
No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!

author:Wei Sihong

来源 | 江苏泗洪新星中学微信公众号编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!
No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!
No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!

2024 Junior Year 1 Admissions Guide

In accordance with the spirit of the "Opinions on the Enrollment of Primary and Secondary School Students in Sihong County in 2024", the relevant matters related to the enrollment of first-year freshmen in our school in 2024 are hereby notified as follows:

No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!


Enrollment target

Elementary school graduates in 2024. (Students who have already obtained junior high school status are not allowed to re-apply for the enrollment of new students in the seventh grade)


Scope of enrollment

Sihong County (no proof of real estate certificate is required)


How to register

Online registration is implemented, and the specific registration process can be found in the "Online Registration Process for Sunshine Enrollment of Sihong County Compulsory Education School".


Registration Procedure

1. Enrollment publicity: June 25-30, 2024.

2. Online registration: July 1 - July 10, 2024.

School-age teenagers and their main guardians log in to the "Suqian Compulsory Education School Sunshine Enrollment Registration Platform" to register enrollment information online. Each school-age teenager chooses one public school in the teaching district, and may choose one more private compulsory education school as a voluntary school for enrollment. After the online registration period ends, the registration information cannot be changed.

3. Public notice: July 15-20, 2024.

According to the registration information of students, the county bureau will conduct lottery admission, and the admission results will be publicized at the school gate before July 20.


Admissions calls

Admissions phone number 1: 13812429210

Admissions phone number 2: 13485081962

Admissions call 3:13812425827

No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!

Sihong County Compulsory Education Sunshine Enrollment Online Registration Process

The online registration of Sunshine Enrollment of Sihong County Compulsory Education School relies on the "Suqian Compulsory Education Sunshine Enrollment Platform", and at present, there are three channels to enter the Sunshine Enrollment Platform.

1. Alipay Mini Program login

1. Open Alipay, click on the 'Search' bar at the top of the 'Home Page', enter 'Suqian Express', click Search, select the 'Suqian Express' applet from the search, and click to enter.

2. Open the 'Suqian Express' Mini Program and select the 'Sunshine Enrollment' module on the homepage to enter the Sunshine Enrollment Platform.

2. Jiangsu government service APP login

2. Real-name registration of Jiangsu government service APP. After downloading and installing, open the "Jiangsu Government Service" APP, click "Register Now", and complete the registration after completing the information according to the filling requirements.

3. Log in to the Jiangsu Government Service APP. After opening the Jiangsu Government Service APP, click the bottom menu "My", click "Login Now" in the upper left corner, and you can log in through your account or Alipay quick login.

4. Enter the enrollment system. In the upper left corner of the home page of the "Jiangsu Government Service" APP, select Suqian City, and in the "Jiangsu Government Service. In the "My Services" section of Suqian, select "Sunshine Enrollment" and click "Enter Application".

Among them, users who have downloaded and registered the Jiangsu government service APP will directly enter the third step.

3. Suxinban APP login

2. Suxinban APP registration. After downloading and installing, open the Suxinban APP, click "Login/Register" in "My" at the bottom of the home page, and register with one click with the local number.

3. Log in to the Suxinban APP. Open the Suxinban APP, click "Login/Register" in "My" at the bottom of the home page, and log in with one click with the local number, or you can log in through mobile phone verification code, WeChat or Alipay.

4. Real-name authentication of the Suxinban APP. Open the Suxinban APP, click "Go to real name" in "My" at the bottom of the home page, and select face recognition authentication or Alipay real-name authentication or hand-held ID photo authentication to complete real-name authentication.

5. Enter the enrollment system. Click on the opening page of the Suxinban APP to enter the "Sunshine Enrollment" registration platform. Or enter the homepage of the Suxinban APP and click the "Sunshine Enrollment" icon at the top right to enter the registration platform. Or click on the carousel of the "Sunshine Enrollment" registration entrance on the head and waist to enter the registration platform. Or search for "Sunshine Enrollment" at the top of the APP homepage, and the icon will appear, click on the icon to enter the registration platform. Or click "More" on the homepage, select the "Cultural and Sports Education" section, and click "Sunshine Admissions" to enter the registration platform.

Among them, users who have downloaded the Suxinban APP and registered with their real names will directly enter the fifth step.

No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!

Enter the "Suqian City Compulsory Education."

Sunshine Enrollment Platform" operation steps

No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!

1. User Registration

Log in for the first time, please click the "Register" button, and the system will automatically transfer to the "Suqian Compulsory Education Sunshine Enrollment System Usage Instructions" page, please check "I have read and agree to the content of the instructions" after reading. Then follow these steps:

1. Enter the user's mobile phone number;

2. Click the "Get Verification Code" button to get the SMS verification code;

3. Enter the SMS verification code received on your mobile phone, 4 digits;

4. Enter the "password" twice;

5. Click the "Register" button to complete the registration.

2. User login

Visit the system URL, enter your mobile phone number and password, and click "Login".

1. Select "Declared School Section" (primary school or junior high school) and select "County (Sihong County) where the declared school is located";

2. Fill in the "student's name", "student's ID number", "head of household's name", "householder's ID number" according to the truth;

3. When choosing a private school to register, when filling in the "real estate information", when entering the real estate information filling, select the "other" column on the right to fill in, and you can describe the place of residence clearly. Or just upload a photo as a photo of the house ownership certificate;

4. Select "Enrollment School";

5. Click "Extract Information";

6. Click "Save" to complete the registration information entry.

3. Inquiry of registration information

1. SMS inquiry. The registration system will send the review status to the parents' mobile phone number in the form of SMS, and parents can check the content of the SMS to understand the relevant information.

2. Online inquiry. Enter the Suqian Compulsory Education Sunshine Enrollment System and click "Information Query" to view the relevant registration information.

4. Precautions

1. All the information filled in must be true and accurate, and the login password must be kept properly.

2. Parents should keep their mobile phones unblocked, check the review of materials in a timely manner, and take the initiative to contact the admissions staff of the school when necessary.

3. If parents have any questions during the online registration process, they can consult by phone.

No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!

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No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!


No title deed required! Sihong this school is starting to enroll!


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