
Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?



Big S Gu Junye barbecue restaurant: From a celebrity couple to a barbecue expert

Celebrity couples cross the border barbecue industry

In the entertainment industry, celebrities always have all kinds of unexpected side hustles. No, Da S and Gu Junye, a high-profile celebrity couple, announced a new business at the beginning of this year - a Korean barbecue restaurant. As soon as the news of the opening of this store came out, it immediately aroused the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens. After all, who would have thought that these two idols on the screen would cross over to the catering industry and personally handle the barbecue?

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

According to Korean netizens, this barbecue restaurant has been doing very well since it opened. When it's time to eat, there is always a queue of waiting diners in front of the restaurant. Not only that, but even the employees at the store said that since the store opened, they have hardly encountered idle time. Such a degree of popularity is enough to prove how strong the appeal of Big S and Gu Junye is.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

Gu Junye's "barbecue show"

As one of the owners of this barbecue restaurant, Gu Junye can be described as conscientious. Not only does he often come to the restaurant to help out in person, but he also often shares photos and videos of his barbecue on social media. In these photos and videos, Gu Junye is always smiling, expertly flipping the slices of meat on the baking sheet, and seems to enjoy the process.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

What's more interesting is that Gu Junye often gives benefits to fans in the store. It is said that as long as you meet his fans in the store, you will have the opportunity to get autographed photos of him and Big S. Such a surprise naturally made fans even more excited. Some netizens joked: "Where is this barbecue restaurant? It's clearly Gu Junye's 'barbecue show'! ”

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

Funny comments and heated discussions from netizens

For Da S and Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant, netizens naturally have a lot of discussions. Some people expressed great envy for meeting the couple in the store, and some people even began to plan a trip to South Korea, just to check in at this barbecue restaurant. Of course, some netizens expressed doubts, believing that they were just using their fame to make money.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

However, no matter what netizens think, it is undeniable that Da S and Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant has become a hot topic. What is reflected behind this is not only the choice of celebrities' side hustles, but also people's attention and expectations for cross-border entrepreneurship.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

Controversial ending

Of course, there are also some controversial topics about Da S and Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant. Some people think that they are using their fame to make money, which is somewhat unethical; Others think that they are just pursuing their dreams and hobbies, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

However, no matter how these controversies exist, they can't stop Da S and Gu Junye's success in the field of barbecue restaurants. They proved their strength and charm with practical actions, and also let us see the infinite possibilities of celebrities to start a business across borders. So, what do you think of such a celebrity husband and wife barbecue restaurant? Is it for support or for questioning? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is out of the circle! Netizen: The "top stream" of the barbecue industry is here?

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