
Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

author:Fun trivia

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" is still not popular!

In the vast sea of stars in the entertainment industry, everyone believes that they will be able to become popular through half the sky.

Feng Gong, a big name in the cross talk industry, has accepted 3 female apprentices in his life:

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

Jia Ling, Zhang Xiaofei, and known as:

"The first beauty in the music industry, Guan Zhilin in the cross talk industry, and the spare tire of the Spring Festival Gala".

Their acting career is just like the spring flowers and autumn moon, each with its own rhyme.

"Happy cold knowledge" gives readers a warm reminder:

Rest more, exercise more, drink more water, close your eyes more, and smile sweetly!

"This article is about 1611 words, and it takes about 17 seconds to read!"

1 After reading it in one breath, it is only for estimation reference!

"The spring breeze is proud, and you can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day."

Let's talk about Jia Ling first, this woman who walked out of the Chinese opera cross talk and acting class,

At the beginning, he was at a low point in his life and lived in a simple house.

However, his talent was like a pearl in the dark night, and he was finally recognized by Feng Gonghui.

Feng Gong not only took her as an apprentice, but also guided her like a beacon, helping her improve her life and open up her future.

Under the guidance of Feng Gong, Jia Ling joined hands with her partner Bai Kainan and became famous.

And what really made Jia Ling shine was the self-written, directed, and acted "Hello, Li Huanying".

The box office of this film is amazing, and Jia Ling is like a new star, born in the field of directing.

"Hot and Hot" made her fight for the top again.

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

Not only that, but she also successfully became popular with her friend Zhang Xiaofei with this work.

Zhang Xiaofei, graduated from Beiying, was wandering and confused on the road of acting.

Fortunately, he became acquainted with Jia Ling and switched to the field of comedy, under the guidance of Feng Gong.

In "Hello, Li Huanying", her wonderful performance is like a spring breeze,

is unforgettable, won the Golden Rooster Award in one fell swoop.

Since then, she has not followed the trend to chase fame and fortune, but has adhered to her original intention.

Intensive study of acting skills, determined to work the road of performing arts.

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" is still not popular!

However, Song Ning, who is from the same door,

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

Although she has the reputation of the first beauty in the music industry and Guan Zhilin in the cross talk industry,

But it has never been able to become popular.

"Clear water out of hibiscus, natural carving."

graduated from Chinese opera, the beautiful Song Ning.

She studied under Feng Gong, with her outstanding appearance and outstanding talent,

In the entertainment industry, it has left a unique mark.

The beauty of Song Ning is not only because of its high appearance and graceful figure,

What's more lies in her charming temperament from the inside out.

The beauty is picturesque and pleasing to the eye.

When it comes to professional ability, Song Ning is really versatile.

cross talk, sketches, film and television, all have her active figure.

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

In 2003, the cross talk "West Brother and East Sister" made her in the Beijing Cross Talk Sketch Invitational Competition,

won the first prize in the cross talk professional group, showing its edge;

In 2005, she made her debut on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala,

The sketch "Birthday Celebration" won the third prize in the language category of "My Favorite Program during the Spring Festival", and its reputation gradually rose.

In 2018, she won the Best Actress Award in the sketch group in the first cross talk sketch competition, which is well deserved.

"Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north and south."

Although on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Song Ning has acted as a "spare tire" for many years, and has rubbed shoulders with the Spring Festival Gala many times.

However, she never gave up, and always stuck to the road of acting and forged ahead.

She is busy, recording variety shows all over the country,

Participated in many movies and TV series, and the figure of hard work has never stopped.

Song Ning is also very innovative, daring to experiment with new roles and performance forms.

In 2015, in the TV series "Marriage Jet Lag", she challenged the villain,

as "black-bellied best friend" Huang Rong,

The versatility and unlimited potential are impressive.

It's a pity that "Maxima often has, but Bole doesn't often have." ”

Although Song Ning is talented, he is not as popular as Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei.

The success of the entertainment industry has always depended not only on personal strength and hard work.

Opportunities, audiences, the dissemination of works, etc.,

Many factors will affect the star journey.

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

Happy trivia: Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" is never popular!

"Bad luck and bad fate. Feng Tang is easy to be old, and Li Guang is difficult to seal. ”

In the complex world of the entertainment industry, success does not depend solely on appearance and talent.

Rather, it is a combination of many factors.

But don't sigh that Song Ning's star journey is bleak, you must know that "the edge of the sword comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold".

As long as you have dreams and make unremitting efforts, there are still infinite possibilities in the future.

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

May they stick to their original intentions on this road of performing arts, regardless of wind and rain and rainbows.

Bring more joy and touching to your friends.

"The road is long, I will go up and down and seek."

I believe that their future will be like the bright stars, illuminating our way forward.

Feng Gong has 3 female apprentices in his life, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei are becoming more and more popular, and the most beautiful "Guan Zhilin" has never been popular

What do you think about this?

"8 more" to be inspired in the middle of the night, 25 to 52 hours to create, remember to like, um!

This article is originally written by 2 love to laugh, 3 love to make trouble, 4 love to cry, and love to add drama to "happy cold knowledge".

The 429 line "lowercase" ha, hoping to win 4841 likes.

In the experience of "stars", I found love, knowledge, and beauty.

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