
The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:The world is Pu'an
The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

On June 30, the Pu'an County Association for the Elderly launched a series of cultural and dance exchange performances with the theme of "Lao Ji Fu Fu Fang Keeping the Original Heart and Working Together to Build a Civilized City" in the small square of Labor Street, warmly celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

At the event site, the responsible comrades of the party branch of the county elderly association preached the relevant content of party history and party discipline learning and education, led the masses to review the century-old party history, kept in mind the original mission, and guided the masses to listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party.

The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

Subsequently, the event kicked off with a cheerful folk song "Waist Drum". Immediately afterwards, the dance "Always Follow the Party", "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again", the Red Song Dance "Chairman Mao's Glory", the catwalk "Wanquan River", Tai Chi "Tai Chi Umbrella in the Rain", instrumental singing "The Red Army's Long March through the Mud Castle" and other 18 programs took turns, and the members of the Happy Fitness Team of the Association of the Elderly enthusiastically eulogized the party's great achievements with beautiful singing, atmospheric melody and cheerful dance, inherited the party's original mission and blessed the party's centennial glory.

The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

During the literary and artistic exchange performance, it was also interspersed with knowledge of party history, party discipline, popular science, finance and other knowledge to further deepen everyone's understanding of party history. Finally, the event ended successfully in the circle chorus and cheers of the interactive program "Unity is Strength".

The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

It is reported that more than 3,000 people attended the performance, and everyone was attracted by the wonderful performances of the elderly actors on stage, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures and records. The event fully demonstrated the patriotism and love of the party and the positive spirit of loving life and being positive among the elderly friends in the new era of Pu'an.

Source: Pu'an County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Li Mei

Editor: Manna Lee

First trial: Kuang Weiming

Second trial: Wang Shuangquan

Third trial: Huang Taifu

Submission email: [email protected] Tel: 0859-7234012

The Pu'an County Association for the Elderly carried out a series of cultural dance exchange performances to celebrate the "July 1st".

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