
Are you ready for the best time to treat winter diseases and summer treatments?

author:Family Doctor Newspaper

We often say "winter sickness and summer cure"

Diseases that tend to occur in winter can be found in summer

Targeted treatment is given

Improve the body's ability to resist disease

Winter disease and summer treatment are the most common treatments

What is a three-dog patch?

Who is it suitable for?

Take everyone to unlock them one by one!

Winter sickness

It refers to certain lesions that tend to occur in winter or are aggravated in winter, such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, senile chills, and diseases that belong to the spleen and stomach deficiency and cold in traditional Chinese medicine.


It refers to the vigorous yang qi in nature and the vigorous qi and blood in the meridians of the human body in summer, through traditional Chinese medicine methods such as internal administration, external application or dietary therapy, to generate yang qi in the human body, and to use the yang of the sky to support the righteous qi, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan, remove the cold evil in the body, enhance the ability to resist disease, reduce the number of attacks or reduce the degree of attacks in autumn and winter, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment.


The three dog days, which are the collective name for the first, middle and last volts, are the hottest times of the year. The so-called "hot in the dog days", "cold in the three nine", dog days appear between the summer heat and the heat, it is the hottest time of the year, humid and muggy.

What is a three-pronged sticker?

Sanfu Tiao, also known as Tianjiu, is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Combined with acupuncture, meridians and traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is directly applied to the acupuncture points, and the acupuncture points are stimulated by traditional Chinese medicine to achieve the effect of curing and preventing diseases. "Winter disease and summer treatment" is to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of high temperature in summer, abundant yang energy in the body, and vigorous qi and blood in the meridians on the body surface, combined with acupoint application to adjust the balance of yin and yang in the human body, so as to encourage righteousness, enhance disease resistance, and achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment.

Indications for three-pronged patches

1. Chronic respiratory diseases: such as rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough, wheezing bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, recurrent respiratory tract infections; These diseases are mostly due to cold and damp phlegm drinking, these diseases are easy to recur in autumn and winter, and they are very stubborn, and they will automatically "cure" in summer, so this chronic respiratory disease is very suitable for a treatment in dog days to enhance the body's righteousness to slow down the onset of winter disease.

2. Yang deficiency and qi deficiency: people's physique is different, there are congenital weak physique, there are also acquired physique weak, especially kidney yang qi deficiency, regardless of congenital and acquired, ordinary methods are difficult to regulate, at this time, you can in the summer when the qi of moxibustion and the yang qi of heaven and earth converge, the three dog moxibustion acupuncture points to improve the weak physique.

3. Digestive system diseases: deficiency of cold, deficiency of cold stomach, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic colitis, deficiency of cold and diarrhea. Some people are prone to stomach pain when they eat cold drinks, and they have diarrhea after staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time, if they put a hot water bottle on the stomach, they may feel more comfortable, these mostly belong to the spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, suitable for winter and summer treatment.

4. Susceptible children: children are weak and susceptible to colds, anorexia, enuresis, and recurrent cough and asthma; Cold limbs, cold intolerance, low immunity and sub-health conditions. Many children get the flu as soon as the season changes, and other children are fine, and susceptible children will get sick once a month in the autumn and winter, no matter how they are cared for. It is better to apply three-dog patches to children in summer to improve resistance, and in autumn and winter, they will get sick less and reduce the incidence of pneumonia.

5. Female diseases: mainly deficiency, cold dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine cold, etc., some women like to eat cold drinks and popsicles in summer, and are greedy for cold all night to blow air conditioners, wear crop tops, open the door to meet thieves, and bury many hidden dangers in the body. Cold, dampness, and yang, when you are young, you may have a good physique without any discomfort, and wait until the uterine cold, uterine stasis, and dysmenorrhea come one after another. Don't be overly greedy for cold drinks in summer, but should protect your yang energy, and the strong yang energy on the dog days in summer is more conducive to uterine cold and menstrual pain.

6. Middle-aged and elderly joint rheumatic bone disease: joint pain, bone hyperplasia, arthritis, rheumatism caused by various neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain; After middle age, the function of people's internal organs slowly deteriorates, and the yang energy in the body gradually declines, so in winter, the elderly are very afraid of cold, and will suffer from various cold diseases, such as joint pain.

Contraindications to the three-pronged patch

1. Patients with skin trauma, skin ulcers, and skin infections at the application site;

2. Those who are allergic to dressing drugs or dressing ingredients;

3. Those with scar constitution;

4. Pregnant women or children under 2 years old;

5. Patients during acute attacks or exacerbations.

Precautions for three-pronged stickers

1. Applying time: The application time is determined according to the physique and tolerance, generally 4-6 hours for adults, 1-2 hours for children, and the application time for the elderly, children and people with weak constitution can be appropriately shortened.

2. Pay attention to local waterproofing, local skin flushing, burning or mild stinging sensation may occur after application, and it is normal to have small blisters or pigmentation left for a period of time.

3. When there is unbearable itching, burning, pain and large blisters on the skin after application, the patch drugs and dressings should be removed immediately, scratching is prohibited, it is not appropriate to apply drugs without authorization, and seek medical attention in time to prevent infection.

4. During the application of the drug, you should reduce exercise, avoid sweating, try to avoid direct blowing of electric fans and air conditioners, and the clothes should be wide, soft, and breathable cotton clothes, and pay attention to prevent the ointment from staining the clothes.

5. During the application period, avoid eating cold, salty and other foods that may weaken the efficacy, avoid cold drinks and iced foods, and try to avoid tobacco, alcohol, seafood, spicy, beef and mutton and other foods.

6. Keep the application site dry, take a bath with warm water 6 hours after the application is completed, and avoid scratching the part; You can take a bath after the patch is removed, but do not rub your back, and gently absorb the water on the acupuncture points with a towel after bathing.

Abnormal conditions and how to deal with them

After application, the local skin may appear flushing, slight redness, small blisters, slight itching, burning sensation, pigmentation, etc., which are the normal stimulating effect of the drug, and no special treatment is required, but attention should be paid to keep the local dryness, do not rub or scratch the part, and do not use toiletries and other anti-itching drugs to prevent further stimulation of the local skin.

If any of the following abnormalities occur, they should be dealt with in a timely manner.

It is normal for local heat, coldness, numbness, itching or mild pain to occur after applying the drug. If there is burning or pinprick pain at the application site, and it is unbearable, the drug can be removed in advance and the application can be terminated in time.

Skin allergies can be treated with anti-allergy creams. If there is a large range of skin erythema, blisters and itching of the severe, the drug should be stopped immediately and symptomatic treatment should be carried out. Patients with systemic skin allergy symptoms should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

Small blisters appear on the skin, which can be coated with iodophor or methyl violet (gentian violet) solution and allowed to absorb naturally. If the blister is large, you can use a sterilized needle to pick up the lower end of the blister to drain the blister fluid, or use a disposable syringe to extract the blister, and then apply iodophor or gentian violet solution to astringent, and the blister can also be coated with anti-inflammatory ointment and bandaged with external disinfectant dressing to prevent infection. If the blister is huge, or there is purulent discharge in the blister, or the skin is broken, the subcutaneous tissue is exposed, and the bleeding is occurring, you should go to a professional hospital for symptomatic treatment.

Application time

The first application (strengthened before volcanation): July 5 - July 14

Second Ceremony: July 15–July 24

Third Phase: July 25–August 4

The fourth application (mid-volt strengthening): August 5 - August 13

Fifth Round: August 14–August 23

For more information, please contact us

Dr. Yao, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine: 13870803688

Dr. Kowan in Rehabilitation Medicine: 18779174574

Dr. Chen, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuhe Campus: 18317929576

Dr. Huang, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chaoyang Campus: 18033008542

Attachment address

Nanchang People's Hospital (Fuhe Campus)

The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine on the 3rd floor of the outpatient clinic and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the 5th floor of the outpatient department

Nanchang People's Hospital (Chaoyang Campus)

The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine on the 4th floor of the outpatient clinic and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the 3rd floor of the outpatient department

Expert presentation

Are you ready for the best time to treat winter diseases and summer treatments?

Yao Yong

Deputy Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Deputy Chief Physician

Vice Chairman of Nanchang Rehabilitation Medical Association

He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological (critical) rehabilitation and sports rehabilitation.

Source: Nanchang People's Hospital

Correspondents: Min Jie, Yu Lei, Lin Liufei

Editor: Huang Menglin

Reviewer: Chen Shirui

Issued: Daley Red

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