
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

author:Nanjing's Charming Campus

The first singing of the Yangtze River Delta ideological and political voice

the "Top • Cubic • Square" brand was released

Nanjing Xiaozhuang University Dingshan Experimental Primary School


"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!


There's temperature, there's depth, there's height

13 co-construction units work together to play a "game of chess" in educating people

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, guide the majority of party members, teachers and students to listen to the party and follow the party, build a new pattern of excellent Chinese culture, and further promote the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta, on the morning of June 27, Dingshan Experimental Primary School of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University successfully held the first singing of the Yangtze River Delta ideological and political voice and the "Ding, Li, Fang" brand release activity. Representatives of the party building alliance unit, school party members, teachers, parents and student representatives participated in the event.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

The powerful opening performance of the Dingshan Real Wind Ensemble officially kicked off the event.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!


Meet Dingshan

Convergence of synergies

Accelerate the creation of a regional high-quality education brand

"Today's Dingshan, high-quality resources are rapidly accumulating. With the help of the development of the new area, the collectivization, branding and characteristics of Dingshan education are taking shape. Zhuang Peifeng, Party Working Committee of Dingshan Street, Jiangbei New District, pointed out in his speech that the development of education in Dingshan has benefited from the development of the new district, the care of leaders, the dedication of teachers and the support of parents. If you want to build people, you must first establish morality. "Ideological and political courses" are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and it solves the problem of "people". High-quality education is the urgent expectation of the people, but also the embodiment of the soft power of the street, Dingshan Street will pay more attention to the cultivation of morality, improve the quality of teachers, strengthen the cultivation of young talents, and further increase the support for the school, and strive to provide better facilities for the school, provide more resources for teachers, and create a healthier and more balanced learning environment for children. Through linkage and co-construction, the high-quality education brand of Dingshan Street has been launched.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Today, everyone gathered in Dingshan to present gifts with singing and lyrical with dance. Student representatives from Dingshan Real Primary School, Guyou Jiangbei Branch, Chuzhou Vocational and Technical College, and Nanjing Railway Vocational and Technical College brought a wonderful audio-visual feast to everyone through sports skewers, teacher-student chorus, dance and song singing, which attracted bursts of applause from the audience.

Sports skewer "Childlike Heart to the Future"

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

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"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Teachers and students sing "Happy with You"

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Dance "Sorghum is Red"

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Song "Walking to the Light"

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!


Heart Admiration, Distant Mountain

Integrity and innovation

Actively explore new paths of co-construction, co-governance and sharing

On this solemn occasion, a touch of bright Chinese red came into view, instantly warming everyone's eyes. This is not only a color, but also a kind of love and respect hidden deep in the heart, although it is not often on the lips, but always remembered in the chest. With loyalty to the party and love for the country, party members and student representatives of the co-construction unit recited "The Red Party Flag" together to pay tribute to the red faith in their hearts. Everyone's voice is full of passion and power, as if to declare their faith and determination to the world.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

This year, Dingshan Experimental Primary School of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University has continued and innovated the "concentric circle of ideology and politics" of previous years, and 13 units have jointly established the Yangtze River Delta Party Building Alliance, based on "resource sharing and complementary advantages", promoting each other and making progress together, and promoting the high-quality development of the integration of ideological and political education and school, family, college and society in the Yangtze River Delta.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

The Yangtze River Delta Party Building Alliance and the "Think Tank" project were officially launched

In the future, all units will continue to expand the "circle of friends" with the party building alliance as a link; On the basis of resource sharing, we will effectively build a "connecting bridge"; With the goal of empowering development, we will draw "concentric circles" together.

A hundred years of Xiaozhuang, flourishing.

The top mountain of the new district, the core of the core.

This year, the school won the first batch of Jiangbei New Area Ideological and Political Education Demonstration Schools, and at the same time, the school will also focus on building the "Ding, Li, Fang" brand to lead the high-quality development of the school.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
  • Dingshan is based on the local Dingshan and the true culture, that is, the hard-core Dingshan responsibility;
  • It is to create a three-dimensional and diversified education ecosystem through the "integration of the party team", "the integration of schools, families, institutes and communities" and "the integration of large, medium, small and young children";
  • Fang is the distance of education and the ideal of education in pursuit of excellence.

The school's "Ding•Li•Fang" brand was officially released


Go to the mountains and seas together

Forge ahead

Jointly build a new form of high-quality development of education

The Dingshan Shixiao model aircraft team members brought the dance "Dream Blue Sky", a vigorous and free dance, carrying the ambition and tenacious will of the teenager. Their dancing posture is like an eagle soaring in the blue sky, free and unrestrained. They use their body language to express their yearning for the blue sky and the pursuit of their dreams.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

The Red Flag Propaganda Group of the School of Marxism of Nanjing Normal University brought the micro-party class "Red Boat Spirit: The Story of a Big Party and a Small Boat", starting from a small boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and leading everyone to look back at history. He introduced the background of the "Red Boat Spirit", starting from the different life endings of the 13 representatives of the First National Congress, leading everyone to think about the reasons behind it, thus expounding the theoretical foundation, cultural source and power of the "Red Boat Spirit". At the same time, he clarified the original aspiration and mission of the Communist Party of China, and emphasized the importance of not forgetting the original aspiration.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Finally, Chen Jia, director of the Party and Mass Work Office of the Education and Social Security Bureau of Jiangbei New Area, affirmed the significance of this event in his speech, and believed that with the strong support of all alliance units and the active participation of teachers and students, we will work together to build a new form of high-quality education development of "good education ecology, good schools, good principals, and good teachers to create a good future for students".

Regarding the in-depth promotion of the integration of ideological and political education in colleges, schools, and children, Director Chen put forward four expectations:

1. Strengthen coordination and joint construction. Expand the collaborative education mechanism of "party team" and "school-family-society", promote the integration of "ideological and political classrooms" into "social classrooms", and polish characteristic brands such as walking ideological and political courses;

2. Strengthen the construction of connotation. In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, integration of regional red culture, Yangtze River culture and other resources, give full play to the unique advantages of culture in educating people, and promote the development of the connotation of ideological and political courses;

3. Reform and innovation. With curriculum reform as the starting point, we should coordinate the construction of ideological and political courses and ideological and political courses, and build a curriculum system that comprehensively covers rich types, progressive levels, and mutual support;

Fourth, strengthen team building. Improve the teaching evaluation system and treatment guarantee mechanism, promote the balanced allocation of ideological and political teachers, and continuously enhance the hard power of ideological and political teachers in the new era to cast souls and educate people.

Director Chen's strategic-speaking speech lit up everyone's ideological and political innovation.

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Pass the baton of Lide well

Draw concentric circles of education

In the midst of warm applause

The event ended successfully

"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!
"Top • Cubic • Square" brand released! Dingshan Experimental Primary School "sings" a good voice of ideology and politics!

Editor: Liu Yun

Choreographer: Liu Yun

Photo: Wang Jiashuai

Cinematographer: Zhang Yan

© Nanjing's Charming Campus

The graphics and videos on this platform are all independently shot and produced by the "Charming Campus" column group. Without authorization, it shall not be reproduced, and the source must be indicated for reprinting. If other pictures and music used on the platform belong to the relevant rights holders, please contact us at any time to negotiate the authorization or deletion.

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