of charge, of which the total area within the parcel shall not be less than 4,357.51 square meters, and the green area outside the parcel and on the west side of Guilan Road shall be approximately 3,479.05 square meters;

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

The total starting price has increased by 200 million+ compared with the original plan

It is worth mentioning that in the past weekend, the Shiken Three Villages Economic Society and the Shiken Economic Association voted on the public transfer plan of the land plot.

Compared with the previously disclosed initial starting price of 143105 yuan, the starting price has increased by more than 240 million yuan, and the starting price has increased by 1,723 yuan/㎡.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

Looking back on 2020, China Merchants Shekou was selected as the land consolidation party for the Shiken Steel Market Renovation Project.

However, in 2023, due to the adjustment of the transfer plan of the project plot, it will be divided into two residential land transfers, which mentions that if the land consolidation partner does not participate in the transfer bidding, it will not be regarded as a breach of contract.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

It is understood that at present, the real estate for sale around the plot is Poly Langyue, Poly Hesong, Taifeng Qianxi Bay and OCT Half Moon Island Pure Waterfront, with an average price of about 20,000-30,000 yuan/㎡.

The implementation plan for the reform of many cases in Shiken has been approved

In addition to the listed plots, Guicheng Shiken also has a number of old plots on the road.

This year alone, the Nanhai District Government has successively approved the reconstruction plans of Shiken No. 1 Village East Industrial Zone Renovation Project, No. 1 Village East Wenhaiwei Industrial Zone Reconstruction Project, Sancun Wenhaiwei Industrial Zone Reconstruction Project and Shiken No. 2 Village Industrial Zone Reconstruction Project.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

According to the plan, at present, the original old factory buildings (structures) in the renovation project have all been demolished.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

Precinct control plan

Among them, the area of industrial transformation residential or commercial mixed land within the reconstruction project of Shiken Village East Industrial Zone is 14,661 square meters, and the project development period is about 4 years, and it is planned to be developed in one phase, and the development time is from 2024 to 2028.

The renovation cost of the project is 4.6 million yuan, and the proposed transformation fund is 4.6 million yuan.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion
Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

The total area of industrial transformation residential or commercial mixed land within the reconstruction project of Dongwen Haiwei Industrial Zone in a village is 59,157 square meters, and the project development period is about 4 years, and it is planned to be developed in one phase, and the development time is from 2023 to 2027.

The cost of the project is 85.8 million yuan, and the proposed investment in the transformation fund is 85.8 million yuan.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion
Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion

The area of industrial transformation residential or commercial mixed land within the reconstruction project of Sancun Wenhaiwei Industrial Zone is 59,157 square meters, and the project development period is about 4 years, and it is planned to be developed in one phase, and the development time is from 2023 to 2027.

The cost of the project is 86 million yuan, and the proposed investment in the transformation fund is 86 million yuan.

Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion
Postponement before shooting! The plot on the south side of Guicheng Shiken Steel Market has been pushed to the online auction in August! The total price is nearly 6.4 billion