
"Village Chief" Li Rui and his daughter hosted on the same stage, and the 15-year-old daughter was generous, netizens: The future is promising

author:Faint as the autumn breeze

Recently, Li Rui, who served as the "village chief" in "Where Are You Going, Dad", posted a photo of himself hosting an event with his daughter, which can't help but make people sigh, time flies so fast, the village chief's daughter is 15 years old.

"Village Chief" Li Rui and his daughter hosted on the same stage, and the 15-year-old daughter was generous, netizens: The future is promising

The village chief's daughter is named Li Pengxi, and judging from the photos, her height is not much different from her father's. The little girl is generous, not only cute, but also with a strong youthful atmosphere.

"Village Chief" Li Rui and his daughter hosted on the same stage, and the 15-year-old daughter was generous, netizens: The future is promising

The daughter also seems to have the true biography of Li Rui, the typhoon is steady, the posture is dignified, and she hosts with her father, and she doesn't see the slightest stage fright, it seems that Li Rui usually pays attention to the cultivation of her daughter's ability in this regard.

"Village Chief" Li Rui and his daughter hosted on the same stage, and the 15-year-old daughter was generous, netizens: The future is promising

For Li Rui, it is a rare parent-child time in his life, which is worth remembering and recalling. For Li Pengxi, in addition to being a precious memory, it is also a rare life experience, and there are not many such opportunities.

"Village Chief" Li Rui and his daughter hosted on the same stage, and the 15-year-old daughter was generous, netizens: The future is promising

It is worth mentioning that Li Pengxi not only got the true biography of Li Rui in terms of hosting, but also looked very similar to him, and the village chief Li Rui's genes are still quite strong.

Li Pengxi has already shown good hosting skills at a young age, and it seems that she will become a better host than her father in the future, and the future is promising.


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