
The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

author:Main news in Tibet
The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

Walking into the Jindong Border Police Station of the Nyingchi Border Management Detachment of Tibet at an altitude of 3,200 meters, rows of luxuriant poplars form a strong visual contrast with the steep, grass-colored barren mountains outside the camp. Due to the topography of the canyon, the sun sets at 4 p.m. every day, and the mountain wind formed by the huge temperature difference blows from 4 p.m. to late at night.

Since its establishment in 2007, there has been a saying in the office that "the sun goes down early, and the wind blows the stones and runs". In order to resist the wind, sand and rolling stones, the first generation of officers and soldiers planted shelterbelts in the barracks. Over the past 17 years, generations of border officers and soldiers and border guards have guarded the harmony and stability of the jurisdiction with loyalty and responsibility, and have become "stones" that cannot be blown away in Jindong Township.

Take root among the masses and let contradictions and disputes not leave the village

From April to June every year, the people of Jindong Township go up the mountain to dig Cordyceps, and Wang Feng, the responsible policeman of the Police Office of the Cordyceps Excavation Point, also goes up the mountain with the masses. Wherever the masses go, there is Wang Feng's office. Wang Feng went deep into the Cordyceps excavation site at an altitude of 4,600 meters to patrol and investigate, talk with the masses about the harvest, collect opinions and suggestions from the masses, explain laws and regulations and village rules and regulations, guide the masses to carry out excavation activities in accordance with laws and regulations, and find the police to solve conflicts as soon as possible. Over the years, with the efforts of Wang Feng and his colleagues, there has not been a single case in Jindong Township caused by a dispute over the harvesting of Cordyceps.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police of the police station visiting the masses at the Cordyceps excavation site.

The continuous and stable order of understory resource mining in the jurisdiction is the epitome of the Jindong Border Police Station's long-term adherence to the management of the source of contradictions and disputes.

In April 2024, a member of the public in Xizhika Village in the jurisdiction had a fierce quarrel with his neighbors. After learning of the situation, Bian Ba, a police officer stationed at the police office in Xizhika Village, rushed to the scene within 3 minutes. Bian Ba, who is familiar with the situation of the two families, patiently preached and enlightened from the three aspects of law, reason, and reason, and guided the two to look at it objectively and open their hearts. After nearly 1 hour of mediation, the two realized their mistakes and apologized to each other.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police visiting the masses for the police station.

Early detection and early intervention are the keys to preventing and resolving conflicts and disputes! Since its establishment, the police station has organized police forces to work in each village for a long time in the form of stationing in villages and setting up grid police rooms, so as to grasp the situation of each village in real time and ensure that the police force can arrive at the scene as soon as possible. By taking turns to be stationed in the police office, the police officers of the whole institute can enhance their understanding and mutual trust with the masses in their work and life in close proximity to the masses, and improve the efficiency of conflict and dispute mediation, so as to achieve "small, early and fast" resolution and ensure that conflicts are not handed over. In the past ten years, there have been zero criminal cases in the area under the jurisdiction of the police station, which has effectively maintained the harmony and stability of Jindong Township.

Optimize services to reduce errands for the public

"Comrade policeman, I need to issue a certificate of no criminal record, can I please help me do it!" At 23:00 on June 3, 2024, Solang Tashi, a citizen of Dongxiong Village, Jindong Township, anxiously applied to Zhong Zhaoxuan, the police officer on duty, for a certificate.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police on duty handling household registration business for the masses.

Solang Tashi's children plan to apply for the police academy and need a police clearance certificate from the student and his family. Solang Tashi, who has been grazing in the mountains, will not use his mobile phone to apply online until the deadline is approaching. Zhong Zhaoxuan, the policeman on duty, patiently received Solang Tashi and helped Solang Tashi to issue a certificate on his mobile phone. For a situation like Solang Tashi, police officer Zhong Zhaoxuan has long been accustomed to it.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police on duty collecting photos of the masses.

Based on the needs of the people in the jurisdiction, the Jindong Border Police Station has continuously optimized service measures, and implemented an all-weather duty system for applying for permits in view of the actual situation of the masses such as busy workers, busy studies and remote roads, so as to ensure that the people who apply for permits outside of working hours are ready to do so. Strictly implement the "three in place and one no" system, requiring that the procedures for handling certificates for the police are explained in place, the guidance of supplementary materials is in place, and the services for receiving the masses are in place, so that the masses are not allowed to run away. Give full play to the advantages of "one village, one auxiliary police" and the work of the grid police office, extend the radius of certification services, deepen service measures such as making appointments, face-to-face consultation in the village, and sending certificates to the door, and provide door-to-door certification services for the elderly, the disabled and other people with limited mobility.

Since the launch of the optimization service activities, the police station has handled more than 320 certificates and certificates of various types outside normal working hours, and carried out door-to-door certification and door-to-door delivery services 28 times, effectively providing convenience for the production and life of the masses and promoting the sustainable economic and social development of the jurisdiction.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police stationed in the police office delivering certificates to the masses.

The snow mountain guards the safety of the masses

"Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and if it took a little longer, it might have to be amputated!" After completing the examination and treatment, the medical staff of the Jindong Township Health Center said to the police and the people who escaped from danger.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the rescue police installing snow chains for the trapped vehicle.

In January 2022, when a member of the public was driving alone through the Bibara Pass at an altitude of 4,700 meters in Jindong Township, the vehicle was trapped due to thick snow on the road, and his palm was pressed under the wheel during the self-rescue process, and he successfully called the police with his mobile phone. After receiving the police, the police of the police station overcame the dangers of dark ice and slippery roads, quickly rushed to the scene, and rescued the trapped people and sent them to the hospital for treatment in time.

Since the completion of the Jindong section of National Highway 219, the number of people traveling to and from Nyingchi City and Shannan City through Jindong Township has been increasing. There are only three snow-free months in the year, and the road is covered with snow and the driving risk is high.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows that the police are using a police car to help the vehicle get out of trouble.

Based on the reality of traffic safety hazards in the jurisdiction, the Jindong Border Police Station established the "Bibala Mountain Rescue Commando", and cooperated with the Jindong Border Checkpoint, the Shannan Border Management Detachment Zhari Border Police Station and other friendly neighboring units to carry out safety propaganda for passing personnel, set up safety warning signs on dangerous road sections, announce the alarm call for help, and mark the alarm point. Allocate all kinds of rescue equipment and materials, organize people's police to carry out road rescue training, and continuously improve the efficiency of people's police rescue. At the same time, the auxiliary police, border guards, public security liaison officers and other forces of the villages along the line were organized to strengthen the dynamic monitoring of road conditions, issue early warning information to oncoming personnel and vehicles in a timely manner, and establish a vehicle registration and safety feedback system to ensure that vehicles pass safely through the non-signal road section during the snowfall period.

Since the completion of the Jindong section of National Highway 219 in 2020, the Jindong Border Police Station has carried out a total of 67 road rescues, 103 rescue vehicles and 324 personnel, effectively ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police trying to rescue the trapped vehicle.

Help and care, so that children do not grow behind

Lu Yanhong, a police officer who served as the director of the police station before the change, is proficient in various skills, and he is best known to the people in the jurisdiction for his haircutting skills. There is no barber shop in Jindong Township, and the children in difficulty in the jurisdiction are not only difficult to live and study, but also face the problem of difficult haircuts, so Lu Yanhong volunteered to take on the task of cutting hairs for the children in difficulty in the jurisdiction.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows police officer Lu Yanhong giving haircuts to children in the jurisdiction during home visits.

All along, the police station has always cared for the physical and mental health of children in difficulty, and actively cooperated with relevant departments to build a "love station" for the growth of minors, and distributed clothes, school tools and other materials to children in need. Through activities such as home visits and police camp experiences, organize police officers who have obtained psychological counselor certificates to carry out psychological counseling to help children in difficulty learn actively and live a healthy life.

Strengthen the contact and co-construction with the resident party committee and government, the resident primary school, and the students' families, and create a "four-in-one" "seedling protection" work model. The police station vigorously carries out public security governance, stationery publication management and traffic management, continues to purify the surrounding environment of the campus, regularly organizes campus security drills, and actively builds a "safe campus". Periodically organize vice-principals for rule of law to come to campuses to carry out education on the rule of law, safety, and patriotism, and hold lectures on topics such as anti-trafficking, anti-bullying, and anti-sexual assault in conjunction with cases. Carry out open day activities in police barracks, display police equipment, introduce law enforcement work, organize police lecturers to use the national training center to preach the story of the unity and struggle of the people of all ethnic groups to teachers and students, guide students to establish a sense of abiding by discipline and law, and inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The picture shows the police serving as the school's vice-principal for rule of law and carrying out rule of law teaching.

Since 2019, the police station has carried out a total of 23 campus governance activities, 32 rule of law lectures, and 22 police barracks open day activities, paired up to help 15 children in difficulty, distributed more than 170 daily and learning supplies, and there were zero cases related to juvenile crime in the jurisdiction.

The "stone" that can't be blown away in Jindong Township

The photo shows the police station donating school supplies to school students.

Put the masses at ease and carry the mission on your shoulders. When night fell, the wind in Jindong Township was still very strong, blowing away the sand and stones, but it could not blow away the original intention of the police of the Jindong Border Police Station to serve the people and the determination to fulfill the mission, they were the "stones" that could not be blown away in Jindong Township.

Source: People's Daily Online

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