
Long Qiang gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline for cadres and workers in the field of medical and health care in the county

author:The world is Pu'an
Long Qiang gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline for cadres and workers in the field of medical and health care in the county

On July 1, Long Qiang, vice governor of the state government, secretary of the Pu'an County Party Committee, and leader of the leading group for the construction of the county party committee, gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline for cadres and workers in the field of medical and health care in the county. County leaders Li Zhaofeng, Jiang Hongtao, Pan Xiaoyang, and Zhou Zhi participated.

Long Qiang gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline for cadres and workers in the field of medical and health care in the county

Long Qiang pointed out that the current party discipline study and education being carried out by the whole party is an important measure for the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. The county's medical and health system should take the opportunity of in-depth party discipline study and education to further improve party spirit, strengthen self-restraint, enhance the ability to perform duties, solve new problems and highlight new achievements in knowledge, action, and knowledge, and strive to provide more high-quality and efficient health services for the masses, and make due contributions to the development of the county's medical and health undertakings.

Long Qiang gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline for cadres and workers in the field of medical and health care in the county

Long Qiang emphasized that the county's medical and health system should study deeply, deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on health work, deeply grasp the governing concept of people first and life first, optimize the practical needs of medical resource layout, and strengthen the strong guarantee of team building, continue to improve the ability and management level of medical services, improve the public health service system, improve the overall quality of the medical and health team, and promote the medical and health industry of Pu'an to a new level. It is necessary to adhere to the heart and affection, make every effort to make up for the shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, further consolidate the foundation of the grassroots level, improve the level of treatment, strengthen the construction of the talent team, optimize the quality of services, accelerate the solution of the people's urgent and difficult medical problems, and earnestly safeguard the health of the people. It is necessary to take the case as a reference, always tighten the strings of discipline, compare and examine the outstanding problems in the field of medical and health care in the county, strictly abide by the "six disciplines", always be loyal to the party, be honest, always maintain the true character of integrity, stand firmly on the people's position, conscientiously perform their duties and responsibilities, temper their moral character, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for the high-quality development of the county's health cause with a clean and honest style.

Long Qiang requested that the party group of the county health bureau and the medical insurance bureau should earnestly assume the political responsibility of governing the party and the party, do a good job in the construction of party style and clean government, and the discipline inspection and supervision team should perform their special responsibilities of supervision, strengthen supervision, create a strong atmosphere of everyone supporting medical and health work in Pu'an, and promote the high-quality development of the county's medical and health undertakings.

The responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the county, the relevant responsible comrades of the special class for party discipline study and education at the county level, the responsible comrades of the Seventh Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and the County Supervision Commission, the members of the leadership team of the County Health Bureau, the County Medical Insurance Bureau, the County Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the County Hospital, the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the responsible comrades of some units (departments) of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and the relevant responsible comrades of the townships (streets) and the responsible comrades of the health centers participated.

Source: Pu'an County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Liu Kun

Editor: Ma Jingjing

First trial: Kuang Weiming

Second trial: Wang Shuangquan

Third trial: Huang Taifu

Submission email: [email protected] Tel: 0859-7234012

Long Qiang gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline for cadres and workers in the field of medical and health care in the county

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