
Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

author:Xiao Literature Company
Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1986, a singer named Su Xiaoming stood on the stage, elegant and calm. When the melody of "The Night of the Military Port" sounded, the audience held their breath.

Su Xiaoming's singing voice is not as high-pitched as other singers, but it contains a unique power, as if it can bring people to a quiet military port, see the waves lapping on the battleship, and the young sailors smile in their dreams.

This song made Su Xiaoming famous overnight, and even Ni Ping, a leader in the hosting industry, was full of praise. However, who would have thought that it was this high-profile rising star who made an incredible decision when his career was in full swing.

Su Xiaoming's decision came from a chance encounter. At the end of the eighties, there was a boom in going abroad in China, and the entertainment industry was no exception. When Su Xiaoming came into contact with the works of international superstars such as Madonna, she felt like she was being drunk.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She was surprised to find that her understanding of the profession of singer was still superficial, and compared with the world's top level, the gap was so big.

This realization kept Su Xiaoming awake at night. She began to question her accomplishments, whether those applause and praise were well deserved? Does she really deserve the title of "rising star in the music world"? These questions were like an invisible sword, constantly piercing her heart.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Su Xiaoming made a decision that shocked everyone: give up everything he has achieved in China and go to France for further study. This decision is undoubtedly incomprehensible.

At that time, she was already the winner of the first Golden Disc Award, released more than ten albums, and was a heavyweight singer in the finale of major galas. Giving up on these is a fantasy for many people.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

However, Su Xiaoming's eyes burned with a love for music and a desire for self-improvement. "I aspire to inject a whole new element into my life and career," she said. Although her husband and family did not approve of her choice, she resolutely embarked on a journey to a foreign land.

His career in France was not all smooth sailing, but Su's talent was quickly recognized. She has received invitations from four well-known TV stations, which is undoubtedly a great affirmation for a foreign student.

Towards graduation, the French government made an exception for her to hold a solo concert at the famous Teatro Calvan, an honor that was unique at the time.

On the stage of a foreign country, Su Xiaoming has not forgotten his roots. Dressed in a cheongsam, she sang her own translation of Chinese folk songs in French, a unique interpretation that won the love of French fans.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

Her talent and charisma not only conquered foreign audiences, but even her husband Eric went from being an ordinary listener to becoming her most loyal fan.

Su Xiaoming's courage and determination paid off. Studying and performing in France not only broadened her musical horizons, but also gave her a deeper understanding of her profession.

Her success proves that true gold shines wherever it is. This experience also taught her that the pursuit of excellence comes at a cost, but that if you take the first step bravely, you can reap unexpected success.

Su Xiaoming's success in France did not make her forget her roots. When she learned that her mother was getting old, she decided to return to Beijing with her husband Eric and her daughter.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She was full of anticipation, thinking that she could use the experience and skills she had accumulated abroad to reconquer the stage she was once familiar with. However, reality gave her a slap in the face.

After returning to China, Su Xiaoming was surprised to find that the entertainment industry has undergone earth-shaking changes. The once commanding "Su Xiaoming" seems to have been forgotten by the times, and the position she once occupied has long been replaced by newcomers.

She stood on the bustling street, feeling the atmosphere that was both strange and familiar, and her heart was full of bitterness and confusion.

The 38-year-old Su Xiaoming faces the dilemma of starting over. She tried to return to the music scene, but soon found that her musical style was at odds with the current trends.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

The songs that once made her famous are now a little outdated to the ears of young people. She also thought about giving up, but the unwilling voice in her heart kept urging her forward.

During this difficult period, Su Xiaoming often sat alone in front of the window, looking into the distance in a daze. She thought back to her decision to give up all her studies abroad and wondered if it was really worth it.

But every time she saw her mother's kind smile, she strengthened her determination to continue to struggle.

Just when Su Xiaoming felt confused, an unexpected opportunity appeared. Her friend and well-known director Jiang Wen invited her to participate in a play. Although it was only a small role, Su Xiaoming found a new direction from it.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She was pleasantly surprised to find that the profession of being an actress also allowed her to express her love for the arts, and also to use her years of stage experience.

So, at the age of 38, which should have been stable, Su Xiaoming once again chose a new path. She told herself, "It's okay, I can set sail again."

This courage and determination is the strength that has sustained her to where she is today.

Su Xiaoming's experience tells us that the road of life is not always smooth. Even former stars may face the dilemma of starting over. But it is important not to be knocked down by difficulties, but to have the courage to take on new challenges and look for new possibilities.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

Su Xiaoming's story is an inspirational example of redefining oneself and having the courage to face the turning points of life.

Su Xiaoming's road as an actor was not all smooth sailing. The age limit has narrowed the range of roles she can play, and most of the time, she can only play a few "mother" roles.

In the movie "Letter from a Strange Woman", she played Xu Jinglei's mother; In the hit drama "Struggle", she is Li Xiaolu's mother; In "Who Calls the Shots in My Youth", she became Wang Luodan's mother again; In the heavyweight work "Big River", she played Yang Shuo's mother.

These roles seem to be single, but Su Xiaoming interprets each role vividly. She has created various types of characters such as a strong woman with a strong personality, a "house worm" with a strong market atmosphere, and a middle-aged woman who is in a hurry.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

Every time she performs, she devotes herself wholeheartedly, as if she is telling her rich life experience with her acting skills.

Although most of them are supporting roles, Su Xiaoming doesn't mind. She often said: "There are no small roles, only small actors." She firmly believes that even "green leaves" can bloom with a unique brilliance.

This attitude allows her to find a breakthrough in each performance and perform the role better. She proved with her practical actions that the real charm of an actor does not lie in the size of the role, but in the understanding and interpretation of the role.

Su Xiaoming's efforts were not in vain. Through the accumulation of more than 20 film and television dramas, her acting skills have been recognized by the industry. Every role is a challenge and a growth.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She skillfully integrated the expressiveness and appeal she had accumulated on the music stage over the years into her acting, forming a unique performance style.

Finally, in 2019, Su Xiaoming appeared on the stage of receiving the award at the quality ceremony. When the host announced her name, Su Xiaoming's eyes moistened. This award is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a tribute to her courage to try and never give up.

Standing on the podium, Su Xiaoming looked back on his life process and was full of emotion. From singer to actress, from the main character in the spotlight to the obscure supporting role, she has experienced too many ups and downs.

But at the moment, she felt that all the efforts were worth it. This award is not only a recognition of her acting skills, but also an affirmation of her courage and perseverance.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

Su Xiaoming's career as an actor is, to some extent, a microcosm of her life. It tells us that no matter how old we are, if we have the courage to try, it is possible to start a new chapter in our lives.

She used her own experience to prove that real success is not in how high you stand, but in whether you can shine in every position.

Su Xiaoming's transformation has not been smooth sailing, and her decision has caused a lot of controversy. Many questioned her decision to give up her status as a singer, arguing that she had wasted her talent.

In the face of these doubts and criticisms, Su Xiaoming has always maintained a calm mind.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She often said, "We can't be more mature without going through trials and hardships." Everything I have experienced is worth pondering and recalling. This sentence is not only an affirmation of her choice, but also her attitude towards the challenges of life.

When asked if she regretted quitting the music scene and going to France, she firmly said: "I have never regretted it in the slightest.

This open-mindedness stems from her deep understanding of life. Su Xiaoming believes that life should not be bound by the expectations of others. She agrees with Fang Qi, a former CCTV host: "The purpose of our lives is not to meet everyone's expectations, but to seek those who can resonate."

Su Xiaoming firmly believes that whether as a musician or an actor, it is brilliant enough to be able to create a song that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people or create a classic character.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She is no longer obsessed with being the center of attention, but more focused on her inner feelings and growth.

This attitude allows Su Xiaoming to remain calm in the face of doubts. She is no longer bothered by the evaluations of others, but focuses on her own choices and feelings. She proved with her actions that real success does not lie in external recognition, but in inner satisfaction and growth.

Su Xiaoming's story teaches us that the value of life should not be defined by others. Everyone has the right to choose their own path in life, even if that choice may not be understood by most people.

Her no-regret attitude is not only responsible for her own life, but also an affirmation of her self-worth. This confidence and calmness have become the most precious treasure of her life's journey.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

Today's Su Xiaoming has faded from the aura of the former star and returned to the life of ordinary people. However, this transformation did not make her feel lost, on the contrary, she seemed to enjoy this leisurely pace of life even more.

Every morning, Su Xiaoming can enjoy the good time of waking up naturally. She no longer has to wake up early to catch up or record, but can laze in bed and feel the warmth of the sun shining through the curtains.

When she wakes up, she closes her eyes and savours a cup of coffee, allowing the mellow aroma to awaken her senses. Afterwards, she will be immersed in a hot bath for an hour, allowing the warm water to smooth every inch of her skin.

These seemingly ordinary daily routines make her feel extremely satisfied.

Today's Su Xiaoming, who should be blamed until now? Succeed in singing, "lose" in yourself

She was once known as a "mother professional", but now she has become a kind elder in real life. She no longer has to worry about household chores or cook herself.

But that doesn't stop her from loving life and enjoying it. She has more time to read, think, or simply enjoy quiet moments.

67-year-old Su Xiaoming has experienced the ups and downs of life, and finally found his own happiness in the ordinary. Her story tells us that the value of life lies not in the evaluation of the outside world, but in the satisfaction and growth of the heart.

Whether it is success or failure, it is an indispensable scenery in the journey of life. Su Xiaoming used his own experience to explain a simple and profound truth: true happiness is often hidden in the bits and pieces of life.

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