
The No. 4 Experimental Primary School of the county held a drowning prevention education activity of "Water Safety, Children Walking Together".

author:Yiyuan in the palm of your hand

In order to enhance students' awareness of drowning prevention and improve their self-protection ability, the Fourth Experimental Primary School of Yiyuan County recently held a unique drowning prevention education activity of "Water Safety, Children Walking Together". In an innovative way, the students learned about drowning prevention in an interactive experience, which provided a strong guarantee for the safe summer water activities.

The No. 4 Experimental Primary School of the county held a drowning prevention education activity of "Water Safety, Children Walking Together".

Activity 1: Watch a lecture on drowning prevention safety. The school organizes students to watch lectures on drowning prevention safety knowledge, and teaches students how to use life-saving equipment correctly, how to save themselves and each other through vivid cases and practical skills.

The No. 4 Experimental Primary School of the county held a drowning prevention education activity of "Water Safety, Children Walking Together".

Activity 2: Simulated drowning rescue drill. The school organizes students to conduct simulated drowning rescue drills, so that students can experience and master the skills of drowning prevention. Through simulation exercises, the students improved their ability to respond to emergencies.

The No. 4 Experimental Primary School of the county held a drowning prevention education activity of "Water Safety, Children Walking Together".

Activity 3: Water Safety Knowledge Competition. The school held a water safety knowledge competition to test students' mastery of drowning prevention knowledge. Students actively participated and competed to answer questions, which enhanced the learning effect through the competition.

Through this series of innovative activities, students learned about drowning prevention and increased safety awareness in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. At the same time, these activities also enrich the cultural life of the campus and improve the comprehensive quality and ability of students.

The school will continue to carry out a variety of drowning prevention education activities, strengthen the safety education of students, cultivate their safety awareness and self-protection ability, and escort the safety of students.

(Tang Weiwei)

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