
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a "clown" that engages in "cognitive warfare" and looks at the Strait in the Bay Area

author:Straight news

This is the 189th issue of "Bay Area Wangqu".

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Democratic People's Representative have come up with fallacies again

Shen Boyang, a member of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) who is a "non-district representative of the people", has been talking about a lot recently. First, mainland reporters spread rumors to "stalk" on the island's current affairs programs, and in the past few days, they have once again caused a storm of public opinion on the island because they said that "the outside world can buy data and judge their political stance from the types of erotic films that the people on the island like."

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a "clown" that engages in "cognitive warfare" and looks at the Strait in the Bay Area

Source: Taiwan Zhongtian News

Shen Boyang, a cram school teacher, studied in the United States to study for a doctorate in criminology and legal sociology, and is now an associate professor at the Institute of Criminology at Taipei University. In 2021, he founded the "Black Bear Academy", which is a civilian defense organization and was sponsored by "Taiwan independence" entrepreneurs, and was widely questioned about cooperating with the DPP authorities to prepare for "street fighting" on the island. In 2023, Shen Boyang was nominated by the Democratic Progressive Party as the second place in the "Non-district Democratic Representative" and successfully became the electoral representative.

In response to Shen Boyang's fallacy, Li Zhengjie, a retired major general of the Taiwan Army, sarcastically said on a current affairs program that the "Black Bear Academy" is not a study of paintbombs, and Shen Boyang himself admits that he is studying how to watch erotic films. Li Zhengjie went on to say that the DPP listed Shen Boyang as the first place in the male Democratic Generation, don't you feel very ashamed? How can the Taiwanese people be embarrassed? "In addition to Shen Boyang, there are also Wang Yichuan, executive director of the DPP Policy Council, and Yu Beichen, Taoyuan City Councilor, and the DPP's 'new three treasures' have come out." He said that Shen Boyang was sure to "live up to expectations", especially his invention to judge his position from the type of erotic film, which may be to fight with Yu Beichen and compare traffic.

Qiu Yi, a former representative of the Republic of China in Taiwan, bluntly said that Shen Boyang is really crazy, and that he is a professor of law at a dignified university, the dean of the "Black Bear Academy," the head of the "Black Bear Army," and a "Taiwan independence" businessman Cao Xingcheng who is a heavy supporter. It has only been a few months since he entered Taiwan's legislature, and he has resorted to unscrupulous means in order to rush the traffic, and even resorted to the strange trick of "erotic film united front theory". However, Lai Qingde actually reused such goods, and relied on him to engage in "cognitive warfare," and "one can imagine how much chaos will arise in Taiwan because of this."

Behind the ridiculous rhetoric

Shen Boyang's remarks are ridiculous, but they are very popular among some young people on the island who support the DPP. Ke Zhien, a member of the Chinese Kuomintang, said in a current affairs program that Shen Boyang's absurd remarks are not as simple as throwing out a sentence, he has a set of internal logic to explain his remarks, and he has the endorsement of his academic identity as a professor.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a "clown" that engages in "cognitive warfare" and looks at the Strait in the Bay Area

Source: Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

Xie Hanbing, a veteran media person in Taiwan, warned that Shen Boyang's words and deeds seem funny, but they are very effective in consolidating the basic market of the green camp. This shows that Lai Ching-te, the leader of the Taiwan region, intends to rely on these basic conditions to survive the past four years, and after seeing the situation clearly, everyone should think carefully and clearly, and what should Lai do when he is ready to do so?

Xie Hanbing said that Lai Qingde obviously admired Shen Boyang very much, otherwise he would not have been recruited as a "non-district people's representative". There are also many people in the DPP who believe in and like Shen Boyang's approach, and think that Shen is eloquent and attractive, while Lai Qingde also believes in it.

Xie Hanbing analyzed that Shen Boyang's words and deeds can solidify the "stratosphere" and basic plate of the green camp, but at the same time, it will also cause a situation where it is impossible to contact and accept the views of the general public, and directly isolate the DPP from the general public. It can be seen from this that Lai Ching-de's tactic is to rely on these basic disks to survive four years, and he is not the leader of the entire Taiwan people, but the leader of the DPP supporters. And deal with the opposition camp by splitting up, so that they cannot cooperate.

Li Shengfeng, vice chairman of the New Party, analyzed in a current affairs program that talking about this matter is not to discuss Shen Boyang's statement, but to see what Shen Boyang represents behind him. The DPP's listing of Shen Boyang as the second place in the "non-zoning people's congress" and also the first place for men is that it has high hopes for him and intends to make him compete for the position of the head of Taiwan's legislature. It doesn't matter what Shen Boyang says, what matters is whether the cross-strait relations he is shaping in his mouth are exactly what the Lai Qingde authorities want?

Is this part of the DPP's "cognitive warfare"?

Regarding Shen Boyang's strange theories, most of the media in the blue camp feel that they are not worth refuting, and some hosts even ridiculed that if it weren't for the fact that there were fewer hot things recently, there would not be so many pages discussing Shen Boyang's strange theories. However, the green camp did not think Shen Boyang's words were ridiculous, but "escorted" Shen Boyang's remarks at a specially convened reporter.

Wu Siyao, secretary general of the Democratic Progressive Party's Taiwan legislature, defended him today (1 July), saying that Shen Boyang has a complete exposition, which is a very professional field of "cognitive warfare" and information warfare, and there are also many academic studies doing this kind of analysis. Wu Siyao said that Shen Boyang's speech was a lot of expositions on the profession, but it was improperly connected.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a "clown" that engages in "cognitive warfare" and looks at the Strait in the Bay Area

Wu Siyao Source: Hong Kong "China Review Press"

As long as there is the slightest information unfavorable to the DPP, the DPP will label it as a "cognitive warfare" on the mainland, and then launch an attack on the flanks of the green battalion and the network army, causing a chilling effect on the island. According to an analysis of a column in Macao's "Xinhua Macao Daily" Fu Quan, the so-called "cognitive warfare" was originally a term in psychology, which refers to human psychological processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, and thinking. However, the DPP authorities have "transformed" it into election language and campaign strategy. In her inaugural speech in 2020, Tsai Ing-wen first mentioned putting "cognitive warfare" on the table of official documents, claiming that the two sides of the strait have entered a confrontation between "information warfare" and "cognitive warfare", and it is now in progress. In the two elections in Taiwan in 2024, Lai Qingde's hometown is riddled with illegal construction problems, and he can't come up with an appropriate solution to the people's livelihood problems, so he focuses on "anti-cognitive warfare" and "anti-mediation election" to consolidate his "dark green" basic plate, and he can even be elected as the leader of the Taiwan region "without danger".

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a "clown" that engages in "cognitive warfare" and looks at the Strait in the Bay Area

The DPP authorities once held academic seminars related to "cognitive warfare," and it was Shen Boyang who took the stage to give a speech. He also regarded himself as an expert on "information warfare" and "cognitive warfare," and often published various opinion articles in the "dark green" media.

Before spreading rumors that the mainland media were "stalking" about "cognitive warfare" on the island's programs and erotic films, Shen Boyang also concocted a "fifth column," claiming that in order to prevent the mainland from manipulating the "fifth column" to disrupt Taiwan, it was necessary to control the so-called "high-risk groups" on the island, including mainland spouses and mainland students. This kind of brazen statement that ordinary people should be monitored was bombarded by public opinion on the island, and Taiwan's senior media personality Xie Hanbing issued an article criticizing Shen Boyang's proposal to clearly engage in "green terror" on the island. He said bluntly: "For Taiwan, people like Shen Boyang are the real high-risk groups, and they must be guarded against!" ”

Seeing that the "Fifth Column Theory" was getting bigger and bigger, Shen Boyang changed his mouth and said that the "Fifth Column" was a fake issue. At that time, Wang Hongwei, a member of the Chinese Kuomintang, bitterly scolded Shen Boyang for being a "hairpin bend" at the historical level, and she further speculated that Shen Boyang intended to use the term "fifth column" to help the DPP authorities monitor the people's endorsement, and at that time even claimed that there were hundreds of thousands of people at the so-called "high risk", trying to manipulate social fear to achieve the goal. But Taiwanese are not stupid, they can see through his tricks at a glance, and Shen Boyang will only say such repeated remarks when he is under the pressure of public opinion.

And the current erotic film "cognitive warfare" seems to be the same as the "fifth column" issue concocted by the DPP before. Fu Quan said in the column that the so-called "cognitive warfare" is intended to seize the general public's perception of information and the right to speak on the interpretation of events, which is commonly known as "bringing the wind direction". "Cognitive warfare" is presented in the form of "fabricating and disseminating false and controversial information in order to influence the public's cognition, so that the person receiving the information will question and be dissatisfied with the system in which he lives, and then change his behavior", so as to expand social differentiation and antagonism.

Obviously, Shen Boyang's bizarre theories are part of the DPP's reverse use of "cognitive warfare."

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a "clown" that engages in "cognitive warfare" and looks at the Strait in the Bay Area

Author: Li Yi, senior chief writer of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Editor: Guo Yongji, editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

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