
Experts from Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital resected a huge tumor weighing 20 cm and 8 kg in the right lobe of the liver by anterior approach

author:Heilongjiang Net

Heilongjiang Net News (Liu Rui, Sun Jianmin, Reporter Wang Zhongyan) A few days ago, Professor Tai Sheng, President of Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital and an authoritative expert in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, innovated the operation method, with the help of advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgery concepts, to perform the anterior approach in situ right half of the liver huge mass resection, helping an old man with a sixtieth birthday to completely remove a huge liver mass with a diameter of 20cm and a weight of 8 catties. During the operation, not only the amount of bleeding is small, but also the movement and squeezing of the tumor are effectively controlled, so as to maximize the benefit of the patient.

Experts from Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital resected a huge tumor weighing 20 cm and 8 kg in the right lobe of the liver by anterior approach

Uncle Sun, who lives in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, is usually in good health, a month ago, his stomach was slightly bulging, he didn't care too much at first, he usually likes to drink a little wine, thinking that old people will be a little "fat", but Uncle Sun's abdomen is enlarged at the same time, people are getting thinner and thinner, and their spirits are malaise, so they have attracted the attention of the family. Examination at the local hospital revealed that he had a huge tumor the size of a football in his liver. In the face of the sudden bad news, just when Uncle Sun and his family were helpless, after many inquiries, it was learned that Professor Tai Sheng of Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital is an authoritative expert in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery in the mainland, daring to challenge the forbidden area, and the surgical skills are superb, which brings hope to Uncle Sun's family, and they do not hesitate to take the train to Harbin, looking forward to Professor Tai Sheng's ability to bring them a turning point in life.

After being admitted to the hospital, it was found through enhanced CT examination that the cross-section of the tumor was 20 cm × 12 cm in size, and the huge tumor compressed important organs and tissues such as the duodenum, right kidney, and portal vein trunk. "If a huge liver tumor is not treated in time, it is like a time bomb, and it may rupture and die at any time due to massive bleeding." Professor Tai Sheng believes that anatomical liver resection of the tumor is the only hope for Uncle Sun's survival. "But the risk of surgical treatment is high, and there is a possibility that the large mass will rupture during surgery." To this end, Tai Sheng led the team to discuss with many related departments such as the Department of Anesthesiology, and finally decided to perform a challenging anterior approach in situ right hemihepatectomy for Uncle Sun.

Experts from Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital resected a huge tumor weighing 20 cm and 8 kg in the right lobe of the liver by anterior approach

During the operation, with rich surgical experience and superb surgical skills, Professor Tai Sheng led the team to successfully remove a huge liver tumor for Uncle Sun, while also paying attention to preserving the integrity of the liver tube, there was no major bleeding, tumor rupture, air embolism and other conditions during the operation, and the bleeding volume was only 100 ml. Although everyone was mentally prepared for the volume and weight of the huge liver tumor before the operation, they were also surprised to see the tumor of 20×18×12 cm and 8 pounds after the operation, and they praised Professor Tai Sheng's perfect surgery!

Experts from Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital resected a huge tumor weighing 20 cm and 8 kg in the right lobe of the liver by anterior approach

Professor Tai Sheng reminded the elderly that regular physical examination is very necessary, especially for patients infected with hepatitis B and C virus, they should take the initiative to go to the hospital for examination, and take necessary antiviral and hepatoprotective treatment to prevent the progression of liver disease; At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining an optimistic mental state and establishing a good life routine, quit alcoholism, smoking, staying up late and other bad lifestyles, actively exercise and exercise, and do not be overly nervous or easily ignored when uncomfortable symptoms occur, so as to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

Professor Tai Sheng is a well-known young and middle-aged expert in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery in mainland China, who carried out "fractional liver resection with combined liver dissection and portal vein ligation" in Northeast China, and took the lead in carrying out "ex vivo liver resection + autologous liver transplantation"; In the country, it has pioneered the completion of "discarded liver, spleen fossa ectopic assisted liver transplantation". The heart is in an art, and its art must work; The heart is in one position, and its position must be lifted. With respect and reverence for life, Professor Tai Sheng has challenged the limits again and again, created miracles, and he has used the exquisite skills of walking on the tip of the knife to achieve breakthroughs in medical forbidden areas again and again.

Experts from Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital resected a huge tumor weighing 20 cm and 8 kg in the right lobe of the liver by anterior approach