
Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

author:World viewers


Recently, Zhang Xuefeng, a well-known educator, accidentally encountered a major that made him confused - missile maintenance in a live broadcast of professional guidance for the college entrance examination. Faced with this unheard of professional name, Zhang Xuefeng couldn't help but ask his soul: "The missile still needs to be repaired?" This scene not only made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh, but also sparked a wave of heated discussions on the Internet.


Imagine that Mr. Zhang Xuefeng's iconic serious face, when he heard the words "missile maintenance professional", instantly turned into an emoji, ignorance and confusion intertwined, as if to say: "The world is changing too fast, I can't keep up with the rhythm!" And the comments of netizens added fuel to the fire, and all kinds of ridicule and jokes emerged in endlessly, which made people laugh and at the same time, they couldn't help but be curious about this mysterious profession

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

"Missile maintenance major, is this to train future 'missile doctors'?" "Does Mr. Zhang Xuefeng feel that he has walked into the sci-fi set?" The brains of netizens have been opened, making this discussion about the choice of major in the college entrance examination interesting. What exactly is the sacredness of the missile maintenance profession?

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

Here's what netizens said about this

Leader: Why didn't this missile blow up, you, go over and take a look

Student; I'm afraid of blowing up good students, so let the junior college go to study.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

This is really his blind spot, I used to be a soldier to do this, many direct recruitment non-commissioned officers

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

Aircraft carriers need to be waxed, why don't missiles need to be repaired

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

I really did, after graduating from junior high school in '94, a classmate was admitted to a technical secondary school, majoring in missile maintenance

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

To put it bluntly, it is to spray paint and maintain the missiles regularly, and take them out to dry if they have nothing to do, so as not to rust and get damp

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

Maybe 100% employment rate

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

The profession of strategic missile maintenance is very hard to work in remote places

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

The work arrangement is clear! Who doesn't laugh at this, hahahaha, it's too real. This is all a blind spot in Mr. Zhang Xuefeng's knowledge!

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

Netizens are so humorous! Is it really so pitiful to have a low score? It seems that you are going to be "cannon fodder"? I wonder if anyone will really apply for this major?

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng looked confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented on laughing to death!

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