
"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two


The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article


When it comes to which type of domestic drama is everyone's favorite, the first thing that many people think of is spy war dramas.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

After all, in the domestic film and television circle, the excellent classic works that have exploded in spy war dramas have never been broken, starting from "Latent" in 2009 to this year's "Wind Chaser", all of which have attracted everyone's attention.

Although it is said that after the peak, there will be a cold wave period, but here in the spy war drama, this spell has been broken.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

In order to keep the audience from being short, the two major platforms of iQiyi and Tencent launched a spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze", which ranked among the top in ratings and word-of-mouth as soon as it started.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

It seems that Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei are still charming, and with the two of them as the heroes and heroines of the play, this pair is really interesting!

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

However, compared with the popularity of the male and female protagonists in the play, the most attractive thing about this drama is Xiao Shunyao, who plays the second male lead, who can rely on his appearance, but he wants to conquer everyone with his acting skills.

Huang Jingyu took the lead in the agent and faced off against Xin Zhilei

Before "Lonely Lost City" was broadcast, many viewers actually did not have great expectations for this drama, after all, the male and female protagonists Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei are not spy war dramas.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Huang Jingyu, as a "special soldier in the entertainment industry", has always been "mixed" in modern dramas, and rarely plays the role of period dramas, while Xin Zhilei has experience in "Flowers", but she has never acted as an agent.

Therefore, the audience is afraid that the two will collapse the entire plot as soon as they appear, and turn the good spy war drama into a modern romance film.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

What people didn't expect was that although the two were not professional enough, their acting skills were online, and the audience also gave their valuable praise and praise.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two
"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Let's take a look at Huang Jingyu first, as the male protagonist of this play, the first challenge to play an agent is also a big challenge for the whole play.

Although Ou Xiao'an played by him was forced to lose his memory at the beginning, no matter how empty his head is, Ou Xiaoan will always look calm and self-controlled.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

This kind of personality is very similar to Huang Jingyu himself, steadfastness and stability are his appearance, but also his core, the role and actor are combined into one, which makes people very into the play when they look at it.

For example, when Ou Xiaoan returned to the secret service department after losing his memory, he was still an old friend catching up, but the next second he was slapped by the female spy Miao Jiang.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Miao Jiang asked Ou Xiaoan in the interrogation room to explain what happened to him in the four years he disappeared, but Ou Xiaoan looked calm and put down the notebook, and Miao Jiang came up and hit Ou Xiaoan on the leg with a stick.

After that, he strangled his neck behind him, and his life was directly seriously threatened, and he would die on the spot if he was not careful.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Huang Jingyu, as the leading actor of this play, not only has his lines loud, but also is calm and fluent in the face of danger, and his words are fine, which completely shows the calmness of the lurker.

It is precisely because of this that the female spy and other high-ranking officials in the interrogation room were completely convinced, which also paved the way for Ou Xiaoan's future position in the enemy camp.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Especially in the part where Ou Xiaoan had a separate conversation with the Japanese officers, the Japanese officers were already suspicious of Ou Xiaoan's details and wanted to test him through the speech riot.

But Ou Xiaoan just calmly silenced, used his silence to calm his mind, and did not reveal a trace of panic and flaws on his face, which perfectly dispelled some doubts on the Japanese side.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

This is not over, the high-ranking officers of the Japanese army are suspicious by nature, how can they just let go of the object of suspicion in a word?

After that, the senior official deliberately mentioned his comrades-in-arms in front of Ou Xiaoan, and by the way, observed Ou Xiaoan's micro-expressions and first reactions.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Seeing that the words fell, Ou Xiaoan's eyes widened a lot, but he still looked respectful and cautious on his face, and he also saw through the Japanese plan in a very orderly and clear manner.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

After the analysis, the male protagonist made his position clear by the way, and at this point, the crisis was solved immediately, and Ou Xiaoan also won the trust of the Japanese officers.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

In addition, the actresses in the play are also full of acting skills, and their sense of presence is close to that of the male protagonist Huang Jingyu.

As an agent who is also undercover in the enemy camp, Qin Moqing played by Xin Zhilei vividly shows the four words of decisiveness.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Obviously last year was the most gorgeous rose on the beach, and in an instant, she became a resolute undercover female agent in the play.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

In order to learn first-hand information, Qin Moqing directly broke into the secret interrogation room without receiving the interrogation notice, and when he heard that his subordinates were using high-level identities to her, he went up directly to scold, which directly frightened the people present.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

When I went on a mission with the male owner, when I saw that the situation was wrong, I just started killing the bad guy without saying a word, and the whole person just didn't talk much.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Seeing the acting skills of the two leading actors so online, the audience's hearts were also half relieved, I thought that Huang Jingyu's performance was already very exciting, but I was amazed by the male number two with a height of 185.

The second male Xiao Shunyao's acting skills exploded

When it comes to Xiao Shunyao, most viewers should be impressed by his performance in "Lotus Tower", dressed in red, with a fierce appearance, but in his heart he is a jealous and hateful knight.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

It may be that Xiao Shunyao's chivalrous guest design is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so in this drama, he became Lou Mingyuan, the revolutionary comrade-in-arms of the male protagonist Ou Xiaoan, and even sacrificed heroically to protect the male protagonist.

At the beginning, Lou Mingyuan and Ou Xiaoan were just two strange colleagues who didn't know each other, but they came together and became comrades-in-arms because of the mission.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

But in order to cover the male protagonist Ou Xiaoan from being exposed, Lou Mingyuan had to sacrifice himself to block the enemy's road, trying to earn time for his friends to escape, and he was captured by the enemy.

When he was locked up in the interrogation room, Lou Mingyuan saw his friend Ou Xiaoan, who had been fighting side by side, and remembered the commitment and important task between the two, he could only silently use his eyes to convey strength to his companions.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

But all this invisibly angered the enemy officials, and they used severe torture to force Lou Mingyuan to tell the whereabouts of the undercover agent, otherwise they would kill him.

His face was full of blood, screaming in pain, and the scalp of the people who watched the thrilling torture was numb in an instant, Xiao Shunyao's expression and eyes were as if he was really being tortured, and it made people scared and distressed to look at.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

thought that Lou Mingyuan would break through the defense line and obediently confess the news of other people, but the strong-willed Lou Mingyuan just vomited the blood on the face of the Japanese officer.

may feel that this is not enough, the officer actually sent Ou Xiaoan to carry out the torture, Ou Xiaoan couldn't bear his friend's suffering, so he had to interrogate him in a fake way, but Lou Mingyuan asked his friend to kill him with a serious face at this time.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

The simple three words, after Xiao Shunyao said them, were full of firmness to the revolution and reluctance to his friends, and this scene made me cry instantly.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

is obviously just an idol, but Xiao Shunyao has interpreted the patriotic integrity of a revolutionary into three points, this time, he undoubtedly showed the strength and acting skills that a young actor should have.


Originally, he went to Huang Jingyu, the "tough guy of internal entertainment", but he was coldly fascinated by Xiao Shunyao, the second male number one with a height of 185, and this acting skill really beat a lot of domestic entertainment small fresh meat.

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

Let's just say, when will there be more such powerful actors in the entertainment industry, then there will be nothing to worry about in the quality of film and television dramas in the future.

Reference Sources:

The video of "Ou Xiao'an being interrogated" released by Lone War Maze on June 30, 2024

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

The video of "Qin Moqing is out of the house" released by Lone War Maze on June 30, 2024

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

The video "A Tear of Ou Xiao'an" released by Lone Lost City on June 30, 2024

"Lonely Lost City" has a blowout! avoided the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, but was amazed by the 185cm male number two

In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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