
Spring Airlines, Li Ning Group...... A number of companies are recruiting →

author:Shanghai Changning

Job seekers who are currently looking for a job take a look! "Ningning Weekly Recruitment" brings you the first batch of recruitment information in July, including popular positions in Spring Airlines, Li Ning Group and other enterprises, hurry up and pick it!

List of Positions

Spring Airlines, Li Ning Group...... A number of companies are recruiting →

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Note: The deadline for submitting resumes for the above positions is July 31.

Spring Airlines, Li Ning Group...... A number of companies are recruiting →
Spring Airlines, Li Ning Group...... A number of companies are recruiting →

The source is the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Written by: Wu Jiaqian

Editor: Cheng Qian

Editor-in-charge: Gao Qin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Spring Airlines, Li Ning Group...... A number of companies are recruiting →

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