
Wild grass carp fishing in summer, 8 special bait formulas, it is not difficult to pull grass carp wildly

author:I love fishing every day

Summer is the peak season for grass carp fishing, because grass carp is heat-tolerant and can still eat normally at a water temperature of 35 degrees. In addition, the plant grows very rapidly in the summer heat, which is the season when the food source of grass carp is the most abundant. Grass carp and freshwater fish have almost the largest stomach, and they need to eat nearly one-third of their body weight every day, and the reason for this is that the food they obtain is not nutritious, and like many herbivores, they win by quantity. Share some summer lure recipes that can be set up specifically for grass carp fishing.

Wild grass carp fishing in summer, 8 special bait formulas, it is not difficult to pull grass carp wildly

First, the aroma of wine

1. Prepare bran, soybean cake powder, corn residue, sweet rice wine, mix in proportion according to the ratio of 5:3:1:1, mix all the main ingredients evenly, pack them in a plastic bag, put them in the sun for a day, and you can use them the next day. When using, you can add a small amount of flour, nest or bait; 2. Prepare a little fresh sake lees, among which the leftover sake lees for corn wine is the best. You can put the lees in a pot to dry for a period of time to evaporate part of the water temperature and produce a sour aroma. Prepare a little corn flour and bran, mix them together, add water and flour, and form a ball for nesting.

Wild grass carp fishing in summer, 8 special bait formulas, it is not difficult to pull grass carp wildly

Second, sweet

The wine is slightly acidic and high in fiber, which is the type of food that grass carp prefers. Xiangtian is often used for carp fishing, in fact, the effect of grass carp fishing is also very good. 3. You can prepare a little sweet potato, when fishing for grass carp, sweet potato, bran, corn flour and other high-fiber things are often used. Steam and peel the sweet potatoes, mash them and set aside. Prepare a little bran, bean cake powder, and if you have tofu powder, replace the bean cake powder with tofu powder. The proportion is not very important, it only needs to be able to form a ball when the three main ingredients are paired together. The advantage of sweet potatoes is that they are more sticky, but they will not turn the bait into dead lumps because of adding too much; 4. Prepare a little corn residue and bran, add a small amount of sesame paste, or fry the sesame seeds after squeezing the oil, add water and stir evenly to make nests. There is no sesame paste, sesame residue, and a little thirteen spices can be added.

Wild grass carp fishing in summer, 8 special bait formulas, it is not difficult to pull grass carp wildly

3. Sour smell

All the sour stuff can be used for grass carp fishing, but it's not as flavorful as when fishing for silver carp. For example, stinky millet and stinky corn can not only be used to fish for carp, but also for grass carp. Eating slightly sour food may be related to the fact that grass carp like to eat green silk algae in the bottom mud. 5. Mix corn flour and bran according to the ratio of 73, add a small amount of water to form a ball, cool and crush it after steaming in the pot, add yeast powder and sugar, seal and ferment for a day, slightly sweet and sour; 6. Soybean cake flour, corn flour, and bran are very well steamed in the pot evenly, sealed and fermented to the grain with a little sour taste, and the effect is also good for nesting. It should not be over-fermented, a little sour smell is enough, otherwise you can only fish for silver carp.

Wild grass carp fishing in summer, 8 special bait formulas, it is not difficult to pull grass carp wildly

Fourth, fresh and tender

Grass carp prefer to eat fresh plants, such as reed leaves, young grass, celery, leeks, fresh corn and the like. 7. Fresh corn can be used as bait or nesting, you can prepare a little yellow fresh corn, cut off the corn kernels with a knife, add a little yogurt and stir evenly, and then add some rapeseed cake and flour to form a dry and loose ball, which has an excellent effect on nesting; 8. The effect of making some reed leaves and tender grass is very good, and the grass needs to be tied up to make a nest, and it is not suitable to throw it casually. You can also use different nesting techniques according to the different water layers of fishing. For example, when making a half-water nest, you can use a rope to tie up the plants, reserve the length of the rope, and then tie the stones, so that throwing it into the den can form a half-water nest.

Wild grass carp fishing in summer, 8 special bait formulas, it is not difficult to pull grass carp wildly

Although many things can be used as bait when fishing for grass carp, the characteristic of various plants is that they can nest in the middle of the water or in the water skin, which is not comparable to other baits. It is said that celery is cheap, you can buy more, and the nesting effect of this thing far exceeds that of other plants. Please pay attention to the collection and like, update on time every day, thank you fishing friends!

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