
Whether to fight Lebanon or not, the Western evacuation of overseas Chinese has given the answer, and now the most worrying thing is Palestine

author:Liu Zhenqi's view
Whether to fight Lebanon or not, the Western evacuation of overseas Chinese has given the answer, and now the most worrying thing is Palestine

After Israeli Defense Minister Gallant claimed in the United States that significant progress had been made in military aid and that the seized military aid would soon reach Israel, he became even more vocal and directly claimed that Israel was fully capable of sending Lebanon back to the Stone Age if it wanted to. However, Gallant then changed his words and said that Israel does not want to go to war with Allah, and now it is only preparing for all kinds of possible events!

Gallant said that he did not want to go to war with Allah, but whether Israel wanted to enter Lebanon and fight Allah again, to be honest, this is already a clear thing. Netanyahu declared war on Allah and amassed heavy troops in northern Israel, and Gallant, who was in charge of military and warfare, went to the United States at this time to still get the support of the United States, and in the face of Allah, a more difficult opponent, Israel hopes that the United States can provide more assistance, especially heavy ammunition that is effective against Allah targets.

Whether to fight Lebanon or not, the Western evacuation of overseas Chinese has given the answer, and now the most worrying thing is Palestine

Israel wants to fight Allah, and even if it does not directly send troops, a big war with Hezah in Lebanon will further increase the intensity of the attack on Allah's targets. As for the United States sending representatives to Israel to persuade peace when Israel showed murderous intentions, and after talks with Gallant, Gallant also said that he would not seek war with Allah. At first glance, the United States is persuading Israel, especially Gallant revealed that the United States still has not agreed to lift the ban on heavy ammunition. After all, there is not enough firepower, and Israel really does not know how to fight.

Moreover, it is also reported that the United States is already talking with Israel, hoping that Israel will give Ukraine 8 sets of "Patriot" air defense systems, which means that the conflict on Israel's side is almost over, and Ukraine's side is more in need. And if Israel wants to weaken its air defense, it seems even more unlikely that it will go to war with Allah!

But in fact, it is the Western allies of the United States who do not believe in the United States the most. These Western countries have followed the United States for many years, so how can they not know what kind of virtue the United States is, and what kind of virtue Israel is supported by the United States. On the question of whether Israel wants to attack Lebanon, the evacuation of these Western countries has already given the answer.

Whether to fight Lebanon or not, the Western evacuation of overseas Chinese has given the answer, and now the most worrying thing is Palestine

The Germans have been asked by the German Foreign Office to urgently evacuate Lebanon, and many other Western countries, including Canada, have repeatedly asked their citizens to evacuate Lebanon. Even the United States itself, on June 27, demanded that its citizens be evacuated from Lebanon as soon as possible. It is said that the golden wind has not moved the cicadas, and these Western countries have called for their citizens to evacuate, which is actually a very clear signal, especially this includes the United States!

In short, the "peace signals" released by Israel and the United States now seem to these Western countries to be smoke bombs. Later, when it was mentioned that the United States discussed with Israel about giving the "Patriot" air defense system to Ukraine, it was more like trying to tell this lie more realistically. As for the heavy ammunition needed for Israel's war with Allah, in the eyes of many, it has long been sent to Israel by the Americans!

Whether to fight Lebanon or not, the Western evacuation of overseas Chinese has given the answer, and now the most worrying thing is Palestine

If Israel really wants to go to war with Allah, who is most anxious at this moment? There is no doubt about Palestine. No one would be naïve enough to think that if Israel fought Allah, there would be peace in Gaza and the West Bank. On the contrary, if Israel does decide to go to war with Allah, that is what Palestinians should be most worried about! In order to avoid being attacked on the back, Israel is likely to launch large-scale and indiscriminate attacks on targets, including Gaza and the West Bank, before going to war with Allah, which is not only to further eliminate the Palestinian resistance, but also to deter the Palestinian resistance forces and not to cause chaos for themselves.

On June 27, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass a bill prohibiting the U.S. State Department from citing the Gaza death toll, which, if Biden finally signed, would mean that the U.S. government would stop discussing the casualties caused by the Israeli army during the Gaza operation. If before that, under the blows of American weapons, innocent Palestinians were just a number in the eyes of the United States, now Americans do not want to see this number again!

This seems to have foreshadowed more killings in Gaza before Israel goes to war with Allah. Therefore, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is already preparing to visit Russia in August, hoping that Russia will help Palestine. (Paper Airplane)

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