
When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

author:The front smell is on the road~


Jiang Xinbai's tears, Luo Yunxi's play

In the play, the role of Jiang Xinbai is played by Luo Yunxi, and his crying scene has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience. Whenever the plot develops to a climax, the corners of Jiang Xinbai's eyes will redden, and tears will fall like pear blossoms with rain, this delicate performance makes the audience empathize.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Luo Yunxi's acting skills have been praised as "empathetic crying scenes are always gods", and he is able to fully visualize the description of brokenness in the novel, making the audience feel as if they are in the plot and experiencing emotional ups and downs with the characters.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Netizens were full of praise for Luo Yunxi's crying scene, and some even joked: "When Jiang Xinbai cries, I can't stand the pear blossom with water!" Why are you crying so much, help, it's distressing. This kind of humorous comment not only increased the interest of the discussion, but also made more people interested in Luo Yunxi's acting skills.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Fireworks and tears, the interweaving of emotions

There is a particularly eye-catching scene in the play, that is, the female protagonist sets off fireworks for the male protagonist, but Jiang Xinbai burst into tears at the moment when the fireworks bloom.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

This scene not only shows Jiang Xinbai's inner vulnerability, but also deepens the audience's understanding of his role. Through Luo Yunxi's delicate performance, the audience saw the process of Jiang Xinbai's eyes slowly filling with tears, and this heart-wrenching emotional expression is unforgettable.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this scene, and some people commented: "I really like Luo Yunxi Jiang Xinbai's crying scene, I can see the process of my eyes slowly filling with tears, I am worried about it, the first time the female protagonist set off fireworks for the male protagonist, Yan Xinji is not going to take the usual path." This relaxed tone not only adds interest to the discussion, but also makes more people interested in the emotional depth of the plot.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Jiang Xinbai's tenacity and perseverance

Although Jiang Xinbai went through many hardships, including the exile of his family and the death of his father, he always maintained his tenacity and perseverance. This character trait of his is fully displayed in the play, which makes the audience have a deep respect for him. Luo Yunxi used superb acting skills to fully express Jiang Xinbai's chivalrous temperament.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Netizens were full of praise for Jiang Xinbai's character, and some people commented: "It is Jiang Xinbai, the pioneer of iron bones." He had obviously experienced the gap of falling into the clouds, and he had also been exiled to a remote place at the age of five to suffer, and he saw with his own eyes that his father, who was bent on sweeping away the grass, was assassinated and killed in front of his eyes.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

However, he has never changed his tenacity and perseverance, and has always moved forward, no matter how burning his body is like a flame. I will always admire this kind of chivalrous greatness." Such comments not only show everyone's love for Jiang Xinbai's design, but also enhance everyone's recognition of Luo Yunxi's acting skills.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

The language of the eyes, the fire of the acting

If the performance of an actor is an art, the expression of the eyes is undoubtedly the most important stroke. In the play, Luo Yunxi used his eyes to endow Jiang Xinbai with deep and complex emotions. Whether it's pain, joy, or loneliness, his eyes can accurately convey to the audience, allowing people to feel the inner turmoil of his character.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Netizens were full of appreciation for Luo Yunxi's eye acting skills, and some people sighed: "His eyes can speak, his eyes are full of lingering and sympathetic emotions, and his tears are Jiang Xinbai's deep sympathy."

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

Luo Yunxi's acting skills are really good, you can be completely substituted by his emotions, you can't help laughing when you see him happy, you will shed tears together when you see him crying, a tear of Lord Jiang has fallen on the hearts of many people! This kind of comment is undoubtedly the best affirmation of Luo Yunxi's acting skills.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

The cry of the male protagonist, the hearts of the audience

In this drama, the most striking thing is the crying scene of the male protagonist. Whether it was the moment when the tears slipped quietly, or the expression full of tears in the eyes, it made people feel the pain and helplessness in Jiang Xinbai's heart, and it also made people feel deep sympathy for him. The transmission of this emotion is mainly due to Luo Yunxi's superb acting skills, he made Jiang Xinbai a real and three-dimensional character, which made the audience deeply empathize with him.

When the male protagonist becomes a crying bag: Luo Yunxi's tears make you willing to worry about your heart

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