
The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

author:Xiao Literature Company
The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending
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The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1990, 24-year-old Song Zuying stepped on the stage of CCTV for the first time. She was so nervous that she couldn't even hold the microphone.

At this moment, Zhao Benshan, who was also on stage for the first time, took the initiative to talk and enthusiastically shared his lunch with her.

In a short conversation, Zhao Benshan looked at this girl from Xiangxi, and his eyes flashed with appreciation. He smiled and said, "Zu Ying, your singing is destined to shake the whole country.

Song Zuying looked at this humorous Northeast man in surprise, not knowing how to respond to this seemingly joking prophecy. Little could she have imagined that this chance encounter would not only be the beginning of their deep friendship, but also an important turning point in her musical career.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

And Zhao Benshan's prophecy has gradually come true in the following 23 years, and it has become a tacit understanding between the two.

Song Zuying's road to success is full of hardships and perseverance. She was born in a poor rural family in Xiangxi, Hunan, and the hardships of life have accompanied her since she was a child. When she was 12 years old, fate ruthlessly played tricks on this ignorant girl, and her father and grandmother died one after another.

The burden of the family fell on the shoulders of the young Song Zuying, who had to interrupt her studies to take on the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings.

However, the hard life did not wear out Song Zuying's love for music. In addition to the heavy housework, she often walked alone under the big tree at the edge of the village and sang loudly.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

The clear singing echoes in the mountains, as if it is a silent struggle against fate.

In 1981, the god of opportunity favored this girl with a dream. The county's opera troupe came to the village to select actors, and the villagers recommended Song Zuying one after another. When she stood at the head of the humble village and sang her own mountain songs, the director of the opera troupe was deeply moved by her pure and ethereal voice, and immediately decided to include her in his command.

At the age of 16, Song Zuying ushered in the first stage performance in her life. Facing the audience, she was so nervous that she couldn't speak. The head of the regiment saw her predicament, patted her on the shoulder, and encouraged her to take a deep breath and relax.

When Song Zuying finally spoke, the clear and melodious singing voice was like a clear spring in the mountains, instantly conquering the audience.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

In order to improve her singing skills, Song Zuying was selected to be sent to the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing for further study. When she first arrived in Beijing, she felt unprecedented pressure in the face of the prosperity of the city and the excellence of her classmates.

But Song Zuying was not discouraged, but redoubled her efforts to make up for her shortcomings. In her spare time, she often practiced speaking alone by the lake near the school, persevering in the wind and rain.

Her diligence and talent were quickly recognized and appreciated by her teachers.

In 1984, 24-year-old Song Zuying ushered in an important turning point in her life. She appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and won the applause of the national audience with the song "Little Basket".

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

Since then, she has started a 24-year journey of the Spring Festival Gala and gradually grown into a much-anticipated "queen of folk songs".

Song Zuying's success is the perfect combination of talent and sweat. From the mountain village of Xiangxi to the national stage, she used her tenacity and talent to compose a moving song of struggle.

Song Zuying's success is not accidental, but stems from her unique musical charm and unremitting efforts. Her pure, ethereal voice, as if it has the power to penetrate time and space, always strikes the listener's heart.

HER's singing not only contains a deep attachment to his hometown, but also conveys a positive vitality and inspires countless people to move forward bravely.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

"Little Back Basket" is undoubtedly Song Zuying's most well-known masterpiece. Whenever the melody of this song sounds, it always evokes memories of good old days. In addition, works such as "Mother's Kiss" and "Song of the Teacher" are also very popular.

These songs are full of Song Zuying's gratitude to his relatives and teachers, which are sincere and moving, and make the audience empathize.

Song Zuying's talent is not only recognized in China, but also shines on the international stage. In 2006, she was invited to give a solo concert at the Kennedy Center in New York, becoming the first Asian artist to perform on this world-class stage.

Facing the international audience, Song Zuying couldn't hide her nervousness at first, and her feet even trembled slightly. However, when she opened her mouth to sing, the unique Chinese charm instantly conquered the audience.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

In the thunderous applause, Song Zuying deeply felt the borderless charm of music. In recognition of her outstanding achievements, the United States also set up a special "Song Zuying Day", which is undoubtedly the highest praise for her artistic achievements.

However, fame did not make Song Zuying forget his original intention. Whether it is on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in China or at the international performance site, she always conveys her love for life with the most simple singing.

She often sighed: "No matter where I go, there will always be a mountain of hometown in my heart." It is this sincere feeling that has become an inexhaustible source of her musical appeal.

Song Zuying's music road is not easy. From her first appearance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 1984 to the performance of the Spring Festival Gala for 24 consecutive years, she used her efforts and talents to create the honorary title of "Folk Song Queen" step by step.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

In this process, she has always maintained her love for music and awe of life, which has also become an important reason why she has been able to occupy the center of the stage for a long time.

Song Zuying's success lies not only in her beautiful singing voice, but also in her consistent persistence and persistent pursuit of music. She used her own experience to prove that as long as she has a dream and maintains her original intention, she can break through many obstacles and reach the pinnacle of life.

From the mountain village of Xiangxi to the international stage, Song Zuying's musical journey is a moving ode to struggle. Her story has not only inspired countless young people with dreams, but also made great contributions to the spread of Chinese folk songs on the world stage.

Song Zuying's musical life is undoubtedly an important chapter in the history of Chinese pop music.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

The friendship between Song Zuying and Zhao Benshan can be called a good story in the entertainment industry. This friendship began with a chance encounter at the Spring Festival Gala in 1990, but it deepened in the years that followed, and finally surpassed the boundaries of ordinary friends.

Zhao Benshan has a keen insight into Song Zuying's talent. Whenever Song Zuying encountered a bottleneck in his creation, Zhao Benshan could always give pertinent and constructive suggestions.

And Song Zuying often invites Zhao Benshan to participate in his concerts and listens to his opinions with an open mind. The interaction between the two is full of respect and trust, and they grow and progress together.

In 2007, a heartbreaking event happened. Zhao Benshan's father passed away, and his greatest wish before his death was to see Song Zuying. This detail reflects the intimacy of the relationship between the two, which has long gone beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

After Song Zuying learned the news, she immediately put down her work and rushed to condole. She not only presented Zhao Benshan's father's favorite delicacy at the funeral, but also accompanied Zhao Benshan and gave him spiritual support.

The scene of the two hugging each other and crying touched everyone present.

Zhao Benshan once said affectionately: "Zu Ying is like my own sister, there is a tacit understanding between us. And Song Zuying also said: "Brother Benshan is not only my mentor in my career, but also a mentor and friend in life.

This friendship across regions and ages has become a powerful force for the two to support each other on the road of art.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

Song Zuying's music career is in full swing, and she has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for ten consecutive years, becoming a well-deserved "queen of folk songs". Behind the glare of the spotlight, however, hides a family that is gradually estranged.

Her busy work schedule makes it difficult for Song Zuying to juggle family life, and she has less and less time to spend with her children. By chance, she took the time to pick up her son from school, but encountered a scene that broke her heart.

The son was so unfamiliar with her face that he even blurted out, "I don't have a mother." This sentence was like a sharp blade, which deeply pierced Song Zuying's heart.

This sudden blow became a turning point in Song Zuying's life. She began to realize that as a mother, she could not let her children grow up without the nourishment of maternal love.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

Although her husband never complained, she could feel the invisible pressure of the family.

Song Zuying is caught in a dilemma between career and family. On the one hand, she loves the stage and loves singing, which is her lifelong pursuit; On the other hand, the needs of the family are equally important.

This kind of inner struggle and contradiction has become a life topic that Song Zuying has to face. She began to re-examine her life and think about what really mattered.

This girl from a mountain village in Xiangxi encountered the biggest life problem at the peak of her career.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

In 2014, Song Zuying made a decision that shocked the entertainment industry: to retreat behind the scenes and take care of her family wholeheartedly. This choice was not easy to come by, but she firmly believes that the happiness of the family is the greatest success in life.

Leaving the stage under the spotlight, Song Zuying returned to an ordinary life. She began to devote herself to the family, accompanying her children to grow up and make up for the lack of the past.

Although she no longer appears frequently in the public eye, her classic works are still widely sung and influenced by generations.

Song Zuying's decision seems to confirm another prophecy of Zhao Benshan 23 years ago: "Zuying, you will eventually return to your original self." Today, although she is no longer the radiant "queen of folk songs", she has found inner peace and happiness.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

Looking back on the past, Song Zuying was full of emotion: "My life is like a song, with highs and lows. But most importantly, I never forgot who I was and where I came from.

Her story is not only the growth process of a singer, but also the mental journey of an ordinary person to find himself and return to his true nature.

This girl from a mountain village in Xiangxi conquered the world with her singing, but finally chose to return to the most simple life. Her choice illustrates what true happiness and success are.

Song Zuying used her actions to tell the world that the warmth of the family and the companionship of family affection are the most precious treasures in life.

The true face of singer Song Zuying finally ended, and Zhao Benshan had already expected the ending

Despite withdrawing from the stage, Song Zuying did not completely put down the music. She continues her musical dreams in a new way, looking for creative inspiration in family life, and conveying love and warmth with songs that are closer to life.

This choice makes her music more real and touching.

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