
Procedures for reporting the loss of real estate deeds


In order to protect their legitimate rights and interests, after losing the property ownership certificate, you need to make a declaration in time, the following are the detailed steps of the registration procedure for the loss of the real estate certificate:

Prepare the materials

Procedures for reporting the loss of real estate deeds

1. The original and photocopy of the ID card of the owner of the real estate certificate.

Procedures for reporting the loss of real estate deeds

2. Declaration of loss of real estate certificate (including: name, ID number, real estate certificate number, location of the house, reason for loss, etc. of the owner of the real estate certificate).

Select the newspaper

1. Choose a local influential newspaper to ensure that the statement can be seen by more people.

Procedures for reporting the loss of real estate deeds

2. Confirm the newspaper publication fee and understand the newspaper registration process.

Write a loss statement

1. According to the requirements of the newspaper, write a loss statement, the following is a reference template:


I (name), ID number (ID number), accidentally lost the real estate certificate, the certificate number is (real estate certificate number), the house is located (house address), hereby declare.

Declarant: (Signed)


2. The statement should contain all important information, such as the name of the owner of the real estate certificate, ID number, real estate certificate number, house address, etc.

Submit a statement

1. Submit the written statement of loss to the editorial office of the newspaper.

2. Pay the newspaper fee according to the requirements of the newspaper.

Waiting for the newspaper

1. After the newspaper editorial department approves the review, the loss statement will be arranged to be published at the appropriate time.

2. Pay attention to the issue date of the newspaper and ensure that the loss statement is published on time.

Pick up the newspaper

1. On the day the statement is published, pick up the newspaper in time to confirm that the statement is correct.

2. If necessary, you can pick up a few more newspapers in case of emergency.

Go through the procedures for re-issuance

1. One month after the loss statement is published in the newspaper, bring your ID card, photocopy, newspaper and other materials to the local real estate registration center to apply for a replacement of the real estate certificate.

2. Submit the application materials and wait for the review of the real estate registration center.

3. After passing the review, pay the replacement fee and receive a new real estate certificate.


1. In the process of publishing, it is necessary to ensure the authenticity of the statement to avoid unnecessary trouble.

2. The cost of newspaper publication varies from newspaper to newspaper, so you can consult multiple newspapers in advance and choose a cost-effective newspaper.

3. When going through the procedures for replacing the certificate, you need to bring all the materials to avoid affecting the progress of the application.

4. During the re-issuance of the real estate certificate, properly keep the relevant materials to prevent them from being lost again.

Through the above steps, you can successfully complete the process of reporting the loss of the title deed and reissue a new title deed as soon as possible, in the process, it is important to be patient to ensure that each step is correct in order to solve the problem smoothly, and also pay attention to keep the new title deed to avoid losing it again.

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