
If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

author:Tranquil voice
If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

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Words: Xiao Jing Jing

Typesetting: Brother Two Wolves

The marriage market is lively,

Jing Jing also wants to talk about it!

Today's topic, if the girl's name is not added to the real estate certificate before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

I believe that when this question is raised, the man and the woman will argue endlessly, and they will never come up with a unified answer.

For the man, the meaning of the house before marriage

Male students who own pre-marital property represent financial independence. Owning his own house shows that the boy has a certain economic foundation and savings, which not only makes the boy more confident in marriage, but also can provide more stable material security for the family in the future.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

A bargaining chip in marriage negotiations

Pre-marital property is a bargaining chip for men in marriage negotiations. While marriage is not a transaction, both the financial and emotional investment of both parties is something to consider.

If a boy owns a pre-marital property, he will be more confident in marriage negotiations.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

Protection of personal property

Pre-marital property is the personal property of the male and is separate from the joint property after the marriage. This means that if there is a change in the marriage, the boy's pre-marital property will not be affected too much. This can protect the personal property rights and interests of the boy and avoid the loss of property caused by the change of marriage.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

Title Deeds and Marriage Choices: The Embodiment of Women's Sense of Independence

In the past, a woman's marriage was seen as a way to change her fate.

With the improvement of women's education level and social status, women are independent. Whether or not the name is added on the real estate certificate reflects the woman's pursuit of property rights and interests in marriage.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

When faced with the situation of not adding a name to the real estate deed, many girls will wonder if the marriage really meets their expectations.

☞ Watch a video on the Internet (source, surprise complaint)


If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying
If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

Marriage is a commitment, and the name on the title deed is a symbol of trust

Marriage, in the hearts of many people, is a promise that two hearts are closely connected, and it is a vow for two people to spend their lives together. When we talk about marriage, what we usually expect is to grow with our partner and face the ups and downs of life together.

Seemingly small things can be a litmus test of each other's feelings.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

For many women, it's not just a matter of a name, it's a symbol of trust and the future.

If the man is reluctant to add the woman's name to the title deed before getting married, the woman may feel confused and upset. She might be thinking, "If you can't even put my name on the title deed before you get married, are you really ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" ”

Some netizens commented that many girls now have incorrect views

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

The status and role of women is changing dramatically. They are increasingly involved in all areas of society, economy and culture, and their ideas are constantly being updated and changing.

It is true that some girls are influenced by various bad information or values in the process of growing up, which leads to deviations in their three views. But that doesn't mean "a lot of girls" are like that. We cannot generalize and judge entire groups because of individual phenomena.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

The shaping of a person's three views is an intricate process, in which many factors such as family environment, educational experience, and social background play a role.

The male netizen said that if the loan is repaid jointly, it is okay, but the full payment of the house is not

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

Female netizens retorted, why add your name if you don't have a down payment and don't pay for it? Naked robbery, I'm a woman I don't agree.

Some netizens said that this was a robbery in the name of marriage

About the notarization of prenuptial property

The relationship between premarital property justice between married men and women and the crisis of trust in modern marriage and love is a complex and sensitive topic.

Nowadays, many families choose property justice before marriage, clarify the ownership of property, and avoid disputes over property issues after marriage. Its purpose is to protect the economic rights and interests of both parties and to ensure the stability and harmony of the marital relationship.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying
  1. Modern marriage has become more realistic, which is a contradiction between emotion and reality. Prenuptial notarization of property may raise suspicion among the soon-to-be-married couple and affect confidence in the marriage.
  2. There are pros and cons to property justice: prevent and reduce the occurrence of disputes, and protect the economic rights and interests of both parties. Disadvantages: It affects the relationship between both parties and becomes the fuse of loss of confidence in the marriage, which may eventually lead to the breakdown of the relationship and divorce.

There are different opinions about whether the pros outweigh the disadvantages, or whether the disadvantages outweigh the pros.

Fryer in the comment area

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

In fact, the man's parents bought a house in full, even if the girl's name is added to the premarital property, as long as the parents show the relevant purchase information, the divorce will not be a dime, I am a woman, as long as the man buys a house in full, the marriage house (can not live with the in-laws or other elders, can only live with two people) car, has a stable job, three views, no need to add a name, make me seem to picture his house.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

My wife was begged by me to add her name to the real estate certificate, you should think about why others are reluctant to add it

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

If the 30-year-old woman proposes the property plus her own name and salary before marriage, she will take care of it. Yes, you need to ask the woman if she has any deposits. If not, then no. Live to 30 and don't even have a deposit, still want to manage money? Does she have what it takes? Is it worthy?

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

I took out all the money from the family to buy a house, wrote my wife's name, my parents like this daughter-in-law, my wife is also very filial, and gave birth to a pair of children, except for no money, I am already content

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

Is there anyone who has popularized this law? If the woman repays the loan, the name on it is valid, and if there is a divorce, it is also distributed according to the repayment amount. Do you think you can divide the money for the house by writing your name? Even if you only write the woman's name, it is useless, and the actual ownership of the house depends on who gives the money.

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

If you don't buy a house, you won't consider it at all, it's just that the suspect is poor, and if you buy a mortgage, you still want your wife to repay the loan with you? Bought the full amount without writing her name is going to calculate very, empty gloves white wolf, divorce can not get anything, co-authored to buy the full amount, after marriage to write the woman's name, divorce half is what the woman wants?

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

In other words, get married and live a good life. What do you care about the name of the house? Is there confidence in the divorce or is there security after the divorce?

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

Ming Huanghuang robbed half of the money from other people's houses

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying
If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

If you don't add it, don't add a man, go with your mother, the kindergarten is closed, anyway.

What do you think about this, friends in front of the screen? Welcome to complain in the comment area!

If the girl's name is not added to the real estate deed before marriage, will they choose to marry? The comment area is frying

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