
Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!



#你好星期六# Good six watch a good drama: a big test of the tacit understanding between husband and wife in the wife's cake

On the stage of "Hello Saturday", a unique "Silent Cry" session is being staged. When the partners formed by @高元元 and @Times Youth League-Ding Chengxin faced a series of challenging word guesses, the tacit understanding and interaction between them undoubtedly became the focus of attention of the audience.

Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!

In this session, each pair has a limited time to guess the words displayed on the screen through body language and simple prompts. When the word "wife cake" appeared on the screen, the atmosphere of the scene instantly became subtle. Xiao Ding, a young and energetic teenager, was obviously a little overwhelmed in the face of this word full of family flavor. He hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively, "What do you call Brother Ting?" As soon as this question came out, the audience and guests immediately widened their eyes and were ready to eat melons and watch the play.

Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!

However, Gao Yuanyuan, with her usual calmness and calmness, gave an answer that surprised everyone: "Gao Yuanyuan." As soon as this answer came out, the audience immediately burst into laughter. It turned out that in this link, Zhao Youting did not call his wife by an intimate nickname as everyone imagined, but directly called out her full name. This unexpected reversal not only made the audience laugh, but also made everyone feel the different tacit understanding and humor between the couple.

Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!

Netizens are hotly discussed: Is the title between husband and wife intimate or alienated?

As this video spread, netizens started a heated discussion in the comment area. Some netizens said: "This link is so interesting! I didn't expect Gao Yuanyuan and Zhao Youting's way of calling them so down-to-earth. Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that Zhao Youting is also a 'straight man' at home and won't play any romantic tricks." Of course, some netizens put forward different opinions: "Calling the full name does not mean that it is not intimate, the tacit understanding and feelings between them are the most important." ”

Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!

The tacit understanding test of the husband and wife in this "Wife Cake" not only allowed the audience to see the unique interaction between Gao Yuanyuan and Zhao Youting, but also triggered everyone's thinking about the way to address husband and wife. In this era of individuality and freedom, should we break the shackles of tradition and look at the names of couples with a more open and inclusive mind? There may not be a standard answer to this question, but it is this kind of discussion and collision that makes our lives more interesting and colorful.

Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!

#夫妻称呼大讨论# What do you and your significant other call each other?

In the comment section, we saw a variety of answers and opinions. Some netizens said that they like to use intimate nicknames to address each other, such as "baby", "dear", etc.; Some netizens prefer to use their full names or simple names to express their feelings; Other netizens shared some interesting nicknames and nicknames, which made people laugh.

Don't have a wife in the wife's? Gao Yuanyuan responded: I am the "wife" and the "cake"!

These different ways of calling each couple not only reflect the unique feelings and tacit understanding between each couple, but also let us see people's different understandings and pursuits of love and marriage. In this era full of changes and challenges, let us face the issue of title between husband and wife with a more open and inclusive mind, and let the flowers of love and marriage bloom more brilliantly in our lives.

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