
In calligraphy, painting or other art studies, what does it mean that the law is not lightly transmitted? What are the pros and cons?

author:I'm in Huangshan

Calligraphy, as a unique art form of the Chinese nation, has a long history and is broad and profound. Among them, the saying that "calligraphy is not lightly transmitted" is thought-provoking.

There are pros and cons to this thing in general. Let's talk about it today.

In calligraphy, painting or other art studies, what does it mean that the law is not lightly transmitted? What are the pros and cons?

As the name suggests, the core techniques and essence of calligraphy are not easily taught. There are multiple reasons for the formation of this concept. First, the method of calligraphy embodies the painstaking efforts and tempering of calligraphers for many years. From the ignorance when the first came to the inscription, to the hard practice day after day, and then to the sublimation after the epiphany, every step is full of sweat and wisdom. These hard-won achievements are naturally cherished by calligraphers and are not easily passed on. Second, the method of calligraphy is not only a simple skill, but also contains the calligrapher's personal temperament, cultivation and aesthetic pursuit. This inner spiritual trait is difficult to teach by words and deeds, and can only be comprehended through long-term exposure and spiritual harmony.

In calligraphy, painting or other art studies, what does it mean that the law is not lightly transmitted? What are the pros and cons?

However, we also need to take a dialectical look at the phenomenon of "the law is not lightly transmitted." On the one hand, it ensures the mystery and uniqueness of calligraphy techniques to a certain extent, so that the art of calligraphy maintains a high threshold and professionalism. Those who are fortunate enough to pass on the art of calligraphy often cherish it and study it diligently, thus promoting the development of calligraphy art to a higher level. But on the other hand, this conservative concept may also limit the wide dissemination and innovation of the art of calligraphy. In the modern society with the rapid flow of information, if the method of calligraphy is still monopolized by a few people, then the art of calligraphy is likely to gradually detach itself from the public and become a niche artistic pursuit.

In calligraphy, painting or other art studies, what does it mean that the law is not lightly transmitted? What are the pros and cons?

From the perspective of the long-term development of the art of calligraphy, the concept of "the law is not passed on lightly" may need to be moderately adjusted. When passing on the method of calligraphy, more attention can be paid to the choice of methods and objects. For those who truly love calligraphy and have perseverance and perseverance to pursue the true meaning of art, they should be generously taught to cultivate more successors for the art of calligraphy. At the same time, with the help of modern scientific and technological means, such as online courses, calligraphy documentaries, etc., the method of calligraphy is presented to the public in a broader and more intuitive way, and more people's interest and love for calligraphy are stimulated.

In calligraphy, painting or other art studies, what does it mean that the law is not lightly transmitted? What are the pros and cons?

In addition, we should also realize that the inheritance of calligraphy is not simply the reproduction of techniques, but more importantly, the inheritance of the cultural connotation and spiritual value contained in calligraphy. Only when learners comprehend the techniques and deeply understand the cultural heritage behind calligraphy, can they truly grasp the essence of calligraphy, so that the art of calligraphy can continue to innovate and radiate new vitality and vitality in the inheritance.

In calligraphy, painting or other art studies, what does it mean that the law is not lightly transmitted? What are the pros and cons?

To sum up, "calligraphy is not lightly transmitted" has both its historical rationality and certain limitations. In today's era, on the basis of protecting the uniqueness of calligraphy art, we should actively promote the wide dissemination and innovative development of calligraphy, so that this ancient art can shine more brightly in the new era.

In fact, it doesn't hurt to be bold in teaching, because what is taught is at the level of skills. The core of calligraphy, painting, and other arts is not skill, but inner spirit. It is an expression of a person's comprehensive strength.

For example, if two people fry the same dish, with the same ingredients and the same technique, the taste of two people cannot be the same.

When the pattern is opened, the vision will be more open. It doesn't hurt to do that.

That's all for it, I wish you all the best every day!


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