
From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

author:Weiwei said classic
From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry
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From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

In 2021, a "Hello, Li Huanying" is like a whirlwind, pushing Zhang Xiaofei to the peak of his career. This movie not only broke through the 5 billion mark at the box office, but also won Zhang Xiaofei the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress.

For a time, she became the much-anticipated "national mother", and fans affectionately called her "our mother".

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. Only a year later, Zhang Xiaofei's new work "Exchanging Lives" encountered Waterloo. The audience gave negative comments, and some even bluntly said that this is a "bad movie".

From the aura to no one's attention, Zhang Xiaofei's encounter is like a roller coaster.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

Zhang Xiaofei's success did not happen overnight, but stemmed from her persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art over the years. Her story began at the age of 11, when she left her hometown with her love for dance and embarked on the road to study in the dance department of Minzu University of China.

Although he is young, he has shown extraordinary talent and perseverance, and his motor memory far exceeds that of his peers.

Only three years later, 15-year-old Zhang Xiaofei was successfully admitted to the Chinese Armed Police Art Troupe with his own strength. For many people, this job is tantamount to an "iron rice bowl", and it is the end of life worth guarding with peace of mind.

For Zhang Xiaofei, however, this is only the beginning of her artistic career.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

After spending four years in the art troupe, a new desire rose in Zhang Xiaofei's heart. She developed a keen interest in the performing arts, and a bold idea struck her mind: to give up her stable job and start over.

In the face of everyone's doubts and incomprehension, she resolutely chose to change careers and applied for the Beijing Film Academy.

In college, Zhang Xiaofei's acting career seemed to have started well. In her sophomore year, she got the opportunity to play the lead role in a movie. However, the reality of graduation gave her a blow to the head.

Resources are scarce, opportunities are scarce, and former classmates have emerged, but she seems to have been left behind by the times.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

What's even more frustrating is that some directors bluntly pointed out that she has a poor appearance, thinking that it is difficult for her to make great achievements. In the face of such an evaluation, many people may choose to give up, but Zhang Xiaofei chose to face the difficulties.

She began to try her hand at comedy acting, and in the process met her friend Jia Ling. The two worked together to create many popular sketches, which laid the groundwork for her future success.

Zhang Xiaofei's experience tells us that the road to success is never easy. It requires courage, perseverance, and more importantly, the need to maintain the motivation to move forward in the face of setbacks.

From dance to drama, from obscurity to brilliance, Zhang Xiaofei uses his actions to interpret what persistence is and what perseverance is. Her story is not only the growth process of an actor, but also the struggle of a dreamer.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

In Zhang Xiaofei's acting career, she has experienced the ups and downs of the entertainment industry like a roller coaster. In 2018, the opportunity finally came, and she was invited to participate in the high-profile variety show "I Am an Actor".

In the show, she partnered with Sun Qian, who played Aunt Jinxi in "The Legend of Zhen Huan". Although Zhang Xiaofei was still an unknown young actor at that time, she showed a rare humility and professional attitude.

However, the process of cooperation did not go as smoothly as expected. Sun Qian's attitude made people feel uncomfortable, she asked Zhang Xiaofei to cooperate with the rhythm of her performance, but neglected to communicate with her partner.

What's even more unpleasant is that Sun Qian also deleted some of Zhang Xiaofei's lines without authorization, resulting in a serious shortage of rehearsal time. This experience made Zhang Xiaofei deeply understand the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, and also made her understand that in this circle, strength and interpersonal relationships are equally important.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

Another embarrassing incident occurred between Zhang Xiaofei and her classmate friend Yuan Shanshan. The sisters who were supposed to support each other staged a drama of "plastic sisters".

Yuan Shanshan mercilessly accused Zhang Xiaofei of not liking bathing and snoring in front of the public, which was undoubtedly a betrayal of Zhang Xiaofei. Faced with such an embarrassing situation, Zhang Xiaofei chose to respond rationally and clarified in person under Yuan Shanshan's Weibo.

However, Yuan Shanshan ignored this. It wasn't until after the fire of "Hello, Li Huanying" that Yuan Shanshan had to apologize to Zhang Xiaofei under the pressure of public opinion.

This experience made Zhang Xiaofei deeply realize how precious sincere friendship is in this Vanity Fair.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

However, in this circle full of competition and betrayal, Zhang Xiaofei also met a sincere friendship. Jia Ling's support and help to her has become a warm sunshine on her career path.

When Zhang Xiaofei was still unknown, Jia Ling spoke up for her on social platforms, expressing her concern about her overwork. Later, when Jia Ling founded "Big Bowl Entertainment", her first thought was to sign a contract with Zhang Xiaofei and give her all-round support and protection.

More importantly, Jia Ling invited Zhang Xiaofei to play the role of "Li Huanying" in "Hello, Li Huanying", leading her to the peak of her career together. During the filming, Zhang Xiaofei was accidentally scratched by a rusty piece of iron, but she still insisted on completing the performance without showing any pain.

This kind of professionalism deeply touched Jia Ling. At the award ceremony, Jia Ling looked at Zhang Xiaofei in the audience, her eyes were full of relief and pride, and this deep friendship was moving.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

Zhang Xiaofei's experience allows us to see that the entertainment industry has both deception and sincere friendship. In this complex environment, she has always maintained her true heart and won respect and friendship with professionalism and sincerity.

This may be the key to her long-term survival in this circle.

The success of "Hello, Li Huanying" is not accidental, but the crystallization of Zhang Xiaofei and Jia Ling's years of hard work. This deeply moving story was originally presented to the audience in 2016 in the form of a skit.

In order to commemorate her mother, Jia Ling was determined to bring this story to the big screen, and thus began a five-year process of careful preparation.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

In this movie, Zhang Xiaofei plays Jia Ling's mother, Li Huanying. In order to perfectly interpret this role, Zhang Xiaofei has made great efforts. She is well aware of the pressure that Jia Ling is under as a director for the first time, so she gives her all during the performance process and strives to achieve the best in every detail.

During the filming, there was a scene where Zhang Xiaofei fell into the water. Unfortunately, she was scratched by pieces of rusty iron in the pool. However, the professional Zhang Xiaofei did not stop filming because of this, but endured the pain and insisted on completing the performance.

This dedication not only won the appreciation of the crew, but also added realism and touching power to the characters.

Zhang Xiaofei's efforts were finally rewarded handsomely. After the film was released, the box office soared, and the release time was extended many times. In the end, "Hello, Li Huanying" broke through the 5 billion mark and ranked third in the mainland box office list.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

Such achievements not only made Zhang Xiaofei famous overnight, but also won her the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress.

On the podium, Zhang Xiaofei tearfully delivered an acceptance speech and reviewed his artistic path. From an unknown supporting role to a national mother on the screen, this hard-won success embodies her persistence and dedication over the years.

The success of "Hello, Li Huanying" tells us that real achievements often require long-term accumulation and precipitation. The story of Zhang Xiaofei and Jia Ling, just like the theme of this movie, shows the power of sticking to dreams and repaying family affection.

It is not only a successful film, but also an inspiration to all dreamers.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

After the success of "Hello, Li Huanying", Zhang Xiaofei's career seems to have ushered in a huge turning point. However, just when everyone thought that she would take advantage of the victory to pursue and vigorously develop the fan economy, Zhang Xiaofei made an unexpected decision: to take the initiative to disband her fan group.

This seemingly "crazy" move actually reflects Zhang Xiaofei's sober understanding of his own positioning. She is well aware of the possible negative impact of "fan circle culture" and does not want to see fans spend a lot of time and energy attacking and arguing with each other senselessly.

Zhang Xiaofei firmly believes that the value of an actor should be reflected in the work, rather than relying on the number of fans.

This attitude is also reflected in the way she approaches her work. Even after becoming popular, Zhang Xiaofei still insisted on high requirements for the quality of the script. She is unwilling to take on low-quality works at will in order to maintain her popularity, and would rather be "silent" for a while than succumb to the pressure of capital.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

However, this "picky" attitude also brought some troubles to Zhang Xiaofei. After "Hello, Li Huanying", she once fell into the embarrassing situation of lack of new works to take over.

For a long time, the audience was looking forward to her new work.

Despite this, Zhang Xiaofei still insisted on his choice. She believes that only by persisting in the pursuit of art can she maintain long-term vitality in this rapidly changing entertainment industry.

She does not pursue short-term traffic and popularity, but focuses on improving her acting skills and bringing more excellent works to the audience.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

Zhang Xiaofei's choice just reflects her respect and love for her acting career. While this may have affected her exposure in the short term, it is undoubtedly a wise choice in the long run.

She told us with practical actions that in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, it is more important to maintain the original intention and insist on oneself than to chase short-term popularity.

Although the loss of "Exchanging Lives" caused Zhang Xiaofei to temporarily encounter a low point in her career, she did not give up her acting career. On the contrary, this setback seems to have made her more determined in her career choice.

Zhang Xiaofei chose to face the challenge with a positive attitude, and regarded the loss as a valuable learning experience.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

In order to expand his acting territory, Zhang Xiaofei began to try to enter the field of TV dramas. She has starred in a number of works one after another, showing her multi-faceted and malleable performance.

This spirit of courage to try not only enriches her acting experience, but also opens up new possibilities for her future development.

In this process, Zhang Xiaofei has always adhered to her original intention: she wants to be an actor Zhang Xiaofei, not a star Zhang Xiaofei. This decision is undoubtedly wise and firm.

She does not pursue short-term traffic and popularity, but focuses on improving her acting skills and bringing more excellent works to the audience.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

From the success of "Hello, Li Huanying" to the failure of "Exchanging Lives", and now to the new attempt in the field of TV dramas, Zhang Xiaofei's experience just confirms the impermanence and cruelty of the entertainment industry.

However, it is her love and persistence in acting that allows her to stay awake and keep moving forward in this complex environment.

Zhang Xiaofei's story tells us that in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, it is more important to maintain the original intention and insist on oneself than to chase short-term popularity. Her experience also shows us that true success takes time to accumulate and precipitate.

Today's Zhang Xiaofei, although she keeps a low profile for the time being, her potential is far from being fully tapped. I believe that in the near future, with the broadcast of her new work, it will definitely attract the attention of the audience again.

From becoming popular to being "beaten back to its original form", Zhang Xiaofei only took 1 year, which is enough to show the sobriety of the entertainment industry

Zhang Xiaofei's career as an actor is still very long, but as long as she continues to maintain this focus and persistence, the future will definitely be promising. We have reason to believe that she will bring more wonderful performances to the audience and go further in her acting career.

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