
Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

author:A small space in Aoyama

Under the careful teaching of his parents, Su Xiaoming came into contact with music very early. Her mother was a strict music teacher and often made detailed practice plans for her. Although it sometimes feels hard, Su Xiaoming finds happiness in it.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

She was born with a clear and sweet voice, and with hard practice, she soon showed extraordinary musical talent.

However, for Su Xiaoming, who is just starting out in the industry, she did not know that she was about to embark on a musical journey full of challenges and opportunities. At that time, she did not realize that she would become a household name singer of that era, nor did she expect that she would face many unexpected turns and opportunities in the future.

However, at this moment, she is fully committed to the new starting point of her life, ready to meet her own and wonderful life.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

In 1980, 23-year-old Su Xiaoming worked hard to hone his singing and acting skills at the Central Opera House. This year, however, a call from an important mission changed her life dramatically: singing a song called "Night at the Military Port".

As a young actor in the theater, she didn't expect the song to be a turning point in her career.

Su Xiaoming attaches great importance to this opportunity, and earnestly and repeatedly practiced, striving to achieve the ultimate perfection. On the day of the recording, she stood in front of the microphone, closed her eyes and quietly, as if she was in a quiet military port. She chanted softly: "The sea breeze blows, the night of the military port is quiet...... her voice is clear and moving, full of respect and praise for the naval soldiers.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

This song not only shows her beautiful voice, but also reflects her deep understanding of the meaning of the lyrics.

"Night at the Military Port" caused an instant sensation upon its release. Su Xiaoming's singing voice was gentle and tactful, touching the hearts of countless listeners, making this song quickly become a classic of that era.

People praised the girl from Beijing, and her name began to appear frequently in major media outlets.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

After becoming famous, Su Xiaoming's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. She began to appear frequently on major TV shows, and invitations to perform all over the country followed. Everywhere she went, enthusiastic fans surrounded her, asking for autographs and group photos.

Su Xiaoming has become a well-deserved "queen of the 80s music scene".

During this period, Su Xiaoming also composed other popular songs such as "Moonlight in the City", which made her singing spread all over the country and became one of the cultural symbols of that era. However, just when her career was in full swing, Su Xiaoming had an idea, which eventually led to a major turning point in her life trajectory.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

When Su Xiaoming's career was in full swing, she made a decision that surprised everyone: she wanted to go abroad for further study. This decision is like a bombshell and has caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

Many people don't understand why she chose to give up everything in front of her in her prime.

In the face of doubts, Su Xiaoming firmly said: "I want to learn more about the world's music and improve my artistic level, only in this way can I make greater contributions to the music industry of the motherland." The anticipation and persistence in her eyes reveal a deep love for art and a yearning for the unknown.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

After starting a family, Su Xiaoming's focus of life has changed a lot, but she has not given up the pursuit of music. "With my family, I have a deeper understanding of art," she says. Every detail of my life may inspire my creations."

Faced with such a situation, Su Xiaoming was not discouraged. She knew that to regain her home, she had to make a breakthrough. After much deliberation, she decisively made a surprising decision: to become an actress.

Many people are surprised by this, but Su Xiaoming firmly believes that the drama skills he learned abroad and his years of stage experience will definitely make a breakthrough in the entertainment industry.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

The road to transformation is full of twists and turns. At the beginning, many directors were skeptical about this "singer diva" switching to acting, and were only willing to give her some supporting roles to try. Faced with such a situation, Su Xiaoming did not complain, but held an open mind and took every role seriously.

She is often the first to arrive and the last to leave on the set, trying to figure out the role and practice her lines repeatedly.

Su Xiaoming recalled: "At that time, I felt like I was starting over. It's a bit hard, but it's amazing how different each character has given me a different life experience. Her dedication and continuous improvement of her acting skills have gradually won her wide recognition in the industry.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

With the passage of time, Su Xiaoming gradually received some important roles and left a deep impression in many film and television works. Although these roles are not as eye-catching as the "queen of the music world" back then, Su Xiaoming feels extremely fulfilled and happy.

However, in the process of transformation, Su Xiaoming also faced challenges from his family. How to take care of young children at work and balance career and family became a problem she had to face.

However, she firmly believes that as long as she manages her business with heart, her career and family can enter harmony.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

In her transformation after returning to China, Su Xiaoming demonstrated her perseverance and diversified development as an artist. She transformed from a singer to an actress, from the stage to the screen, and proved with practical actions that as long as you have a dream, you will not be limited by age and identity.

Her story has also inspired many people who pursue their artistic dreams.

Su Xiaoming fully demonstrated her singing and acting talents by participating in musicals. "It's been an incredible experience that musicals have given me a whole new stage and allowed me to play my character in a different way," she said. "

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

In a music salon, Su Xiaoming shared her love and perception of art, she said: "The aesthetic pursuit of art has no end. Every time I set foot in a new field, I can feel its unique charm, which also gives me a deeper understanding of life. Her eyes flashed with a love for art and a sense of life.

In 2005, at the age of 48, Su Xiaoming made another important decision: to move to Singapore. This decision was made both out of a new yearning for life and for the sake of the child's education. Su Xiaoming explained this choice: "I want my children to have a more international growth environment, and at the same time open up a new direction for their careers.

In Singapore, Su Xiaoming has not given up on her artistic career, she continues to participate in cultural exchange activities, promote Chinese music and art overseas, and also start to experiment with new fields, such as music education and art curation.

Su Xiaoming of "The Night of the Military Port" went abroad to study at the peak of his career, got married and had children, and returned to China to become an actor

These new ventures have opened up more possibilities for Su Xiaoming's artistic career.

"In Singapore, I was exposed to more cultures, which gave me a new understanding of music and art. I hope to be a bridge between China and the world's cultures. ”

Looking back on his life, Su Xiaoming is full of emotion: "From Beijing in China to the vast world, and then to Singapore, every step has witnessed my growth. My roots will always be in China, and now, I have the opportunity to spread Chinese culture to a wider stage. This is my new mission in life."

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