
On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

author:Yu Xiaoxiao

His hair was full of scars, and he didn't recognize my words

Then sprout and laugh and the belly is getting bigger and bigger

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

I think that the person I see is a fool with myself......

In the live broadcast of "Riding the Wind 2024", Han Xue sang a song "Growing Up with a Weight of 10,000 Kilograms".

Very nice to hear.

After watching the movie "Su Yuan", the original musician was moved and wrote this song with compassion.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

During the singing, Han Xue choked up several times, her voice trembled, and she seemed to cry. The sisters at the scene were empathized by the deep melody and couldn't help shedding tears.

The sisters present also had tears in their eyes and deeply empathized.

Such a connotative work was deliberately misinterpreted and added with inexplicable "stalks".

Very unexpected.

It's okay to play memes.

Han Xue couldn't help but write down her feelings on her social account.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

However, not everything, every story, every work, is suitable.

"Growing Up with 10,000 Pounds" is precisely the inappropriate category.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

- It was the blood and tears of the unfortunate little girl for half her life, and it was not only vexatious to use a joking or even ridiculing attitude towards the little girl who had been traumatized at an early age.

There are deeper human issues involved.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

It is even more inappropriate to make jokes about the elders in other people's families, especially the old-timers who have made contributions in the past.

- That is also Han Xue's deceased relatives for many years, the warmest family left in the bottom of my heart, and the most regretful farewell; It should not be in such a "double offense".

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

Choosing to shake the wit at this time and the so-called "master artist" is not only not clever but also decent.

I believe that some people must remember the amazement of "Sound Immersion", and there must be people who have a deep memory of Chen Xiangnan in his life in "Wrong Love for a Life" many years ago...... Han Xue has always proved herself with her ability.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

Han Xue has never had resources from her grandfather in her acting career, and the old man has passed away for more than 20 years, how can he help her?

There is an old Chinese saying that the elderly are respected and the deceased are great, and it is inappropriate and inappropriate to joke about the elders in the family who have been dead for many years.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

Worse still, it is immoral.

In a word, this song is not suitable for playing stalks, let alone the so-called "grandpa stalks" should not be stalks.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

A groundless rumor about other people's resources is untrue;

The second is disrespectful to the deceased and the iron-blooded old Red Army, which is unjust.

The three rules are to ignore suffering regardless of the occasion, and it is unkind.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

Therefore, the focus of Han Xue's own post is obviously not to discuss whether she is good or not, but "the serious core is not suitable for playing stalks".

This may be the main reason why related content quickly appeared on the hot search, right?

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

After all, in the face of major rights and wrongs, netizens still have a bottom line.

Various official media issued articles in support, agreeing with Han Xue's view that "serious content should not be played with memes".

Whether it is the Suyuan who grew up with a weight of 10,000 kilograms, or the old Red Army who fought in the army and fought for half his life in his teens, he should not become a stalk to be played.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

may not be able to see it, Han Xue's fans have refuted rumors many times, and Han Xue once mentioned her grandfather on the show because she "didn't have time to send him off at the end of his life", and he regretted it for a long time.

Han Xue mentioned in the show that she didn't have time to see her grandfather on her deathbed, and she regretted tears on the spot.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

It's not appropriate to "play rumor-mongering" on other people's love and pain points, right?

Han Xue's grandfather, Han Shu, joined the Red Army at the age of 14 and participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

Such an old man who has really defended the country with his blood is always dragged out of his mouth, dragged out of his mouth, ridiculed, dragged out and rumor-mongering, isn't it appropriate?

is still the same sentence, whether you like Han Xue or not is a personal perception, it is normal to like it or not, and it is understandable.

On the night of "Riding the Wind 2024", you can stop the cyberviolence against Han Xue

"Entertain yourself and please everyone" is a very generous and cute mentality, but this does not mean that "everything can be hollow entertainment without a bottom line".

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