
There are too many people who plagiarize, carry and wash the manuscript, and after the release of one of my articles, all kinds of large and small ones have come to carry them, and the title of the article is exactly the same, and the content and paragraphs are exactly the same. It's mine

author:Han Ximu

There are too many people who plagiarize, carry and wash the manuscript, and after the release of one of my articles, all kinds of large and small ones have come to carry them, and the title of the article is exactly the same, and the content and paragraphs are exactly the same. My articles were first published on the whole network, and I also opened the whole network to protect rights, but there was an endless stream of plagiarists.

Looking at the headline visitor records, many people are secretly observing, and if there is a popular article, they will be transported immediately, and there are some large ones, which often come to me to carry them. Modify part of the content and paragraphs by themselves, take screenshots of my article with pictures, and then have their own so-called original articles, which is despicable.

There are also a few people, such as this Xiao Zhixing, who has already carried dozens of articles from me, and he will copy whatever I write, and the funny thing is that I am afraid that I will find out that I still use the trumpet to steal the article.

To write an article, I need to understand the cause and effect of the incident, find out the source of information, and determine the authenticity of the incident, which takes a long time. By the time I had written everything down and explained the incident and the aftermath, the plagiarism of those moth-like porters was too much.

My articles are very objective and rational, and they are loved by many netizens, which is why I insist on writing. I advise those plagiarists not to come to me to steal articles and materials, to find the news yourself, and to be a real original creator, okay? #头条创作挑战赛#

There are too many people who plagiarize, carry and wash the manuscript, and after the release of one of my articles, all kinds of large and small ones have come to carry them, and the title of the article is exactly the same, and the content and paragraphs are exactly the same. It's mine
There are too many people who plagiarize, carry and wash the manuscript, and after the release of one of my articles, all kinds of large and small ones have come to carry them, and the title of the article is exactly the same, and the content and paragraphs are exactly the same. It's mine
There are too many people who plagiarize, carry and wash the manuscript, and after the release of one of my articles, all kinds of large and small ones have come to carry them, and the title of the article is exactly the same, and the content and paragraphs are exactly the same. It's mine

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