
Retired cadres in Jiulongpo District carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".
Retired cadres in Jiulongpo District carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

On the eve of July 1st, in order to organize and guide the majority of retired cadres and party members to inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building and temper the political character of communists, Jiulongpo District of Chongqing Municipality actively carried out a series of celebration activities to present the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

Listen to the party's words and lead strongly

The veteran cadres bureau of the Jiulongpo District Party Committee reported the situation through the party and government leaders, experts and professors explained the situation, the party organization leader and the party branch secretary told the party class, and the party members told the "micro story" before the class, celebrated the political birthday, reviewed the oath of joining the party, awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and held an honorary retirement ceremony, etc., leading the majority of retired cadres and party members to feel the party's favor, listen to the party, and follow the party.

Yu Dan, deputy director of the veteran cadres bureau of the district party committee, and Wu Bochang, deputy director of the district ecology and environment bureau, gave special party lessons to the veteran comrades and guided them to maintain their political nature. The District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Yuzhou Road Street, and the Party Branch of Retired Cadres of Tongguanyi Town organized party members to visit the city's "Hongyan Qingfeng" clean culture and art exhibition to further build integrity and strengthen party spirit.

Look at the achievements to help the development

The veteran cadres bureau of the Jiulongpo District Party Committee has extensively carried out special research on "Heartbeat New Chongqing" and "Praise Brilliant Achievements and Gather Silver Strength", etc., and organized the majority of retired cadres and party members to cheer, praise and cheer for the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, and make suggestions and suggestions for the high-quality development of the economy and society and the reform of "three attacks and one revitalization".

Among them, the "Proposal on Promoting the Integration of Private Enterprises into the Construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle" of the Party Branch of the District CPPCC Retired Cadres won the second prize of the "People's Good Suggestions" in the region. Xiong Churong, a retired cadre of the district government office, was awarded the "green figure" of the district's ecological civilization construction. Chen Xin, a retired cadre of Huangjueping Street, won the first prize of the district's citizen science quality competition.

Lyricism gathers people's hearts

In the Jiulongpo District Party Committee Veteran Cadres Bureau carried out the "Welcome the Chinese Birthday, Poetry to the Motherland", "Hanmo Painting the Original Heart, Danqing Ode to the Party's Grace", "Praise the Splendid China, Celebrate the Birthday of the Shengshi" creation and display activities, more than 100 old comrades wrote the style of the new era, sang and danced to highlight the spirit of the new era, and created a total of 158 poems (pieces) of poems, calligraphy and paintings, and 8 songs and dances.

The Party Day of the Party Branch of the Retired Cadres of the District Education Commission "Ode to the Motherland" sang the praise and gratitude to the party and recited the pride and ambition of loving the party and the country. The retired branch of the District Taxation Bureau held a special forum to talk about the great achievements of the party and its love for the party. Che Jialu, a retired party member of the Organization Department of the District Party Committee, wrote "Keep in mind the entrustment, do not forget the original intention, make a modest contribution to the construction of the party and the development of the motherland, may our party be stronger and stronger, and may our motherland be prosperous, prosperous and strong."


Jiulongpo makes good use of the system of full coverage of old comrades and the pairing assistance mechanism, and the party branches of all units and retired cadres visit the old party members, go deep into the community, and visit the lonely elderly and young people in distress on campus, so as to convey the warmth and care of the party.

The Party Branch of the retired cadres of the District Science and Technology Bureau and the District Urban Management Bureau visited the elderly and inconvenient old party members. The party branch of retired cadres in Yangjiaping Street walked into the nursing home and chatted with the old people about family life and party affairs. 72 party branches of retired cadres, including the District Party Committee Office and the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, took the lead in donating more than 260,000 yuan to the "Special Fund for Caring for the Next Generation", visited 29 young people who were paired to help them, and encouraged the children to be self-reliant and brave to pursue their dreams.

Retired cadres in Jiulongpo District carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".
Retired cadres in Jiulongpo District carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

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