
Harden: I'm from Philadelphia, you're going to Philadelphia? George: You come for the champion, I'll go for the champion!

author:Sakasoko Izushi

[Paul George signed with the 76ers for 212 million in 4 years, forming a big three with Embiid and Maxey!] This sketch is adapted from this news, just to amuse everyone, I hope you like it! 】

Clippers Manager: Pickles, you're a free agent now, what's your plan for next season?

Harden: Needless to say, I was recruited by Pickle Pepper and Turtle Turtle, and of course they were chasing the championship with me!

Harden: I'm from Philadelphia, you're going to Philadelphia? George: You come for the champion, I'll go for the champion!

George: I want to chase the championship too, but since you've been here, Covington is gone, Batum is gone, and Ka is hurt...... I've done too much dirty work! Now that Reggie is gone, I heard that the turtle can't stay, and I'm already disheartened on the clippers! I want to try my luck with the 76ers!

Ballmer: Aren't you Joe keeping your word? Aren't you going to play hometown basketball? Let's go?

George: Boss, I'm a free agent, it's my right to play where to play! The emperor over there has been secretly sending Qiubo for a long time, and I won't go again, I'm sorry for this affection! You also know that I am very trustworthy, and I don't regret what I promised!

Harden: I'm from Philadelphia, you're going to Philadelphia? George: You come for the champion, I'll go for the champion!

Ballmer: I'll give you a lung! The Kajoden combination that co-authored Lao Tzu is the only one left with the Carden combination? How will you win the championship next season? Let's go, let's go! Next season, Lao Tzu will also start saving money! I can't make you want to be as hoho as you want!

Jenny Buss: Yes! One you, one Ballmer! We Lakers are interested in who you rob, and you are interested in who you rob! You have to go with me! Two stinky men! Should!

Harden: Pickled pepper, you're not authentic! I'm here for you! In order to chase the championship, I condescended to the nobility, and I took a salary cut and sacrificed my tactical position! It's good now, I'm from Philadelphia, and the big contract is gone! You go to Philadelphia, and the big contract is in hand! There is still no hope of winning the championship now! I shook it around and changed it to a joke?

Harden: I'm from Philadelphia, you're going to Philadelphia? George: You come for the champion, I'll go for the champion!

George: Dengden, I want to start a point, there is a feast in the world, you come for the champion, I go for the champion! Different paths lead to the same end! Isn't it all about winning?

Harden: I'll give you a lung!

Harden: I'm from Philadelphia, you're going to Philadelphia? George: You come for the champion, I'll go for the champion!

Leonard: Dengden, as you know, the boss will start saving money next season, and the championship is no fun! I'm not in good shape, so you'll have to take on more responsibility next season! I've got you covered!

Harden: I'll give you a lung! If you knew I was going to the Lakers...... Lao Zhan has promised to take a salary cut! You two really don't talk about martial arts!