
Excerpts from the golden sentences of the People's Daily, accumulation of essay materials, July 1 [Daily Update]

author:Excerpts from golden sentences
Excerpts from the golden sentences of the People's Daily, accumulation of essay materials, July 1 [Daily Update]

1. Fight hard and be determined, identify the target and the goal of crossing, take out the determination of "insisting on Qingshan and not relaxing", work hard, "fight" to create a new atmosphere of economic development, and "race" to develop a good speed.

2. Strive to be strong and motivated, carry forward the spirit of courage to take responsibility, act positively, be unwilling to be mediocre, pioneering and innovative, overcome difficulties and break the bottleneck of development, find potential from the gap, strengthen motivation from pressure, seize opportunities from challenges, and promote the implementation of various work deployments and terminal results.

3. Fight tenacity and perseverance, take out the sober cognition and perseverance of "those who travel a hundred miles are half ninety" and "Loulan will never be returned if it is not broken", learn from experience and practices, face contradictions without evasion, and grasp to the end without relaxation.

4. Insist on "benchmarking" with the best, "competing" with the strongest, and "racing" with the fastest, striving to move forward, climbing hard, and desperately implementing.

5. Look at services than the environment, break down obstacles, increase confidence, and activate power by means of reform, truly plant the "plane tree" of the business environment, open up the "highway" of administrative examination and approval, and create a high-quality and efficient government environment, a fair and just legal environment, a business-oriented and pro-business humanistic environment, and an upward and benevolent social environment, and comprehensively enhance the "soft power" of regional competition.

6. Enhance the ambition of "benchmarking and leapfrogging", establish the ambition of "improving quality and speed", stimulate the pride of "catching up with and surpassing carrying", and seize new brilliance in the new era and new journey.

7. Make every effort to implement it with a sense of urgency of "can't wait", insist on grasping it in place with a sense of responsibility of "can't wait", and promote terminal effectiveness with a sense of mission of "can't sit still".

8. Wake up, not "Mr. Dongguo", who does not distinguish between good and bad; Be vigilant, and don't abuse the "Mr. Nan Guo"; Wake up, don't be a "bell monk" who can get by, catch up with the benchmark, innovate and work hard, strive to be the first, and strive to create a better position in the fierce competition.

9. Let go of the fight, in order to spell out the acceleration of development; Only by fighting with the brain can we spell out new opportunities for development; Only by fighting boldly can we spell out a good position for development.

10. Maintain the courage to "fight", the momentum of "fighting", and the state of "fighting", resolutely roll up your sleeves and work hard, and put an end to shouting with your throat open.

11. Use ingenuity to fight for speed, hit the pain point directly, and unblock the blocking point; Use tenacity to fight hard, continue to work hard, and work for a long time; Use real strength to fight for progress, make up for shortcomings, and lay a solid foundation.

12. Stabilize the economic growth trend with the "white-hot" of projects, strengthen the support of economic acceleration with the "scale" of modern industries, consolidate the foundation of economic development with the "modernization" of urban and rural construction, and promote development to speed up and increase efficiency.

13. To achieve a major breakthrough in all work, the premise is to seize the opportunity, the breakthrough is to spell out the momentum, and the key lies in the cadres at all levels.

14. The bull's-eye of "catching up with the benchmark" is more accurate, the measures of "innovation and hard work" are more realistic, and the momentum of "striving for the first" is more sufficient.

15. There is no lack of ideas, lack of implementation, no lack of goals, no lack of measures, no lack of requirements, and no lack of responsibility.

16. Enhance the sense of urgency of "can't wait" and the sense of responsibility of "can't sit still", recognize the burden on your shoulders, throw off the arms of the competition, speed up the pace of catching up, jump up and touch the height, run up to do things, and draw a blueprint to the end.

17. Highlight the effectiveness of terminals, and go all out to promote the "jumping up and touching" of important indicators, the "fast horse" of major projects, and the "steady implementation" of key tasks.

18. It has done a lot of important things to lay a foundation and benefit the long-term, and has completed a lot of important things to increase the brand and shine the business card.

19. Unexpected factors are intertwined and superimposed, and unconventional pressure continues to increase.

20. Focus on the "sense of gain" to ensure people's livelihood, focus on "happiness" and grasp ecological protection, and focus on "sense of security" to grasp social governance.

21. Improve mechanisms for the supervision and restraint of power, so that power is coated with "preservatives" and "tightened spells", and promotes the cumulative effect and comprehensive effectiveness of both the symptoms and the root causes to be continuously amplified and more prominent.

22. "Meticulously" grasp politics to forge the soul, "consistently" grasp the theoretical arming, "go to the end" to strengthen the foundation, "as always" grasp the construction of the team, "indomitable" grasp the right style, discipline and anti-corruption.

23. Anchor "run at the beginning, sprint at the start", constantly enhance the courage and responsibility of the directors to start a business, and take the initiative to strengthen the ability and level of catching up with learning.

24. We must not wait for a moment, hesitate for a moment, or slack off for a moment, and we must insist that Qingshan will not relax, focus on development, and seize the "first train" and seize the "commanding heights" in the overall planning and grasp of "crisis and opportunity", "stability and progress", and "attack and defense".

25. Carry in stability, new highs in stability, multiply in stability, and break through in stability.

26. With a sense of urgency of "can't wait", a sense of crisis of "can't wait", and a sense of responsibility of "can't sit still", bow down to the game, work pragmatically, continue to work hard to grasp key industries, make full efforts to grasp key projects, and make precise efforts to grasp key links.

27. Judge the hero with the project, compare the investment with the superiority, and compare the strength with the industry, accelerate the global leap, full speed leap, and full staff leap, and drive the "brilliant year" with "wonderful start".

28. Grasp every day, put "full energy" into the cause, use every moment, and use "full running" to pursue actual results.

29. Guided by faith, sailed by unity, and driven by struggle, reorganize and set off again, always maintain the sky-high energy, passion, and desperate spirit, and leapfrog the benchmark, improve quality and speed, and catch up with the carry.

30. Persist in taking development as the first priority, establish the mentality of turning the page to zero, keep pace with the times, leapfrog against the benchmark, and reorganize and start again with the attitude of getting up and doing.

31. The project site is regarded as the "frontier position", the project site is regarded as the "cadre examination room", and the project progress is regarded as the "work validity".

32. Establish a whole-process, all-round, and full-coverage oversight system, managing key people, key places, and key matters, so that "small sprouts" are extinguished in the spark and "small problems" are strangled in the cradle.

33. To catch up with and surpass "performance", you need to temper your skills. If cadres want to stand firm and stand upright, they must not be "deficient in calcium" in their spirit, and they must not be "biased" in their skills.

34. Plan the "selection" of cadres under the glorious mission, the "needs" of cadres after the change of posts, and the "deeds" of cadres in wartime and peacetime, and accelerate the forging of a "new iron army" that supports high-quality development.

35. Strengthen the sense of responsibility, take up the mission to grasp the implementation, work hard to grasp the implementation, and unite and cooperate to grasp the implementation.

36. "Brainstorming" in concepts, "highlighting encirclement" in thinking, and "benchmarking and leapfrogging" in action.

37. Focus on practical problems and severe challenges, starting from breaking through the "bottleneck" and breaking the "shackles", solve the difficulties of the "three rural" in the "thunderstorm", and plant the advantages of the "three rural" in the "spring breeze and rain".

38. The first contribution to the stability of the overall market lies in private enterprises, the first move of "industrial advancement" lies in private enterprises, and the first contribution to "excellence in people's livelihood" lies in private enterprises.

39. Use your brains, throw off your arms, take a step, work hard and do not relax, and take advantage of the situation to open a new game.

40. Anchor the goal and do not relax, persevere in development, and work hard without evading.

41. From "competing" to "catching up", we have been greatly shaken, inspired by many things, and achieved good results, and have gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, but we still need to trek through mountains and rivers because of the great pressure, many difficulties encountered, and heavy tasks to bear.

42. Strengthen confidence, cohesion, anchor goals, and then drum up enthusiasm, grasp one link after another, fight one battle after another, and strive to make the quality of development higher and more satisfactory.

43. Benchmarking the development of the "front wave" and striving to leapfrog the "back wave" has formed a strong atmosphere of catching up and surpassing each other, creating a vivid situation of doing things quickly and innovating and doing practical work, new ideas and new ideas are competing to flow, and new methods and new achievements are constantly emerging.

44. Scenes of heat, surging heat, and scenes of boiling blood.

45. Break away from conservative thinking, find ways to break the situation, abandon the idea of following, explore leading practices, overcome blind impulses, take pragmatic actions, face challenges, break through under pressure, and work towards goals, to ensure steady and far-reaching progress on the path of high-quality development.

46. Identify the entry point of the benchmark, improve the quality and speed of the focus, catch up with the carry breakthrough, and promote all work to compete in the benchmarking and catch up in the competition.

47. In the face of the competitive pressure of "the pacesetter is getting farther away and the pursuer is getting closer", we must have the courage to jump out of the ideological barrier, change the mode of thinking, turn "pressure" into "motivation", and take the road of leapfrogging and catching up.

48. Turn the page and start again, face contradictions without evasion, work hard and take responsibility to open a new situation, and strive to accelerate and achieve good results in the new journey of modernization.

49. "General Staff" for Decision-making Consultation, "Think Tank" for Policy Research, and "Assisters" for Deepening Reform.

50. Do not slack off in hard work, use "short board" as a "springboard", take out extraordinary actions, extraordinary actions to run out of acceleration, race a good ranking, and complete the quality and efficiency leap in the competitive competition where you chase me.

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