
Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

author:Smart Grunt


The controversy of the Big Three in the Ji Circle

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei and Wan Qian were nicknamed the "Big Three of Ji Circle" by netizens, and this label sparked widespread discussion. Some netizens pointed out that Liu Yifei and Wan Qian are both open straight daughters, and their sexual orientation does not match the label of "Ji Circle".

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

The use of this label is seen by some as a misconception or stereotype of straight women. For example, some netizens commented: "Liu Yifei is so straight, she likes men too much." ”

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

This kind of comment reflects the doubts of some netizens about the label of "Jiquan Triumvirate".

Liu Yifei's award ceremony


At the Magnolia Awards ceremony, Liu Yifei's performance once again proved her charm. Her moment on the podium was filled with grace and tenderness.

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

Her smile, gratitude and gesture make people feel her sincerity and charm. Netizens were full of praise for Liu Yifei's performance, and some commented: "The gentlest smile, the most elegant thanks, and the most comfortable posture." ”

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

This kind of praise for Liu Yifei also reflects her status in the hearts of fans.

Wan Qian's love dream


Some netizens shared their experience of dreaming of falling in love with Wan Qian, which reflects Wan Qian's attraction in the hearts of fans. Some netizens commented: "I dreamed that I fell in love with Wan Qian last night, who understands." ”

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

Although this kind of comment has a sense of humor, it also reflects Wan Qian's image in the hearts of fans.


The use of the label "Big Three" has sparked widespread controversy. On the one hand, Liu Yifei and Wan Qian's sexual orientation does not match this label, which has aroused questions from some netizens.

Liu Yifei, Zhang Xiaofei, Wan Qian: Can a straight daughter become a 'Big Three in the Ji Circle'? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed

On the other hand, the image and charm of Liu Yifei and Wan Qian in the hearts of fans also make people feel their unique charm. In any case, the use of this hashtag reflects a kind of interpretation and discussion of the image of celebrities on social media. This kind of discussion also makes people feel an interpretation and discussion of the image of celebrities on social media.

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