
"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

author:Sohu Entertainment

Sohu Entertainment Special Article (Shanjin/Text) Luo Yunxi didn't hold "Yan Xinji".

has been on the air for 11 days, and the highest popularity of the show in the history of the platform is only 8555; The number of ads dropped from 7 to 1, and even 0 at one point; The highest ranking of effective playback of its feature film on Yunhe Data is only 4th.

After becoming popular with the role of Runyu in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", the ancient puppet is regarded as Luo Yunxi's comfort zone.

But these days, this comfort zone is also a bit "like pins and needles".

01 Uncomfortable "Yan Xinji"

For Luo Yunxi, "Yan Xinji" is not 100% comfortable.

The male protagonist Jiang Xinbai is the chief arrester of the county king and the chief arrester, from the perspective of the setting, Jiang Xinbai is more suitable for actors who are tall or have their own aura. And Luo Yunxi's temperament is gentle, and his body is relatively thin, and he can't hold up the role of the chief arrester who investigates the case everywhere and resists the pursuing soldiers.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

Compared with characters with distinct personalities such as Runyu and Yutai Ash, Jiang Xinbai is also more ordinary and down-to-earth.

Jiang Xinbai seems to be the same ancient puppet male protagonist produced on the assembly line, and the screenwriter's portrayal of him is very superficial. In the play, he is set up because he was injured in an accident in his childhood, suffered from face blindness, and is determined to clean up the world (i.e., anti-drugs).

The face-blind male protagonist and the transformed female protagonist were originally novel settings in ancient puppets, but in "Yan Xinji", the problem of face blindness was either easily resolved, or it became a sugar-sprinkling tool for the male and female protagonists, which basically did not have much impact on the characters.

If you waste settings, you don't have them.

The characteristics of the professional identity of the chief arrest of the chief of the government have not been highlighted. In "Menghualu", the opening scene of the male protagonist is to force a confession to the prisoner and show the waist card of the Imperial City Division, and the character is quickly established. But the beginning of "Yan Xinji" does not have a drama that can highlight the male protagonist's distinctive personality traits and professional attributes.

The profound childhood trauma and the great ideal of anti-drug have not been well used to shape the male protagonist, so that I always feel that Jiang Xinbai is a little blurred.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

Luo Yunxi's performance also failed to send charcoal in the snow. Actors who have been in ancient puppets all year round can easily fall into the comfort zone of acting, and they will eat all over the world with one trick. Luo Yunxi used his three-board axe performance skills to interpret Jiang Xinbai.

In fact, he has high eyebrows, big eyes, and round eyes, and if you make good use of it, your eye drama will be interpreted well. During the period of Runyu and Shangguan Tou, his eye drama was a plus; During the period of "Long Moon Embers", although he was thin and weak, the "crazy criticism" presented by his eyes and the corners of his mouth was in place.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

And Jiang Xinbai needs to put on the act, his eyes and expressions should be more delicate, and shaking his head and turning his eyes too often will look very exaggerated.

For example, you must roll your eyes to show that you are looking at the other person; The performance of hearing beyond ordinary people, is also to move the eyeballs and then slowly turn the head, this level of performance is not daily and even a little cartoonish.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

For Luo Yunxi, it is one thing that the role is not brilliant and the performance is stuck in routines, but more importantly, this means that he, who has broadcast seven dramas, has no high ability to carry dramas as expected by all parties.

02 "Please Don't Lose Weight Again"

Luo Yunxi seems to be determined to take root in the field of idol dramas.

After becoming popular in 2018 with the role of Runyu in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", his film and television resources soared rapidly, and he filmed 10 works in 7 years - 4 current puppets, 3 ancient puppets, 2 unaired ancient costumes, and 1 rescue-themed modern drama. Except for partner Song Qian's "Heartbeat Source Project", which is the second time, the others are all the same.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

But considerable resources have not led to considerable results.

Among the ancient puppets that have been broadcast, only "Long Moon Embers" has performed well in the market, but unfortunately under the word-of-mouth limitation of 5.6 points, Luo Yunxi failed to return to the top. The market performance of modern dramas is even more difficult to describe. Except for partner Bailu's "Half Honey and Half Injury", which has a certain volume, the number of Douban marks in several other modern dramas has not exceeded 100,000.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

For three years, Luo Yunxi only had modern dramas broadcast. "Long Moon Embers", which was broadcast in April last year, is regarded as his return to the comfort zone of ancient puppets.

With the blessing of various factors such as character setting, original IP, and marketing, "Long Moon Embers" barely kept Luo Yunxi's comfort zone, but "Yan Xinji" once again made this comfort zone seem "like pins and needles".

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

Luo Yunxi's biggest problem at present is that his excessively thin body has caused him more and more obvious and serious restrictions.

For idol actors, Luo Yunxi is not tall, and he is very dissuading non-fan audiences in the current puppet, and some fans once asked him to "weld to death" in the ancient puppet.

He is indeed more suitable for period costumes. Luo Yunxi was born in ballet, and his posture was once his advantage, and he looked stretched, elegant and upright in ancient costumes. With the blessing of makeup and appearance conditions, he can also make up for his height shortcomings in ancient puppets.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

But today, this advantage is no longer obvious.

In the past year, Luo Yunxi's most out-of-the-circle topic is "thin". In fact, as early as the period of "Xiangmi", Yang Zi jokingly shouted to Luo Yunxi not to lose weight anymore. In a 21-year-old live video circulating on the Internet, Luo Yunxi put down the plate after eating two bites of cake and said, "I can't eat it anymore, oh my God, I'm fat." It can be seen that the actor's pursuit of figure is also thin.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

Compared with the already thin figure a few years ago, Luo Yunxi is thinner now, and the tiredness on his face is becoming more and more obvious.

The high-definition lens is extremely cruel, and the actor is dedicated to slimming down for the camera, but it is also dedicated to fitness and shaping for the role. Zhang Ruoyun lost a lot of weight compared to the first season when filming "Celebrating More Than Years 2", which is a choice that fits the role, because in the play, Fan Xian once went to the Northern Qi Dynasty, ran around along the way and was assassinated many times, facing a "death" crisis, and becoming thinner is in line with the character's experience.

In the ancient puppet track, Wang Xingyue also pays more attention to body management. In his early works, he was commented by the audience as "a child's body without desire", and in the recent "Ink Rain and Clouds", he can already see obvious traces of fitness, and he looks tall in ancient costumes.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

Luo Yunxi's excessively thin figure also affected the character building, and in idol dramas with character charm and CP sense as the core, he was also labeled as "sexual contraction" by some netizens.

During the period of "Long Moon Embers", it can still be explained by being sick and being bullied all year round, but he played the role of the chief catcher in "Yan Xinji", even if he doesn't need to be tall, he must have a certain trace of training, and it should not be the state of being powerless now.

Although the crew has avoided the sense of disobedience brought by the actors' figures as much as possible by cutting more close-up shots, on the whole, it will still have a fatal impact on the charm of the characters and the sense of CP.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

03 A comfort zone that is "like sitting on pins and needles".

When he became popular with Runyu, his performances and lines were once Luo Yunxi's advantages.

He once admitted frankly in the show that he was scolded by the director for not being able to act at the beginning of filming, so he tried to observe how the actors around him faced the camera, and through the accumulation and learning of one drama after another, until he met Runyu.

Runyu's surface is as warm as jade, which is in line with Luo Yunxi's quiet temperament, and the explosiveness of crying scenes and blackening is also well interpreted.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

But his performance stopped at Runyu.

Luo Yunxi was 30 years old when he became popular with Runyu, and as mentioned above, in the next few years, he basically only acted in idol dramas. The works of the assembly line and the homogeneous roles are a kind of consumption for the actors themselves, so in the past 7 years, Luo Yunxi, who has played from Runyu to Jiang Xinbai, has not advanced but retreated.

The line skills that fans have always been proud of are just a foil for their peers. Luo Yunxi has a soft timbre and a thin voice, which is suitable when playing slightly feminine and delicate characters such as Runyu and Yutai Ash, but the other roles are a little insufficient. In "Yan Xinji", Jiang Xinbai has some lines that need to be threatening or serious, but the effect is greatly reduced, and he looks weak and powerless.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

The market feedback is not ideal, the acting skills have not improved, and the limitations of the appearance are becoming more and more obvious, Luo Yunxi has lost the trump card to stay in the comfort zone.

Peers have already laid out other types of works and roles, and there are more and more masterpieces in the hands of actors of the same type.

Chen Xiao, who was once known as a "beautiful man in ancient costumes", has long been no longer limited to ancient puppets, and has filmed many works with realistic themes in recent years, such as "Thirteen Years in the Dust"; Huang Jingyu, Bai Jingting, etc. also tried works on suspense, era and other tracks; Cheng Yi of the ancient puppet track is also expanding his drama path, and the martial arts drama "Lotus Building" was broadcast well last year.

Newcomers in the idol drama track are emerging in endlessly, the year before last, Wang Hedi relied on "Canglan Jue" to become a big hit, last year Deng Wei attracted fans because of "Sauvignon Blanc", and this year Wang Xingyue relied on "Ink Rain and Clouds" to become popular.

"Yan Xinji" pounced, how long can the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi stay in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet?

While the competition is fierce, the audience is gradually becoming strict with the crowded ancient puppet track. First of all, he couldn't bear the "ancient puppet ugly man", and then the aesthetic advancement, and now the audience is more inclined to strengthen the male actor who manages his body.

It is no longer a good choice to lie in the comfort zone of the ancient puppet, and it is too late to work hard until you are completely behind, which has been demonstrated by countless predecessors.

For actors, constantly improving their acting skills is probably the only comfort zone.

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