
It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

author:Folded ear root


In the sweltering heat, some leaders really had their brains open and actually came up with the idea of letting sanitation workers wipe zebra crossings with rags. Isn't this overtly torturous? Everyone is escaping the heat, and the sanitation workers are already working hard enough, and they have to "beautify" on the hot road under the scorching sun. This absurd demand can only say one thing: some leaders are divorced from reality, and only know how to sit in an air-conditioned room and think of useless tricks to command others. If you really want to improve the image of the city, it is better to pay more attention to the hard-working sanitation workers, improve their salaries, and improve their working conditions, instead of increasing their burden in this hot weather.


Details of the event

In the scorching summer sun, an incredible thing happened. A group of sanitation workers and aunts were asked to wipe the zebra crossing with a rag on a hot day. Isn't that a joke? Who would have thought that there would be such a provision? This made passers-by unbearable, and someone took a video to expose this ridiculous thing.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

I really don't know whose idea it was to let these aunties do such a senseless thing in this heat. Zebra crossings should be cleaned with mechanical equipment, which is efficient and labor-saving, so why let people wipe them one by one? This practice is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also a great harm to the health of sanitation workers.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Seeing such a scene, passers-by didn't feel good in their hearts. Sanitation workers work silently in every corner of the city, rain or shine, keeping our streets clean and tidy, but often not getting the respect and care they deserve. The exposure of this incident is not only an exposure of those unreasonable regulations, but also an opportunity for us to reflect on how to treat people and things.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

This ridiculous request came from instructions from some management, but the exact person who gave the order became a mystery. The cleaning company to which the sanitation workers belong claims that this is a request from the urban management bureau, and they have no choice. However, when the reporter raised this question to the Dalian Municipal Urban Management Bureau, the bureau responded that it did not have such a request and would further verify the situation with the district department.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

This attitude of passing the buck to each other makes people feel very angry. Sanitation workers' working conditions, already harsh, are now being exacerbated by obscure management decisions. Rubbing zebra crossings with rags in high temperatures is both inhumane and inefficient, and is clearly inconsistent with the routine practice of modern city management. In general, road cleaning in the city should be carried out using mechanized equipment such as high-pressure water guns, which is not only efficient, but also can reduce the labor intensity of workers.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

In addition, this incident also reflects the irrational decision-making and lack of responsibility of some management. They seem to turn a blind eye to the hardships of sanitation workers, only caring about the superficial image of the city, while ignoring the rights and welfare of these grassroots workers. As the "beauticians" of the city, the labor of sanitation workers makes the city cleaner and more beautiful, but they often do not get the respect and care they deserve.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

In the face of public concern and doubts, the relevant departments should face up to the problem, find out the truth, and take responsibility for unreasonable instructions and decisions. In addition, the workflow of sanitation workers should be re-evaluated and optimized to ensure that their working conditions are safe and reasonable, and that similar inhumane demands are not repeated.

We hope that this matter will be properly handled and that those responsible will be held accountable so that they can set the record straight. At the same time, it is also hoped that this kind of incident can attract more attention from all walks of life and improve the working and living conditions of those sanitation workers who work silently in the hot summer. What we need is not only the cleanliness of the city, but also the respect and care for these guardians of the city.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens said that in the scorching summer, some sanitation workers were asked to wipe the zebra crossing with a rag. It's incredible to hear this news! In such a hot weather, common sense should be to reduce physical labor as much as possible, how can there be such an incomprehensible operation?

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Not only does this practice put sanitation workers under unnecessary strain in the heat, but this manual wiping of zebra crossings is significantly inefficient. We all know that mechanical equipment such as high-pressure water guns are used to clean roads now, which is fast and efficient, so why use this old method? This is not only a physical harm to sanitation workers, but also a disrespect for the fruits of their labor.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

After this incident was exposed, many netizens and passers-by expressed their unacceptability, feeling that this was unfair treatment of sanitation workers. Indeed, sanitation workers are working hard for our urban sanitation regardless of the cold winter or the scorching heat, and their work is hard enough, and we should try to provide them with a more reasonable and scientific way of working, rather than unreasonably increasing their burden.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Some netizens said, where did this request come from? Could it be that the sanitation workers came up with it themselves? Or was it decided by a certain leader on a whim and with a casual pat on the head? Or is there something else we don't know about?

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Let's think about it, sanitation workers work hard every day, and they themselves certainly don't make such strange demands to increase their burden. So, is it possible that a leader wants to show their "innovative" focus on urban cleanliness in this unusual way? This kind of decision-making obviously does not take into account the rationality of the actual operation and the labor intensity of the sanitation workers.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

There is also the possibility that there may be something hidden behind this that we don't understand. It could be some misunderstanding or misexecution. In any case, such a request is clearly unreasonable, not only making the work of sanitation workers more difficult, but also raising questions about the management ability of the relevant departments.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Some netizens said that those who do the most tiring work with the minimum wage are actually a true portrayal of our society. It is really not easy for ordinary people at the bottom to survive, and their efforts are often just to ensure that they can eat and continue to live.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

In our case, the situation is similar. Even those who have regular jobs in the workplace have a stressful life that they have to go to the street to pick up cigarette butts after work to support their families. Think about how hard this life is. Not only do they work long hours, but they also work hard, but their incomes are meager, and they struggle to meet even their basic needs, and they have to do extra work to make ends meet.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

Such a phenomenon should not be regarded as normal, but should cause us to think deeply. Why are so many people in such a difficult situation? They work hard, but they don't get the respect they deserve and the fair pay they deserve. This is not only an individual problem, but also a problem that the whole society needs to face.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

We need to pay more attention to the living conditions of these low-level workers and think about how to improve their working conditions and quality of life. Both the Government and all sectors of society should take measures to raise the wages of these people, reduce their living pressures, and ensure that everyone can live with dignity and not have to overwork for basic necessities. In this way, our society can be fairer and more humane.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other


Think about it, if your parents were among the sanitation workers who were asked to wipe the zebra crossing on a hot day, would you still sit idly by? Most people will definitely find such a request too much. Imagine your parents bending over in the scorching sun, wiping back and forth on the road with a rag in hand.

We should extend this sentiment to every sanitation worker. They are also other people's parents and children, who work hard every day but do not get the respect and care they deserve. Especially in such extreme weather, such work is even more physically and mentally stressful.

It's a big deal! The hot weather requires wiping the zebra crossing with a rag, and the official response: blame each other

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