
The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

author:Jay said military
The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

The picture shows the Lebanese-Israeli border

Topic of this issue: The situation in Israel and Lebanon is tense, the United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese embassy has also issued a reminder that a big war is about to break out! Filipino people choked up and spoke in Beijing, not wanting the country to become a battlefield.

On the evening of 27 June, Allah fired about 40 rockets into northern Israel, and in response, Israeli warplanes launched air strikes in various parts of southern Lebanon from the evening to the early hours of the next day.

After Israel approved a military operation against Allah on June 18, the third Lebanese war is already on the way, and although Israel and Allah or the United States have no intention of fighting, Israel and Lebanon have now entered a crossroads of war or peace, and another war in the Middle East may be on the verge of breaking out.

So, will a new big war really break out between Lebanon and Israel? As the saying goes: "black clouds crush the city and want to destroy it", if you want to judge whether something will really happen, you have to see if there is any abnormal behavior before the incident.

On June 27, the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon issued a notice strongly advising U.S. citizens to reconsider their travel to Lebanon and to advise U.S. citizens in Lebanon not to travel to the south of the country. Notice the word "strongly" used by the United States here.

The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

Pictured is Prime Minister Mikati of Lebanon's caretaker government

The day before, the Netherlands and Germany also issued a notice urging their citizens to leave Lebanon, and the German Foreign Ministry stated that it "asked German citizens to leave Lebanon urgently". At the same time, the foreign ministries of Canada, Kuwait and other countries have issued statements asking their citizens to leave Lebanon. In most of these countries' appeals, expressions such as "urgent", "strong" and "as soon as possible" are used.

On 25 June, China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations addressed the Security Council on the current situation between Lebanon and Israel, in which China said that it should not drag the entire Middle East into an even greater catastrophe and called on all parties to exercise restraint. Now many countries have come out to speak out, which means that the situation between Lebanon and Israel is already very tense, and a full-scale conflict may break out between the two sides at any time.

The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

The picture shows the US amphibious assault ship USS Wasp

And most notably, the U.S. military is moving closer to Lebanon. ABC News said that the US amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and the 24th Marine Corps Expeditionary Force had entered the Mediterranean Sea on the 26th. U.S. officials say this is to facilitate the evacuation of American citizens after the escalation of the Lebanese-Israeli conflict, but everyone knows that the United States is actually trying to put pressure on Allah and assist Israel.

Now that the fighting in Gaza continues and the international community's calls for an end to the war are growing, even the United States has begun to put pressure on Israel, but Netanyahu still wants to escalate the situation. Indeed, a careful analysis of recent events reveals why Israel wants to take action against Lebanon.

On the 24th, Netanyahu abruptly lowered the tone of his military operation in Gaza, saying that "the phase of fierce fighting is nearing its end." The commander of an Israeli infantry brigade said the fighting in Gaza was expected to end within a month. The Israeli side said that after more than eight months of "brutal encirclement and suppression", they have basically eliminated about 20,000 Hamas fighters. Although there will still be resistance, there is no need for large-scale warfare as it is now.

In other words, according to Israel, Hamas has been almost wiped out by them, which means that the war in Gaza is about to end. And in this way, Israel will not fight, according to others, it is a good thing not to fight, but for Netanyahu, it is not a good thing.

The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

Pictured is Netanyahu

On the one hand, Netanyahu has to bear pressure from far-right parties, and on the other hand, the domestic people have repeatedly erupted into mass rallies to express dissatisfaction with Netanyahu, and the country is already a powder keg, and only when Israel is in a "state of war" will this internal contradiction be suppressed, once the war is over, Netanyahu's position may come to an end.

In the past six months, the Israeli army has concentrated its efforts on encircling Hamas, attacking Allah mainly on defense, avoiding multi-front warfare, and now that Gaza does not need heavy troops, Netanyahu wants to prolong his political life, so Israel needs to find a new battlefield.

Turning to the South China Sea on the other side, tensions have recently become tense in the region due to provocations by the Philippines. On June 17, the Philippines tried to illegally enter Second Thomas Shoal, but was intercepted by the Chinese Coast Guard, and the Philippine ship even rammed the Chinese vessel, and fierce friction broke out between the two sides.

After that, the Philippine military fought a public opinion war to smear and slander China. Even the Philippine ambassador to the United States has raised the attention of the Taiwan Strait, saying that if there is a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the US military may be allowed to use their military bases. These statements by Philippine officials have undoubtedly aggravated the tension of the situation, but there are also sober people who believe that these actions of the Marcos administration have put the Philippines in a dangerous situation.

The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

The picture shows Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Understanding China Association

On June 28, at the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence held by China, Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Understanding China Association, as a guest, said in a choked up voice when talking about the current situation of the Philippines, that the number of US military bases in the Philippines has increased to nine, and that he was very worried about the future of his country. By the time he said this, Lambino had been in tears.

Recently, the situation in the South China Sea has become more and more intense, and the Marcos government has violated its commitments to China and has continued to make provocative moves, making the situation more and more tense.

Seeing the Philippines, which has now become a puppet of the United States, Lambino can make such a voice, and he can see that he loves his country.

The exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel has escalated, and another big war is coming? The United States is preparing to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the Chinese side has also issued a reminder

Pictured is Marcos

Seeing Lambino's choked speech, perhaps everyone will be touched, some people are worried about their country, and some people are bent on pulling their country into the abyss for their own selfish interests. I don't know what Marcos will think when he sees such a scene, but the Filipino people have a rod and scale in their hearts, and someone will judge who is right and who is wrong.

In fact, seeing Israel's actions against neighboring countries, and thinking about the Philippines, if it weren't for China's growing strength, Marcos might have jumped more fiercely than Netanyahu, and the reason why these politicians are like this is that they think the United States will call the shots for them. As the saying goes: "People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden". So no matter what, you have to be strong yourself.

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