
What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


On a hot day, I heard that there were sanitation workers wiping the road with rags under the scorching sun, which really shocked me! Aren't we those "stinky old nine"? Working in such heat is not enough to survive to death. I can't listen to it, I really feel sorry for them.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

It's a long story. A few days ago, I was selling vegetables in the vegetable market, and suddenly Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law next door ran over with a anxious look. I hurriedly asked her what was wrong, and she said that her husband was mopping the floor on the road, and it was so hot that she might have heat stroke. I was in a hurry when I heard this, so I quickly asked her to lead the way, and we went over to take a look.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

When I got to the road, I looked, wow, it's really a person on his back! A large group of old men and women all covered their faces and rubbed wildly on the road with rags. Some old ladies were tired and collapsed on the side of the road, and some old men sat directly on the ground panting. What's going on? I feel distressed when I look at it.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

I hurriedly went over and asked Xiao Liu, what's going on? Xiao Liu said that it was required by the leaders of the Urban Management Bureau, and he had to wipe the road clean. I was stunned, wipe the road clean? What's so important about that? We're not welcoming state guests, what are we doing with this play?

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

If you want me to say, this leader must have a sick brain! On a hot day, it would be too cruel to keep the elderly on the road and wipe the floor. Look at it, most of these old men and old ladies are in their seventies and eighties, where do they still have the strength to do this work? Even if you want to do it, it's not the way to do it.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

My old man is a sanitation worker, and he goes out to sweep the road every day. Let me tell you, this job is really not easy, and I am exhausted. They only have a salary of two or three thousand yuan a month, which is enough for food and clothing. But the leaders just treat them as animals, who cares if you live or die?

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

In fact, I think that the root of this matter lies in our discrimination against the "stinky old nine". People always think that sweeping the road is a lowly job, and the people who do this work are inferior, so they are treated so poorly. But that's not fair! Although the road is a little dirty, it is also for everyone. Without sanitation workers, the whole city will be a mess, who can stand it?

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

I've seen on TV that some countries have respect for sanitation workers. Those uncles and aunts who sweep the floor are majestic when they do their work. The salary is also good, and everyone cherishes this job very much. I envy when I see it, why can't our country do it?

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

Let's take our case here, the past few years have been good, and the sanitation workers have regular jobs. But somehow, the government contracted out the job to a company. As a result, the company used its workers as coolies, and wages were often in arrears. What kind of character do you say the leader of this company has?

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

What's even more annoying is that sometimes the people in the urban management bureau collude with the company's leaders. They don't treat sanitation workers as human beings at all, and they only know how to give orders all day long. Isn't that bullying? I was angry when I saw it, and I wanted to rush up and reason with them.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

But then again, we ordinary people are also responsible. How many people genuinely respect sanitation workers? When I saw that everyone was walking around, I was afraid that something would be contaminated. Unexpectedly, it is these uncles and aunts who are silently guarding the cleanliness of the city.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

I often say that no one is perfect, and no one should be ruthless in putting themselves on a hierarchy. Today, you still look down on others, maybe one day you will have to live with your own hands? At that time, you will also realize that it is not easy to be a sanitation worker. So it's time to learn to respect each other and treat others with empathy.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

By the way, my old man encountered an interesting thing a while ago. One day he was sweeping the road and was about to go home. Suddenly, a car drove up and splashed him with muddy water. It was a young man who was driving, and he didn't react. But an old woman next to her saw it, so she ran over and reprimanded the young man: "Are you blind? Can't see anyone? What if I hit someone? Hurry up and apologize! “

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

The young man was also a little confused, so he had to get out of the car and compensate my old man. The old lady was very happy, and praised my old man and said, "It's not easy for you to do this work at such an old age." In the future, if someone bullies you, you will call me, and I will support you! “

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

You see, that's respect. Although my grandmother didn't know my old man, she still understood his hard work and took the initiative to seek justice for him. Such talents are worthy of admiration! Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could be as reasonable as she was? Then the sanitation workers will not be so bullied.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

However, it is not enough to rely on the respect of the people, and the government and relevant departments also have to support the sanitation workers. They can create protective regulations that will discourage companies from exploiting workers arbitrarily. Give the sanitation workers a proper name in the industry, improve their social status, and let everyone pay attention to it.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

Most importantly, the government should hire its own sanitation workers, rather than outsource them. If it is directly managed by the government, then there will be special supervision departments, and the rights and interests of workers will be guaranteed. The salary will also be much better, and it will no longer be exploited by those greedy businessmen.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

You see, this road mopping thing has come to this, isn't the root here? If the government and relevant departments had done their part, sanitation workers would not have been bullied like this. It's a pity that they just turn a blind eye to these behaviors. How unreasonable!

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

So I think everyone should denounce this practice and fight for the rights and interests of sanitation workers! We should be like that old woman who spoke up when she saw injustice. Only in this way will those who neglect their duties realize their mistakes.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

You see, this time the road wiping incident made such a big fuss because some enthusiastic netizens exposed the video. If it weren't for that, the sanitation workers would have to endure the bullying in silence. Thankfully, someone did justice for them, and we were able to see the truth of the matter.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

Then again, this road mopping thing is ridiculous. Even if the leader really wants to wipe the road clean, he should ask a professional company to do it, instead of letting these elderly people stay up in the sun and suffer their sins. You see that they are so familiar, where can they stand this? I'm afraid the leaders are crazy!

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

But think about it, these leaders are usually the masters who return to their hometowns, where do they understand the hard work of sanitation workers? They sit in the air-conditioned room and shout a few words, and then call the elderly as animals, which is really unreasonable! If they were to mop the floor themselves, would I think they would survive the first hour?

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

So, the root cause of this is the abuse of power and the lack of empathy. Those in power completely ignore the rights and interests of ordinary workers, and they are self-respecting and have no one in their sights. If they also taste the hardships of sanitation workers, they will think twice about keeping them.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

But then again, we ordinary people can't escape the blame. How bad the attitude towards sanitation workers is destined to be how they will be treated. You see, even we ourselves look down on them, and those officials naturally bully them as a matter of course.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

So, in the final analysis, we have to start with ourselves. We should learn to respect every profession and treat others with empathy. No industry is high or low, and people should be equal. Only when everyone has this awareness can the status of sanitation workers be improved and their rights and interests guaranteed.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

Let's take our community as an example, everyone is in awe and fear of Uncle Yang. Uncle Yang is over 60 years old, and he sweeps the floor, waters the flowers, and collects garbage in the community all day long. Don't underestimate him, he is usually silent, and once someone litters, he will go crazy on the spot. That posture scares you to death, and no one dares to mess with him.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

The reason why everyone respects Uncle Yang is because he is very attentive to his work and is honest. Although he is just an ordinary sanitation worker, he has won everyone's trust and favor. You can see from him that as long as you do your best to do your job, even if it is an ordinary profession, you will be respected.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

So, respecting others is actually respecting yourself. We should all be like Uncle Yang, have a pure heart for our work, and win the respect of others with honest labor. Only in this way can society as a whole be harmonious and orderly, and everyone can live a decent life.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

In the final analysis, this road mopping incident still reflects some bad habits in our society. The abuse of power by those in power, and the lack of empathy on the part of ordinary people, have led to this disgraceful picture. However, I believe that as long as we work together, we can build a harmonious society based on mutual respect.

What an exaggeration! In the scorching summer, sanitation workers are required to wipe the road with rags, which is stipulated by the urban management

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