
What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts

author:The fourth brother tells a story

What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts

What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts
What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts
What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts
What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts
What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts
What's it like to have a conservative boyfriend? Netizen: It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts

In today's diverse and open society, everyone hopes to find resonance in love and find a partner who can work hand in hand with them. However, when such a partner is a conservative, many women find themselves walking into a world that is both familiar and unfamiliar. Recently, many netizens have shared their mental journey of "getting along with a conservative boyfriend" on the Internet, and one of the netizens was particularly profound: "It's too painful, and there is nowhere to show your martial arts." ”

This netizen said that she was originally a cheerful girl who liked to try new things, and was full of enthusiasm and curiosity about life. However, since dating her conservative boyfriend, she has found herself having to rein in those flashes of nature. Her boyfriend has a fairly conservative view of some of her daily behaviors, such as dressing, social activities, and even her attitude towards work. He didn't like her dressing too revealingly, she didn't like her going out at night with friends, and he didn't like her showing too much ambition and independence at work.

In such a relationship, netizens felt unprecedented bondage. She felt as if she was being encased in a transparent cage, able to see the outside world, but unable to truly blend in. Her enthusiasm, her energy, her innovative spirit, in the eyes of this conservative boyfriend, all seem to have become shortcomings that need to be corrected.

What made her even more painful was that she found it increasingly difficult to stand up for what she believed in. Whenever she tries to defend herself or fight for her rights, her boyfriend will always tell her in that seemingly gentle but firm tone: "You are not good like this, you should ......" She began to doubt whether her values were correct, and began to wonder if she had really done something wrong.

However, just when she was about to give up on herself, she suddenly realized: she was not wrong. Everyone has their own way of life and choices, and there is no absolute right or wrong to be conservative or open-minded. She shouldn't sacrifice her happiness and freedom to cater to her boyfriend. So, she decided to stand up bravely and speak up for herself.

She began to try to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her boyfriend, telling him that she wanted more understanding and support. She also began to follow her own path more determined and no longer changed herself in order to cater to her boyfriend. Although the process was full of hardships and challenges, she eventually discovered that true happiness and fulfillment can only be found by truly being herself.

Now this netizen has broken up with her boyfriend. She said that although the breakup left her with a painful time, she felt a sense of relief and freedom that she had never felt before. She rediscovered her energetic and innovative self and began to pursue her dreams and lifestyle more actively.

This story teaches us that it is very important to maintain oneself and assert one's values in love. We should not sacrifice our happiness and freedom in order to cater to others. At the same time, we should also learn to respect and understand the choices and positions of others, so that we can build truly healthy and equal relationships.

Guarding the heart is like a jade meeting Langjun, old-fashioned and deep affection.

I don't understand the fun at first acquaintance, but my heart is worth ten thousand gold.

Poetry and drinking party before the flowers under the moon, sitting alone in a corner and silent.

Martial arts are difficult to show and feel bitter in my heart, I only hope that Lang Jun can solve his face.

The spring breeze blows the willow silk and the heart is like iron that cannot be measured.

Love is as deep as a shipwrecked boat, only to wait for time.

The summer is scorching and sweaty, but Lang Jun still keeps the old rules.

New clothes and new makeup are difficult to see, I hope his heart can be a little wider.

The autumn leaves fall all over the ground, and the years go deeper and deeper.

Although the martial arts are high and useless, I hope you can understand my infatuation.

The winter snow is flying and the red plum is reflected, and the conservative heart is difficult to open itself.

I hope you can understand my affection and enjoy the good scenery in the world.

In the dead of night, I have long thoughts, tossing and turning, and it is difficult to sleep.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, they are only willing to linger with you.

When I got up in the morning, I was worried about the mirror, and Lang Jun didn't understand my gentleness.

I hope that one day he will be transformed, and I will sing and laugh together.

At dusk, the birds of the west mountains return to their nests, and the lonely lamp is lonely and lonely.

Although the martial arts are high, there is nowhere to go, but I am willing to be free with you.

The flowers bloom and depend on each other, and Lang Jun is unswerving.

The love is as deep as a shipwreck, and I only want to share my head with you.

The willows on the moon are not sleeping, and the old heart is difficult to complete.

I hope you can understand my deep feelings and enjoy the bright moon to the sky.

The morning glow is full of mountains and red, and Lang Jun is conservative and affectionate.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, they are only willing to share this life with you.

The galaxy is shining brightly, and the conservative heart is also hesitating.

I hope you can understand my feelings and have a long road ahead together.

The ancient road west wind is thin and the horse is neighing, and Lang Jun is conservative and unswerving.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, I hope you can understand my mind.

The mountains and rivers meet each other, and the old-fashioned heart is also happy.

Although the martial arts are high, I am only willing to share the flute with you.

The green bamboo swaying reflects the clear spring, and the old Langjun is strong.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, they are only willing to linger with you.

The falling flowers deliberately follow the flowing water, and the flowing water ruthlessly chases the falling flowers.

The old man is reluctant to give up, and he only hopes that he will share the end of the world one day.

Time flies, but the old heart has not moved.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, they are only willing to share their heads with you.

There are many troubles in the world, and the old-fashioned Lang Jun is self-exalted.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, I hope you can understand my deep feelings.

The breeze comes slowly and the night is not yang, and the old heart is also wandering.

I hope you can understand my feelings and enjoy the bright moon until dawn.

Life is like a dream, and the old-fashioned heart is also calm.

Although martial arts are high, you can spend this life with you.

The true love is unswerving, and the old heart is also gentle.

Although martial arts are difficult to self-show, compose a song of love with you.

The love is as deep as a shipwreck, and the old-fashioned Langjun is sincere.

Although the martial arts are high, I hope that the king's heart is like my heart.

As the years go by, so does the old-fashionedness.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, spend a good time with you.

The chaos of the world is like an illusion, and the old heart is also safe.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, go to the feast of life with you.

A hundred years of repair can be crossed in the same boat, and the old heart is also strong.

Although martial arts are high, build a happy road with you.

The deep meaning will never change, and the old heart will also be the same.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, spend a good time with you.

I am willing to share my head with you, and I have no desire for the old-fashioned.

Although martial arts are difficult to show themselves, they only wish to be with you for a long time.

The above picture information is quoted from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, the content of this article is a virtual interpretation, for entertainment only

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