
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

In recent days, various streets and colleges and universities in Shapingba District, Chongqing Municipality have held activities to celebrate "July 1st" to carry forward the great spirit of party building.

On June 28, more than 14,000 teachers and students took a unique online and offline ideological and political course at the site of the 6th "Ideological and Political Classroom Exhibition" and July 1st Commendation Activity of Chongqing Vocational College of Commerce. With the theme of "Always Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey", this exhibition shows three chapters of "Don't forget the way you came", "Youth Heart to the Party" and "Set sail on a new journey" through vivid and diverse forms of expression such as melodrama, singing and dancing, and chorus. The school's "Ideological and Political Classroom Exhibition" is not only an art party history course with the deep integration of "party history learning and education" and "art practice", but also a big ideological and political course that extends and expands ideological and political classroom teaching. Through immersive "teaching", the form of "big ideological and political courses" has been innovated, which has aroused the interest of "post-00" college students, and strived to cultivate new people of the era who can reassure the party, love the country and dedicate themselves, and take on the important task of national rejuvenation.

On July 1, in Shaping Park, party members and literature and art lovers in the district of Tianxingqiao Street performed the dance "Sing Red Plum Praise Again", the poetry recitation "Ode to July 1st", the sitcom "Socialism is Good", the erhu solo "Horse Racing", and the aerobics "Health Wins the Future" and other 10 literary programs, and carried out the "Centennial Flourishing Literature and Art Praise the Party's Grace" literary and artistic performance activities. The performers expressed their gratitude and blessings to the party in different ways, and the wonderful theatrical performances also presented a literary feast for the citizens.

Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Shapingba District: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

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