
Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity

author:The pearl of Tianliao

Tianliao Primary School Information Platform Tianliao Primary School 2024-06-29 10:58 Guangdong Listen to the full text

Sprinkle the nectar of science

Catalyze the seeds of science

Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity

In order to create an educational highland that matches the Science City, according to the spirit of the activity notice of the Guangming District Education and Science Institute, at 10 a.m. on June 27, Professor Han Songbai, the science principal of Tianliao Primary School, gave a theme of "The Story of Scientists Inventing New Materials". A lively and interesting science lesson was given to the teachers and students of the whole school. Before the class, the main person in charge of the school introduced Professor Han Songbai of Southern University of Science and Technology, and encouraged the students to cherish the opportunity to meet scientific knowledge face-to-face scientists, pay attention to the lectures, study seriously, and improve their scientific literacy. During the class, Professor Han interacted with the students with his own study path and scientific research process, which shortened the distance with the students and stimulated their interest.

Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity
Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity

The focus of science popularization is on the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Professor Han showed the students the history of the development of materials in human society from the Stone Age to the Electronic Information Age in the form of pictures and texts, and the vivid and interesting explanations made the students listen with relish. Professor Han also told the students about the development achievements of the mainland material industry and the problems that need to be broken through with "Made in China" and "Made in China". From the "trial and error method" of traditional materials research to the current material genome project science popularization, Professor Han focused on the application of artificial intelligence machine chemists in scientific research, which made the students marvel at the rapid development of science and technology. The starting point of the popularization of science begins with the promotion of the spirit of science. Professor Han not only popularized the scientific and technical knowledge of materials to the students, but also advocated scientific methods and disseminated scientific ideas to the students. Through the video, Professor Han introduced the invention achievements of Edison, the king of inventions, and the scientific story of Henri Moissan's first production of elemental fluorine, so that the students could truly feel the shining wisdom, the courage to explore, and the perseverance of scientists.

Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity

At the end of the lecture, Professor Han showed the students the Shenzhen Materials Genome Big Science Device Platform, and emphasized that Shenzhen Guangming District Science City is planned to be built into a comprehensive national science center and a world-class science city, which will make Guangming District a source of innovation and a gathering place for high-end innovative talents in the future. Scientific research is a never-ending undertaking that has been carried forward by generations of people, and Professor Han expressed his ardent expectation for students to devote themselves to scientific research.

Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity

The popularization of science is the "drizzle of nectar" that promotes scientific research and innovation. The science popularization activity of "Science Principal Gave a Lecture" is like "scientific nectar", which has spawned the "seeds" of scientific research in the hearts of Tianliao students. "The wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country, the wealth of the youth is the wealth of the country, and the strength of the youth is the strength of the country." In the future, Tianliao Primary School will strive to cultivate more successors to the scientific cause, and cultivate a vast forest that pays attention to science, loves science, and explores science.

Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity
Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity
Tianliao Primary School: 2024 "Science Principal Lectures" activity

Text: Chen Ting Image: Li Ling Editor: Deng Limin Review: Office

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