
What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

author:Poetic Hills U6tQH

The beginning is so exciting, and now everything can be stirred up on the Internet.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Let's just say the stalk of "Grandpa Han Xue", at a glance, I thought it was a new Internet celebrity, but after a search, I found out that everyone used Han Xue's background to make fun of it. Speaking of Han Xue, this actress is not only an actress, but also a singer, film and television producer, and versatile.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Thinking back then, Leng Xiaoxing in "Flying Knives and Seeing Flying Knives" was really eye-catching, and his acting skills were also good. Today, let's not talk about her acting career, let's talk about what the stalk of "Grandpa Han Xue" is.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Some people on the Internet say that Han Xue has a deep background, her grandfather is a general, and her family relationship is very hard. This spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and it evolved into an Internet meme.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

But you say, what is the intention of the person who plays this stalk? Is it envy, jealousy, or pure entertainment? Let's take a look at the comments of netizens first. Some netizens said: "Isn't this an obvious thing? Han Xue has a background, where can we ordinary people compare? There was a sour smell in these words, typical envy, jealousy and hatred.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Some netizens also said: "This is just fun, don't take it too seriously." This kind of view is more open-minded, and treats this matter as an after-dinner conversation and laughs it off.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

No matter what netizens say, Han Xue's own efforts and talents cannot be ignored. Let's take her music works as an example, who hasn't heard the song "Drifting Snow"? The melody is beautiful and the lyrics are moving, and it once became a popular on-demand song on KTV.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

And those film and television works she produced, which one is not a meticulous work? Returning to the stalk of "Grandpa Han Xue", in fact, this incident also reflects a social mentality. In this era of face reading, everyone seems to pay more attention to your origin and background, and ignore personal efforts and dedication.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

But shouldn't the real success be achieved with your own hands? It doesn't matter who Han Xue and her grandfather are. The important thing is that Han Xue herself has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, relying on her own strength and talent.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Those who play memes may just be out of a complex psychology, both envy and jealousy, and more likely a boring pastime. But let's be clear, no matter where you come from, how far you can go in the end depends on your own ability.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Han Xue is the best example, although she has a good family background, but without her own efforts and talents, it would not be possible to achieve today's achievements in the entertainment industry. Therefore, the person who plays the stalk of "Grandpa Han Xue" may be out of a complex mentality, but we should see that real success does not depend on background, but on strength and hard work.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

In this seemingly unfair world, only one's own efforts and talents are the most reliable passes. After all, how can there be any absolute fairness in this world? Some people are born into wealthy families, while others have to worry about their livelihoods.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

But no matter what your starting point is, as long as you have dreams and are willing to work hard, you will always find your own piece of sky. Isn't Han Xue a good example? As for those who are still playing the "Grandpa Han Xue" stalk, maybe they are just looking for a psychological balance.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

But true balance is not achieved by belittling others, but by improving oneself. I hope that everyone can understand this truth and face the injustices and challenges of the world with a positive attitude.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

In this seemingly complex but simple entertainment industry, Han Xue proved herself with her strength and talent. And those who play memes should probably also let go of prejudice and jealousy and pursue their own dreams and successes.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

Because in this colorful world, everyone has the potential to be the next shining star. Grandpa Han Xue: "Although this stalk is hot for a while, it will eventually be forgotten with the passage of time.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

What can really be remembered is Han Xue's classic roles and songs, which are the achievements she has earned with her talent and hard work. That's what we should focus on and learn from.

What are the intentions of those who play with "Grandpa Han Xue"?

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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